Finishing mission reports

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"Why don't we go to the gazebo and work on the last of our reports" Bucky looked at you as you came back from putting your plate away. "We are fixing it up tomorrow all day for the wedding while you are getting pampered. I thought it might be nice to sit outside for a change. We can finish them outside, then come back in to send them"
"The internet reaches the gazebo" Tony quickly offered.
"That sounds really nice, we can be close to the garden" you smiled softly.
"Steven, may I request your assistance? They will need plenty of pillows and a blanket to sit on while they are out there" Loki spoke up.
"You are so caring brother" Thor smiled softly at Loki with an endearing smile.
"She is a maiden carrying children, she needs the extra attention" Loki flushed a little bit at the attention.
"Sure, I'll definitely help out" Steve stood up and put his dishes away.
"We will grab our laptops, and some cupcakes" Bucky grinned.
"And a few bottles of water, she needs to stay hydrated with all that sugar" Happy interjected.
"I'll get it on my way by" Bucky gave a soft smile and put his hand in the small of your back to lead you back to the suite.
You both went in and grabbed your laptops and saw that the cushions from the bed, and the throw cushions from the couches were already gone. Bucky reached over beside the fridge and grabbed a box of cupcakes, and took a clamshell of strawberries out of the fridge as well. You smiled shyly, and took his laptop from him, and he gave you a wink. You opened the suite door and you both made your way back to the kitchen where Happy was waiting with a reusable bag with at least four water bottles. You didn't know if you would be able to stay out that long, since with your pregnancy bladder you tended to need to use the facilities a lot more often.
You walked down towards the garden slowly while Bucky was more laden down with things more than you were. You just had the two laptops, where both his hands were full. You walked side by side towards the gazebo, and you took a moment to pause and smell the roses before you turned and saw that Loki and Steve were just finishing setting everything up for you both. There were more cushions than from just your room. There were some from Loki and Steve's room too, and you could tell by the color. There was an emerald green blanket laying in the center of the gazebo and there were pillows everywheres to prop up on.
"This should be more than comfortable for you" Loki smiled softly as you both came up.
"You look like you are ready to be here past lunch" Steve chuckled.
"Well, it should take the rest of the day" Bucky flushed a bit. "It's really beautiful here" he added softly.
"We will leave you two to it. Don't forget to text Steven when you are done, and we will come help to clean up" Loki preened a bit as you got down on the floor easily and snuggled into one of his pillows. You could tell he was proud with his own judgment. Bucky set down the food and drinks and snuggled up beside you for a moment while you both opened your laptops. You used one of Steve's pillows on your lap to set your laptop on and leaned slightly to the side to cuddle into Bucky while you both loaded up your documents that you needed for the reports.

You had made quick work of the strawberries while you were working, but noticed that Bucky kept taking a moment to look around, seeming to really take in the scene. He ate a few strawberries, and cupcakes once you opened up the box. They were the ones from your dad that had real strawberries and sprinkles on them. You both hummed happily as you ate, and tried very hard not to get any crumbs on Loki's blanket.
"Huh" Bucky finally hummed to himself and you looked at him curiously.
"What is it?" you asked softly.
"I was just thinking, this time next year we could be sitting right here in this exact same spot with two little babies, right next to the garden. We will be parents" he looked at you with so much love in his eyes. "I was thinking how the day after tomorrow, I'm marrying the love of my life, in this very spot" he smiled at you. "It's such a beautiful spot. Loki and Tony really outdid themselves" he admitted.
"I can't wait to come down that aisle and see you in your suit" you grinned at him. "I can't wait to see how it is getting set up"
"I can't wait to see you in your dress, I already know you're going to be a bombshell" he winked at you and pulled you in closer under his arm and you put your work away long enough to snuggle in. "I wish everyday was like this" he whispered. "Having you to myself, I could live a thousand years and still be a happy man as long as I could be with you. I think this is what Heaven must be like" he continued to whisper in your ear. You turned your head to smile up at him and softly brushed your lips across his.
"The feeling is mutual, James" you cooed softly.
"Do you think they can see us from here?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you, eliciting a giggle from you.
"Of course they can" you continued to giggle. "The windows are right there to the gym" you pointed out quickly.
"That's too bad, we could have tried outdoor sex" he chuckled seeing your face go up in flames.
"I thought a few times that was going to happen on the mission when we were headed back to the house" you admitted.
"I seriously thought about it, but I wanted to see your real face when I made love to you" he grinned. "You know what I really regret?" he asked in a hushed tone.
"What?" you looked at him expectantly.
"Not following you to that restaurant the first time I met you" he seemed to be deep in thought. "But I'm glad I got to see you on the mission the following day. It took a lot of convincing to get Stevie to let me go. But after I saw you in that blue dress, I couldn't get you out of my head"
"The feeling's mutual. The moment I saw you, I wanted to follow you anywhere" you admitted. "I was actually pissed about the date. But that feeling hasn't changed, I'd still follow you anywhere" you smiled up at him, and he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours again.
"Even if that path took us away from the Avengers?" he whispered softly.
"If it made you happy, yes" you nodded, looking at him with all the love in your eyes.
"Good to know. I think I got a little spoiled on the domestic life" he rubbed your back.
"I think I did too" you admitted softly.
"I was thinking, maybe we could buy a house at one point, after we put our bank accounts together" he asked hopefully.
"We should do that when we get back from the honeymoon" you gave him a smile. "It's a good thing we share the same bank, we just need to put each other's names on the accounts. We should open an RESP account for each of the kids too"
"That's a good idea. We need to invest for their future, hopefully university" Bucky smiled.
"Whatever path they choose" you nodded approvingly. "I just want them to be happy" you sighed and rubbed your stomach, feeling small flutters beneath your hands.
"Are you almost done with your mission report?" Bucky asked, brushing his hands up and down your side.
"I should be by the end of the day" you signed softly. "And you?"
"I'm almost done, just enjoying the time with my dame" he grinned, and he took your knuckles, gracing them with a soft kiss. "Tonight's our last night together before the wedding night" he looked at you meaningfully.
"My last night of snuggles with my fiance" you smiled happily.
"The next time we sleep together it will be as husband and wife" he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"Next time?" you giggled.
"After tonight" he nodded in confirmation.

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