Not so gentle**

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You woke up to Happy shaking your shoulder, and you looked at him with a smile.
"Did you get enough of a nap?" he asked gently.
"Of course" you smiled sitting up. "How long was I out?"
"About an hour" he shrugged. "I made spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread for supper" he gave a grin. "I also warmed up a few of your apple pies to go with it"
"Thank you Happy" you continued to smile getting out of the swing.
"Come on Sunshine" he led the way to the door, and Daisy followed quickly jumping off of the swing where she had been laying behind your legs.
When you got to the dining room, everyone was already there and you flushed a bit realizing you probably slept longer than Happy said. Bucky got up and pulled out your chair for you right away and you gave a shy smile to him. He kissed your cheek as you sat down, then pushed you in.
"Your cookies that were left out to cool didn't survive" Nat crossed her arms. "I only got one. Some heathens took the rest"
"They were so good" Pietro shrugged.
"Besides, you can't expect fresh cookies to survive long around here" Peter added.
"There's a lot more in the freezer" you gave a soft smile.
"See, I told you there was nothing to worry about" Wanda grinned.
"Now we will have to wait for them to defrost" Loki rolled his eyes.
"There's still lots in the freezer, honestly, I made almost a hundred today, and over a hundred the other day. There's no way those are almost gone" you shook your head.
"Actually, we are almost out of the chocolate chip already" Happy smirked. "I ordered more ingredients so they'll be here for tomorrow afternoon"
"I guess my day is planned then" you giggled.
"We going swimming in the morning?" Bucky looked at you expectantly.
"If you're not in the gym" you nodded.
"I'm not in the gym, I'm swimming" he licked his lip and gave a grin. Steve and Sam chuckled a bit, while Clint shook his head.
"She's supposed to be resting" Clint reminded him.
"She's building up her stamina, really well in fact" Bruce smiled. "She's stubborn" he added looking at you. "I wouldn't be surprised if she could use the stairs already if she wanted to"
"Not that she's going to, that's two more days" Tony added.
You happily ate your spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread, giving a meatball and some bread to Daisy only realizing after other people around the table were doing it as well. Conversation went around the table about the missions they were recently on, and how each team handled it. Nat said that Loki used his magic a few times to make sure they weren't noticed. Steve admitted that himself and Bucky took turns watching, but ended up spending most of the time on the same perch watching the guard changes and waiting for changes just in case something suspicious came up. Clint said he was disappointed he didn't get to use his trick arrows for the occasion, while Tony admitted it was harder to stay under the radar to get in. When Happy brought out the pie, it went really quickly. You took one slice, and munched happily while a lot of people had been complimenting supper Happy just grinned and said he couldn't take credit for the pie, and that was on you. You flushed at the surprised looks you got.
"Happy figured out something special about Sunshine" Bruce said proudly. "She relaxes when she's cooking or baking"
"She needs her music though" Happy pointed out.
"That's why you sent me the audio file of her singing" Nat suddenly exclaimed and your face turned beat red.
"I don't sing much" you blushed a deep red.
"You sing when you relax, its nice" Bucky leaned over and kissed your cheek.
"Well now I haven't heard you sing sexy legs, you holding out on me?" Sam teased.
"I don't sing" your face was still burning.
"Next girls night you will be" Wanda smirked. "Pepper already has it planned"
"Clint, next time you talk to Laura, please tell her I said thank you. I almost used the whole care package already" you gave a smile.
"I'll let her know, she'll be happy to hear it" he grinned. "I'll have to steal one of your apple pies to bring back to her though"
"There's still one left" you nodded. "And I can make more"
"Alright, time to take out Daisy" Wanda stood up with Vision following her.
"I'll get her at bedtime" Steve offered.
"That's okay Punk, I'll get her" Bucky flushed a bit, and you realized where his mind was already at.
"You sure? I miss taking her out" Steve gave him puppy eyes and Bucky groaned.
"Alright punk, you take her" he gave a smile.

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