Shopping with the girls

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You found yourself in the back seat between Wanda and Nat, feeling a little squished while Pepper sat up front in the passenger seat.
"Since its girls day, we need to go to Victoria's secret first" Pepper announced, and Happy nodded.
"Can we stop somewhere for a coffee first? I'm craving a Starbucks" you asked gently. "I'll pay for everyone" you offered.
"Nonsense, its on the corporate card" Pepper shook her head, and Happy nodded that he was headed to Starbucks first. "What do you want to drink?"
"A venti java chip Frappuccino, I insist on paying" you knew what you were craving. You needed a little bit of chocolate with your caffeine.
"Oh that sounds delicious, make that three" Wanda spoke up for her and Nat. "I heard you wanted one too Natasha" she giggled.
"Those are addictive" Nat nodded.
"Things seem to be going really well with Bucky" Pepper looked back with a huge grin.
"He's such a sweetheart, and such a gentleman" you couldn't stop the smile that came across your face. "He keeps me on my toes, I love it"
"The feeling is mutual for him, not to worry" Wanda smiled at you warmly. "He did enjoy the movie last night, we could tell"
"Not just by being in his head" Nat added. "You seem to like movies"
"I do, movies, books and music" you nodded. "I can't imagine being without music though, that would just be painful"
"You need to buy the record player and the records today" Wanda spoke firmly. "Did you check your bank account?"
"I don't usually" you shrugged. "I've been saving up for a while, I know what my budget is for spending"
"Just check" Pepper smiled at you over her shoulder. You pulled out your phone and went into your app and gasped.
"There's got to be a mistake" you flushed a deep red.
"That's not a mistake" Nat looked over your shoulder. "Wow, you do have a lot of savings and investments"
"I wanted to buy myself a home" you shrugged. "I'll wait on that now. But wow... this is a lot"
"Tony takes care of the family" Nat ruffled your hair and put her arm over your shoulder while you looked over your balance again.

After you got your coffee's, you headed to Victoria's secret and you found yourself filling a basket with thongs, matching bra's, and lace panties to match so you had variety. You saw a garter belt with stockings and shyly put it into your basket. It was dark blue, and you figured it would be good for under a dress for a date with Bucky, or one of Tony's parties. You went up and paid, and Happy was beside you almost immediately taking your bag to go put in the trunk. You waited while the girls finished, and looked around again. You spied a few nightgowns in lace and satin that you really liked, and ended up grabbing them and buying them as well. Happy chuckled as he took another full bag from you to put out in the car. The girls were done shortly after, and you followed them out. You saw they had bought almost as much as you did. You did like your undergarments, and your nightgowns.
Happy then drove you to the mall, and you all went into a high end dress store first. There were shoes on display to go with the dresses and lots of accessories. You smiled in spite of yourself.
"Lets all use the big dressing room, so we can make sure the others can agree on it" Wanda took your hand and dragged you around the room as you both started grabbing dresses. You found a shorter dark blue satin one that looked elegant and would tie in nicely at your waist. It was a halter dress, so you knew you wouldn't be able to wear a bra with it, or at least would have to wear a strapless. You grabbed a few floor length gowns as well. You went into the changing room, quickly followed by Wanda who just started taking off her clothes and putting them on one of the four chairs in the room. You shrugged and decided it wasn't that big of a deal and started getting undressed as well. When you turned around Pepper and Nat were doing the same thing. You slipped one of the longer dresses over your head first and looked in the mirror and frowned. You didn't like the way it stuck to your skin so closely. You quickly took it off, and did the same thing with the next few dresses, there was always something you didn't like. You finally put on the blue dress you eyed at first and looked in the mirror and frowned.
"No, no frowning at that one" Nat came over. You saw it seemed to seamlessly touch you on every inch of skin and fit your form well, but it was shorter than your normal style. "This one is perfect for the next party" she gave you a slap on the butt and you yelped.
"It's too short" you frowned.
"It's not too short, it's a good length. Stop doubting yourself" Wanda came over in a red halter dress.
"Please say you are getting that one" you looked at her.
"Oh yes, Vision will like it" she grinned. "That's one of Bucky's favorite colors, you need that dress"
"Besides, all your assets look perfect in it" Pepper chimed in, coming over in a powder blue satin dress that was floor length. "These should do ladies, for the next surprise party"
You looked at Nat who was wearing a knee length black satin and lace dress, and couldn't help but admire how great she looked.
"Y/N needs shoes and accessories. Especially the accessories" Wanda announced. You flushed a bit, not realizing it was that noticeable.
"We all need shoes" Nat decided. "Bruce might complain, but I do love my shoes" she sighed.
"Tony's learned not to argue clothes or shoes" Pepper grinned as she started getting changed back into her clothes. You had a hard time with the zipper in the back and Nat came over and unzipped it for you. You gave a grateful smile, and took it off getting changed back into your clothes.
When you went to look at the shoes they had for sale, you found a pair of matching stilettoes for the dress that were open toed but pretty cute. You tried them on and could move around in them easily and decided they would be the ones. Wanda grabbed your hand and led you to the accessories and just started pulling down several earrings and necklaces to match. She found a few bracelets for you to try on, which you did but frowned at some where you thought it might catch on material.
"Buy them, you'll use all of them with all the dates Bucky has planned already" Wanda smiled softly.
"He has more than one?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Of course, he has more than one, he likes to plan things out all the time" Nat grinned.
"It doesn't always seem like it" you shook your head.
"He has been a bit more living in the moment lately, I'll admit that" Pepper smiled as you went up to the counter. "Its nice to see"
"What were the other girls like that he's dated?" you asked curiously.
"He never brought them home, and was always frustrated after. He said he couldn't find what he was looking for in any of them. He normally made it to the second, or a third date and then would come home and that was it. We tried to put him on Tinder, but it freaked him out" Nat grinned. "He got a lot of interested ladies, but they went a little fast for him. He's old fashioned still"
"I tried Tinder once, it freaked me out too" you shuddered at the memory. "I got so many dick pics"
"Dear men, no one wants to see that" Wanda giggled.
"Loki liked Tinder for a while, but got bored of it" Nat told you.
"What about Steve?" you perked up.
"Tinder was too much for him, and he likes to move slowly. He's been on a few dates, but again, could never find what he was looking for. We keep an eye out at the parties to see if there's a girl he might fancy" Wanda gave a wink and you paid for your items. Normally you would baulk at the prices, but today you promised Bucky you would spoil yourself, so you would.
"We should go get our nails done" Pepper sounded excited at the thought of it.
"I can't, I have that mission coming. It will just ruin them" you frowned.
"When you get back then, we will make another girls night and go get our nails done and hit the town again" Wanda smiled while paying for her items. "Now lets hit the music store"

You ended up buying the record player, and all of the records you had wanted that reminded you from when you were a kid, and a few from music you liked now as an adult. Happy carried it all back to the car while Pepper insisted on going out for lunch instead of heading back. She made sure that Tony was updated that you all were not in the least done shopping. You started worrying about spending so much money on frivolous things, but Wanda put her hand on your shoulder and shook her head.
"Today starts a new you" she smiled widely.
"We need to get you some sexified clothes" Nat slapped you on the behind and you yelped as you followed Pepper into a restaurant in the mall. Happy came back to join you after a few minutes. You went some of your favorite Greek food while sipping happily on a glass of white wine. The girls kept you in the conversation throughout the meal, and you really felt like you were apart of something special. When you finished, you all went as a group to a clothing store, and you picked out some new clothes to wear to go out, and some sexier blouses you hoped that Bucky would like. You found some more jeans to add to your pile, and some comfy looking socks. You saw a pair of rose earrings that were just studs, but looked cute and bought a few in different colors. By the time you were done paying for everything, the girls were lined up behind you and told you straight up that you were headed to the swimsuit store. You gulped, knowing exactly what argument was coming.
"You're getting a bikini" Wanda warned you. "We are getting nicer swimsuits for you"
"I have what I need already" you pouted.
"Bucky will love it" Nat sang from behind you and you flushed. "You know we left the living room empty for you two last night, right?"
"Seriously?" you turned and looked at her in shock.
"Of course, we knew you two needed alone time and you can't keep hiding in your bedroom" Pepper shrugged.
"Wanda dropped the idea to Sam when she went up to her suite" Nat grinned.
"Bucky wanted alone time with you" Wanda shrugged.
"It was nice for a change. Its hard always watching shows on my laptop" you flushed a bit.
"He doesn't mind" Wanda smiled knowingly, taking your hand and leading you into the swimsuit store. You saw mainly bikini's, but started towards the one pieces. Pepper sighed loudly and shared a look with Nat.
"What about this one? Its lower cut in the front, and barely has a back" you picked out a white one.
"It's a start" Wanda shrugged. "Its not black, and doesn't look like that other one you've been wearing"
"How about this one?" Nat came over with a large smirk. It was a retro looking bikini that was dark blue with some gold accents. You were surprised at how cute it was, and went to shake your head when Wanda took it and started leading you to the changing room.
"Try it on" she demanded and you went in obediently, worried that she would use her powers with the look she had on her face. You tried on the white swimsuit first and Wanda threw open the door before you were done looking in the mirror.
"It shows a lot" you flushed.
"It's a start" Wanda nodded. "You need that one, but you need a few" Nat and Pepper peeked in and gave thumbs up.
"Try the bikini" Nat demanded, and you nodded before closing the door. You slowly put it on and looked in the mirror and cringed. It was cute, but all you could see was your stomach and some of the scars. You turned and looked and saw your butt looked nice though. Wanda threw open the door with a grin.
"That's the one" she exclaimed.
"You're getting it" Pepper nodded.
"I will kick your ass if you don't get it" Nat added for good measure and you blushed.
"It shows too much" you flushed.
"Find the confidence. You need to wear it; we are going to the pool when we get back" Pepper smiled at you.
"I'm not sure about this, ladies" you shook your head.
"Hold on, we have a few more for you to try on" Nat handed you a few one pieces but mainly bikinis. You closed the door and started trying them on. Most of them you decided against, even though the girls insisted you looked good. You decided on just the white swim suit, a red low cut and backless number similar to the red one, and the dark blue retro bikini. The girls ended up buying themselves new suits while waiting for you. You bought a few cover-ups that were more of a long skirt that you could wear.
"You're wearing the bikini at one point, might as well try it tonight" Nat gave a knowing smile.
"I don't have the confidence yet" you shook your head.
"You wore a thong under your cat suit, you have the confidence" she pointed out and you turned bright red.
"That was more to tease Bucky" you admitted, biting your bottom lip.
"It worked" Wanda giggled. "He wasn't the only one that noticed" Your face turned bright red again, and you started to fidget.
"Come on, lets get back, and take over the outdoor pool. It's a beautiful day" Pepper announced and you all walked out with your bags, Happy trailing after you like he was on security detail.  

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