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"why do we have such shit luck" you say standing up and wrapping your arms around toms waist.
Tom puts his arms around you slightly pulling you closer to him.
"I don't know darling..I don't know"
"We're doing great"
Tom chuckles "we are indeed"
For a while you and Tom just Stand there in silence hugging each other and then the power goes out and both of you freeze.
Oh no
You feel toms chest start to rise and a big sigh comes out of him he then leans his head on your shoulder and groans.
"Is that what I think it was" you whisper
Tom takes a while to answer you back
"yes" he finally says.
You and Tom are still standing up and holding each other.
you're scared to move incase it breaks the spell between you both and Tom goes back to the shitty mood he was in before.
"What are we going to do" you ask
"Die" Tom says bluntly
You let out a little laugh to hopefully brighten the mood but it doesn't do anything.
Tom lets out another sigh and mutters something under his breath.
"My parents have this survival box somewhere if ever the generator stops working while being snowed in but I have no idea where they've put it"
"How about the loft? Or the hole in the floor that's in the kitchen"
Tom finally looks at you.
"What hole?"
"When I was mopping the kitchen under the rug there's this thing you lift up and there's a hole"
Tom frowns at you
"What was in the hole"
You shrug "no idea..I heard you come down stairs and I panicked and put it down and then the rug back"
Tom nods slowly "..hmm okay then we might as well check this hole out"
"I've got an idea, you check out the thing in the kitchen and I'll check the loft

"tom theres nothing in the loft that matched the description of the box you were on about" you say as you come down stairs.
you walk into the living room
"tom?" you call out and theres no answer
you head to the kitchen to find tom coming out of the floor
"what did you say" he asks
"what the fuck" you reply
"you're coming out of the floor"
tom laughs
"the hole you were on about its a bunker type thing" "how long have your parents had this thing"
"for about 12 years"
"and you didn't know about this" you point at where tom is
he shakes his head
"no..but by the looks on it its new so my father must of built it recently anyway what were you saying"
"i couldn't find the box"
"oh that's fine because there's plenty of stuff down here that would of been inside it"

four days later

"i can't believe most of the food has gone off already" you say to yourself
tom comes into the kitchen wrapped in a blanket
"what you up to?"
"trying to find something decent to eat that isn't soup beans or rice of all things why did your parents stock up on them..the lack of good food is making me hangry"
you groan tom chuckles which makes you give him the biggest dirty look ever
"things like soup rice and beans are cheaper to stock up on and they have a longer shelf life"
"so does pasta but there's literally none"
"you could eat them all cold in desperate times where as pasta you need hot water to cook it"
"what on earth are you doing now" tom adds
"i'm being a chef"
tom raises an eyebrow at you.
you get a jar of pickles and put a few on a plate
"can you give me some kitchen paper please"
you ask tom and he then gives you a couple of squares "thank you"
you say taking it off him and then dabbing the pickles with the tissue then you add some mustard and some salt on top before eating it.
you let out a satisfied sound as you chew.
"i am the best chef ever"
this whole time tom has been watching you
"you put two things on a gherkin i don't think that makes you a chef darling"
you gasp "
It is so rude to insult a chef..hang on"
you say picking up another pickle
"taste it..its like one of those new York bagels but without the bagel and meat"
you say as you move the pickle to toms mouth and he takes a bite
"hmm not bad"
he nods you smile
"its good right?"
"it would be better with a bit of cheese"
banging interrups you both
"are we getting robbed"
you look at tom panicked
"of course not..its probably just the wind"
as tom says that the banging gets louder
"that isn't wind..I'd believe it if we were in america but we're in the uk where the most the wind can do is knock a dog over"
"stay here" tom says
you don't listen so when tom goes to investigate you follow him
when you reach the front door it swings open and you're both hit in the face by a freezing gust of wind a man stands in the door way
"dad?" tom says
the man infront of you smiles
"ah so you are here..when your mother told me to come up and check i thought it would be a waste of time"
"I'm confused aren't you and mom meant to be on holiday?"
"yes but your mother saw your post on instagrammy or whatever its called and she said you were here and that we should come back and save you because of the storm and she was afraid you wouldn't of found my little bunker but by the looks on it you have"
tom blinks
"how did you get up here..we are literally snowed in"

Tom's dad came in a snowmobile that's how he was able to come to the cabin
it was big enough for the three of you and your luggage so he took the both of you to his.
the ride there was making you a bit naucious because of all of the bumps and dips in the road because of the snow
after what seemed like forever you arrived at toms parents house, tom helped you out of the snowmobile while his dad took your lugage inside.
"thank god thats over"
you mutter
"are you okay?"
tom asks and you nod
"yeah just the ride here was making my stomach flip" tom chuckles
"yeah it was doing that to me too..my father isn't that great of a driver so i appolagise on his behalf"
"hey i heard that" his dad calls back.
Tom's mom emerges from the house
"oh my god come inside you two or you'll freeze to death"
tom holds your hand
"come on" and leads you into the house.
"oh look at you" toms mom says as she squishes his cheeks
"mom please" he groans
"can i not appreciate my son?"
"you can but you don't need to do that thing you do to babies with my cheeks"
Tom's mom ignores him and her focus finally goes on you
the way she looks at you intimidates the hell out of you
is she going to shout at me
does she hate me
"you are so beautiful"
she takes your hand
"i can't wait to be your mother in law"
she grins and looks at your stomach
"and i can't wait to be a granny again..with your and toms genes they're going to be gorgeous"
oh i wasn't expecting that
"thank you" you blush
she looks back at tom who looks like hes in awe with the interaction
"speaking about the wedding how is the planning going"
she asks tom
"we've pretty much done all of it but i feel we need to go over it at some point because we rushed through it" you nod in agreement
"have you guys figured out a date?"
"we did but as tom said i think we need to go over that too" you say
his mom nods "if you want some help I'm always here..you guys don't need to do eveything by yourselves especially having the huge change from being normal people to basically being famous in the space of weeks..it's bound to put you both in a weird mental state where you can't think straight"
she claps her hands
"anyway I've got a roast that i need to plate up so while i do that why don't you take _______ on a tour of this place
i'll call you when food is on the table"
she smiles and walks off

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