A day in bed

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When you got halfway to the bedroom, Bucky stopped and grabbed you and you squealed as he put you over his shoulder and hurried quickly to the bedroom. He sat you down on the bed as soon as he got in the bedroom and gave you a soft kiss on the lips.
"Give me a minute" he backed up and went out the door and came back a few minutes later with all the photographs he had on his table in his bedroom, then proceeded to grab the hammer and nails and put them up on the wall. You couldn't help but smile as you saw the photo that he had of the two of you where you were at the museum, and gazing at each other wish so much love, and it looked like he was moments from kissing you. You flushed that someone had caught such an intimate moment. He walked back out and came back in with his book case and slid it in beside yours and fixed his books on the shelves that had started to fall out. "There" he nodded to himself approvingly. "Now I have everything I want and need in one room" he grinned at you proudly.
"I love the photos" you gazed at the black and white photos you knew to be of his sister, his mother, and of him and Steve before and during the war.
"Now we have more room for more books" he winked at you and grabbed the computer before slipping back into bed beside you and opening it up. You just told him the password and he typed it in slowly before turning the movie back on. You snuggled up as close as you could get to him, thinking he did understand what you wanted earlier. He wrapped his arm around you and held you tightly to his side. You both watched the movie quietly, just basking in spending time together. When it was over he grabbed the puzzles again and sat up so you sat up but stayed under his arm as you worked on them together. You got up after a while to use the bathroom, but came back out and smiled shyly at him before going to turn on the record player before you slipped back into bed with him. He just held out his arm until you were snuggled right back in the same spot.
"You looking forward to working in the gym again?" he asked after a while. You were too busy humming to the music, and concentrating on the puzzle.
"Huh?" you looked at him in surprise.
"Are you looking forward to the gym again?" he grinned kissing you on top of your head.
"Yes, I can't wait. That jog this morning felt great" you sighed happily. "I feel like I'm ready. I really miss going on recon missions"
"We need to make sure your back at full capacity before you go back to recons" he looked at you worriedly.
"I know, I'm not worried. Besides, I do well enough I can show you that I can kick your ass" you giggled and felt him kiss you on top of the head again.
"I'm looking forward to it" he winked at you. "I have a special surprise planned if you manage it"
"Ooh, what kind of surprise?" you moved excitedly in the same spot.
"Just like I did, you have to wait" he grinned.
"That's no fair" you pouted.
"Oh, its more than fair. I had to guess for days" he chuckled. "It was still a surprise" he admitted.
"What did you think it was going to be?" you raised your eyebrows.
"A diner, and coney island. I was pretty sure that's what it was going to be" he nodded to himself.
"I've never been to Coney island" you admitted. "You and Stevie talk about it like its Disney land" you grinned at him.
"It's a crime you've never been. We should go for one of our dates" he decided.
"Wouldn't that mean more Paparazzi?" you bit your bottom lip.
"Once your announced, there will always be Paparazzi" he admitted. "They cool down after a while"
"They must get paid well for some of their photos, if they keep doing it" you observed.
"They must. I know they had gotten a photo of Tony with half his clothes burnt off from one of his suits that went defective. He paid a lot of money to keep that out of the paper" Bucky grinned. "He keeps the worst ones out of the paper at least"
"There's something to hope for" you bit your bottom lip and he groaned before leaning down and brushing his lips across yours again.
"It's almost supper" he sighed. "But then we have the rest of the night" he winked at you.
"I still have to run out Daisy" you warned him.
"We will see" he grinned and slipped out of bed to turn off the record player and put it away.

You slowly started to follow him out the door and towards the dining room where you saw Maria was excitedly talking to Sam, already seated. The meal itself was relatively quiet except for Maria and Sam chattering on about the movie that they had just watched.
"Ready to hit the gym again tomorrow?" Nat finally asked.
"Bucky asked me the same thing. I'm excited" you nodded, and felt Bucky's hand go to your thigh for a moment.
"We have to start you out slow" Tony warned. "Same with your jog"
"I got two laps in earlier outside" you grinned happily.
"Try to take it slow" Pepper reminded you softly. "You went through a lot"
"I will" you nodded.
"We will be working on your water abilities too" Wanda warned you.
"I will try my best. Its harder to focus with that. When I think of the ice, I think of all the anger I have and its so easy. I've never figured out how to use the water the same way" you shrugged. "I remember my mother did so many amazing things with water"
"Its your natural element, maybe you need to think of what your mother was feeling when she used water" Bruce observed.
"You'll really have to think about it" Nat gave you a small smirk. You flushed slightly realizing you never thought of what your mother used. Was it a memory? Was it a feeling? You felt confused, but felt more determined that you were going to master your water ability. You were raised to focus your pain into anger. But what if you could use something else?
"We will work on it as a team" Bucky spoke gently to you, and rubbed your back before sitting back in his seat. Happy handed out some more of your cookies for dessert and you took one while the others had a few. You chewed on yours thoughtfully before finishing.
"I'd better run out miss Daisy" you stood up and put your plate in the kitchen.
"Can we take her out to play for a little bit instead?" Peter asked as you came back out.
"Sure kiddo, I don't mind" you gave a small smile. "Just bring her in the balcony door when your done"
"Hallway door, I don't want to give them nightmares" Bucky grinned. "Our day isn't over yet" he winked at you.
"You have more movies in mind?" you asked him innocently.
"I'll take Daisy for the night" Steve spoke up, with flushed cheeks. "I like having her in my room, and it would be nice to have her spend the night"
"It wasn't movies" Bucky whispered to you and you blushed.
"Its not bedtime" you whispered back.
"That's the point" he chuckled and stood up to go put his plate in the kitchen.
"Have a lovely evening" Loki chuckled.
"Wait, I need to grab my clothes" Maria chirped up.
"I would hurry my dear, the dear Sargent has plans for the rest of the evening" Loki grinned and Wanda let out a small giggle.

Bucky quickly picked you up like a princess, just like when you were sick and started striding to the bedroom. Maria got up and was running after him, letting out a small giggle as he kicked open the bedroom door, catching Alpine off guard who jumped off the bed.
"You really need to learn patience" Maria came in and grabbed her clothes while Bucky set you down on the floor and took out a record to put in the record player. It was one of your newer ones by the looked of it.
"I have enough patience" Bucky grinned and put the record on. "I know you love each other, but its time to go" he chuckled as she stuck out her tongue and closed the door behind her. You could hear Sam calling to her as the door closed. "I don't dance" by Lee Brice filled the room and you gave a small giggle as Bucky came over and pulled you into a dance around the room. It was like he was listening to the words closely, and every time it mentioned spinning you around in circles, he would spin you. By the time he was done, you couldn't help by giggle from how dizzy you were getting. At the end of the song, he pulled you close by the hips. "Dizzy?" he chuckled as the next song came on.
"Yes" you giggled and leaned against him.
"You make me dizzy with how much I love you" he touched each sides of your face and gazing into your eyes. "I didn't think I'd ever fall in love, especially since what happened with Hydra. I didn't think I'd deserve it. But then I met you, and you drive me crazy with everything you do"
"I love you too" you couldn't help the smile on your face. You felt tears fall out of your eyes as he smiled at you lovingly and leaned down to start kissing you hungrily. You felt him trying to take his time to memorize your lips. "I was scared to tell you" you pulled back for a breath.
"You told me when you thought I was sleeping" he grinned. "You told me in your songs" he leaned forward and kissed you softly again. "But I do know I said it first" he whispered and you flushed.
"Kiss me again, my love" you breathed and he leaned down and started softly kissing you. You pulled at his shirt and he chuckled and nipped your bottom lip. You opened your lips to him easily and ran your hand through his hair wanting to feel more of him. His tongue swept into your mouth easily and you let out a small moan. He pulled you in closer by the hips and you could feel him pressing against you. When he pulled back for air, he stood up a bit more and gazed down at you with a proud smile.
"Hold that thought, I'm not done with you yet" he went over to the record player and turned it off. He took your phone from your back pocket and turned on your love songs playlist and turned it up loudly before putting it on the table before he picked you up and carried you towards the bed. "I'm leaving the light on, I want to see you" he whispered.
"James..." you started and bit your bottom lip.
"I only see perfection, and I want to see your face when I make love to you tonight" he announced with a grin.
"What if someone walks by?" you blushed.
"I'll spar the shit out of them" he winked.

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