After recon drinks

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Once Maria landed the jet, you started to head towards the back of the jet when Bucky started to block your way with a smirk.
"Yes?" you gave a raised eyebrow.
"I need someone to show me to the infirmary" he gave a half smile, and you felt your insides melt a little.
"Can I get the thumb drive before you go?" Steve asked politely.
"Of course" you smiled and pulled it out of your bra and handed it to him. He flushed a deep red, and nodded his thanks. You gave him a playful wink. "Come on handsome, infirmary is this way" you had a little more sway in your step. You did find him attractive, and this dangerous game you were playing with him was way too much fun. You knew he was checking you out again, and looked over your shoulder and gave a smile. He flushed a little, and licked his lips before looking away trying to pretend he didn't just get caught.
"I'll meet you in Fury's office with Steve" Maria called after you. "Get real stitches this time" she reminded you.
"Got it babe!" you waved over your shoulder.
"Why do you call her babe?" Bucky started walking beside you.
"It bugs her, therefore as her best friend, its my solemn duty to pester her. Besides, its fun" you shrugged, putting a headphone in one ear while you walked.
"You seem to like listening to music" he commented.
"Helps me focus, makes me happy. What makes you happy Bucky?" you asked as he opened the door for you. You flushed a little at the old fashioned custom and walked through.
"I'll let you know when I figure it out" he chuckled.
"There's the mysterious part of you coming out" you teased. You saw one of the guys that you had threatened in the past for being ungentlemanly see you and he turned around and rushed away. You couldn't help the chuckle that came out of you.
"Another man afraid of you?" Bucky looked at you curiously.
"Is there a man that isn't?" you shrugged and walked into an open room.
"You're early" Doctor Cho came over with a smile.
"Bucky bear needs you" you grinned.
"Bucky bear?" he echoed.
"All scruff, but a total teddy bear" you winked at him while Doctor Cho led him to a table. One of the other doctors led you to a separate table and you pulled off your jacket and let them work on your arm. Once he was done, you jumped off the table and thanked them and went and sat next to Bucky crossing your legs and staring straight ahead. You were afraid if you looked at him, you would check him out again. Not that it would be a bad thing, you just didn't want him catching you doing it again.
"Almost done doll" he murmured from beside you, and you looked at him and gave a wan smile.
"Looks like doc has a quick and easy one today" you teased.
"The vibranium arm helps deflect most of the blows" he admitted gently.
"Noted" you smiled again and leaned your head back still listening to your music. You got through a few good songs before you heard Bucky starting to get up, so you stood up quickly and waited for him to finish getting his shirt back on. "Ready?" you gave a smile.
"Always" he nodded and started following you through the maze of hallways and corridors before you ended up at Fury's office. You knocked once and waltzed in. Steve and Maria looked up and you saw Fury smile subtly at you as you walked in.
"Director" you nodded to him. "Your data" you fished it out of your bra.
"You have pockets in your pants for a reason" he let you drop it on his desk in front of him.
"But my bra is safer. No one gets in there without my consent" you grinned and you saw him look away trying not to chuckle.
"I heard you took point on guarding Barnes. Nice work" Fury nodded to him as he sat down in a chair in front of him.
"Thank you sir" he nodded and looked around the room. You walked past them all and went to the side door and saw Daisy waiting for you. You opened the door and she howled happily jumping at you. You caught her with ease and held her close to your chest while she licked you all over the face.
"There's my baby girl" you gave her a few kisses.
"I just had someone take her out" Fury let you know.
"Thanks pops" you grinned and saw Bucky take a double take between the two of you. "I'll drop off your report tonight"
"No need, I'll pick it up on my way home" he waved to you as you got to the door. "When are you going to the compound to see your new room and meet with the team?" his words stopped you.
"Tomorrow morning, please let Tony know to expect me. I'll need building access and a key for my room when I go. I'll be bringing Daisy" you turned and smiled at him.
"Don't forget you have a late night tonight" Maria called to you.
"I'm not going on a date with you" you sang and walked out the door. "I'm staying in, drinking wine in my pajama's and listening to music. If you show up, bring wine"

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