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Note:I know it's took me a while to update this but I've been busy anyway enjoy

"Care to explain why you haven't attended this class for a week" he asks
You looked at him confused, surely it would be on the system to why I wasn't here
You were about to speak until the professor cut you off
"Y/n you can't decide when you want to show up" he says in a serous tone
God let me speak
The professor raises his eyebrow "I mean professor" you correct yourself
"I was ill"
"Mhm" he replies
"Look if you dont believe me I will gladly get a note off my doctor saying I called up when I was Ill for meds..i worked my ass off to get into this class"
He looks at you rubbing his chin "by your grades it dosnt look like you've worked your ass off"
He starts typing on the computer before looking at the time
"What do you mea" he cuts you off again
I wish he'd stop doing that
He looks at his watch "my next class will be here shortly I want to see you in my office tomorrow 9am sharp"
He looks back at the computer
"But professor I don't have any classes tomorrow"
He looks up to you "if you do not come to my office you will be at risk of getting kicked out of this class" he says
What sort of bull shit is this...
Your eyes start to tear up in anger
"Fine" without taking the paper you walk out of his class mumbling cusses under your breath that he could probably hear but you couldn't give two shits.
You made your way to the canteen where you see Maria "hey" she says in a excited tone before she notices your down face
"Hey what's wrong" she asks
"That professor is such a fucking dick god he acts like he has a stick up his stupid arse..I haven't done anything wrong since when was being Ill a crime, I swear he's on his man period or he's googled how to be a cunt to a student he doesn't even know,id literally kill myself if I was his wife god i could scream...how haven't I worked my ass off...if he wasn't hot I'd fucking knock the dick out" you rant without breathing
Maria goes bright red,eyes wide
"I'm sorry I shouldn't of just blurted that out..when you mentioned him on the phone and what you were doing in class I was excited but he's pissed me off"
Maria doesn't budge
"What's up" you ask
Someone clears Their throat and you turn around to see who it was
The professor is standing there with his arms crossed with a stern look hon his face
"I'm going to leave you to it" Maria says
The professor shakes his head "there's no need miss Davies I'm just here to give y/n the paper she forgot"
He passes you the paper and you take it off him
You didn't have the chance to say sorry or thank you or I can explain because as soon as you took the paper off him he turned around walking back to his room
You look at Marie "this day just gets better"
She gives out a little laugh then says "I'm sure his just having a bad day and he's taking it out on you"
You roll your eyes
She always makes excuses for people who she finds hot
You nod your head not wanting to argue with her "yeah..maybe" you say
You put your bag on a table and go to the food bit of the canteen
You grab a pasta salad and pay for it
"Anything else" the woman at the asks
You nod "can I have a peach tea"
"Iced or normal" she says
"Iced please" you reply
A few minutes later the woman gives you the iced tea And scans the pasta salad
"That will be £4.50" you tap your credit card into the card machine and head back to the table. Marie turns to you "I'll tell you what tomorrow we go out clubbing"
You smile at her "where has this came from" you ask
"Well you were ill for ages then you come back and have a shit day so why not"
"Okay" you nod, but then you remember the professor asked you to be at his office tomorrow and god knows what time he'll be done with you.
You look at Marie "wait I don't think I can"
"How come" she asks
You bite your bottom lip "the professor asked me to be at his office tomorrow at 9am and I don't know how long he will be with me"
Marie wiggles her eyebrows "oh?"
You roll your eyes and laugh "not like that..he says if I don't go I will get booted out of the class something to do with me not working my ass off"
"Okay let's just go on the weekend saves rescheduling it to a different day"
Marie look at her phone and sighs
"What's up" you ask
"I've got a French test in 5 minutes"
"Oh damn..good luck" you say
Marie smiles "thanks..don't you have another class"
You nod "I do but I can't be bothered going to it so I might just head home and email the teacher saying I didn't feel good"
She looks at you "damn we was that bad with huh"

You walked Marie to her class before heading to your apartment
You flung your bag onto the sofa and headed to your room and dropped onto your bed
You sigh
Why was he such a dick to me
Why does he want me to come in on my day off
Why does he want me to go to his office
How haven't I worked my ass off my grades are good so it should tell him that I've worked hard
"Why is it the hot ones who are always dicks"
You look at the time and it was 3pm "ugh"
Professor ellis really put you in a shit mood that you didn't have the energy to do anything
Then it hit you
He heard what you said to Marie...
You're going to his office.
You shut your eyes "oh god that's going to be awkward"
You open your eyes "shit the paper..I should do that so he don't moan at me the next time I have his lesson"
You get up from the bed and make your way to the living room
You take your bag off the sofa and move it to your desk where you open the bag and take out the pice of paper
The paper had questions on it about the book.
Maybe I can google these questions considering I didn't even read the book because I was stupidly drooling over the professor.
An hour went by and you had completed all of the questions
You put the piece of paper back in your bag
And moved away from your desk
Your phone goes off and it's your teacher from the class you had skipped asking where you was
Shit I forgot to email her
You quickly reply back to her explaining that after English your went home because you were feeling Ill but forgot to email when you got home because you just zonked out soon as you came back

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