Back to routine

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Monday morning rolled around a little too early for you. You groaned as Daisy jumped up on the bed expectantly and gave a bark. You knew you had promised Sam you would go for a walk with him, but you were feeling extremely tired. You wriggled in Bucky's arms and leaned up to give him a kiss on the lips and he moaned softly in his sleep before he started to deepen the kiss and push you back into the mattress. You gave a soft giggle and carded your hands through his hair.
"Good morning" he pulled back, and beamed down at you.
"Good morning my love" you purred to him. "It's time for your run, and my walk" you reminded him and he huffed slightly.
"I know you want to go on this walk, but can you promise me to take it easy?" he asked, biting down on his bottom lip anxiously.
"You know I will" you sighed softly. He got up off of you and you sat up naked in bed and made your way to the closet to pick out a pair of leggings and one of your new white shirts. Bucky came in close behind you and started putting on his boxers, black sweatpants, and one of his white t-shirts. He pulled back on one of your leggings and saw that you were wearing pink satin panties and knew the bra would be matching. You gave a small giggle and a playful slap on his vibranium arm and he chuckled. He leaned down and kissed you on the side of the neck and grinned to himself.
"Come on, I'll walk you down" he held out his hand.
"I need to do my business first" you blushed and headed towards the bathroom. He shrugged easily.
"I'll wait" he grinned at you, while you ran into the bathroom. You did your business and washed up before coming out. He held out his hand to you, and you saw there was a cupcake he was holding out proudly. You took the cupcake and munched on it happily, throwing the wrapper in the trash before following him towards the balcony door. Daisy barked as you both started walking along the balcony, towards the stairs and she ran down the stairs first. You saw Steve was waiting for her expectantly at the bottom with a large smile on his face and a ball in hand.
"About time you two made it" Sam called up, standing close to Steve.
"We didn't sleep in" you rolled your eyes. "I just needed the bathroom" you flushed.
"You have frosting on your cheek" Bucky looked at you lovingly and wiped it off with his finger and licked it from his finger before giving you a quick kiss.
"You spoil me" you sighed.
"Now Sam, some ground rules" Bucky looked at Sam seriously. "She starts to lag behind, you need to slow down. If she starts getting tired, just bring her back to me. I'll bring her back in, okay? Don't push it too much today"
"Yeah, I got it, old man. Treat her like glass" Sam nodded with a roll of his eyes.
"I'm not made of glass" you huffed. "Stop worrying so much James" you looked at Bucky.
"I'm always going to worry about you,doll" Bucky shook his head.
"Come on sexy legs" Sam gestured for you to start walking. "Anywhere you want to go?"
"Can I see the garden?" you asked hopefully and you both started on a slow walk at first until Bucky and Steve started running. Once you figured he wasn't paying attention, you picked up the pace a little bit and Sam chuckled softly.
"You're going to love this. Loki's been out throwing his magic at it every day" he started leading the way towards where you could see a large rose garden with a large gazebo in the center of it. There were flowers everywhere around it.
"Oh, its beautiful" you cooed as you both got a little closer.
"You'll be getting married up there in the gazebo, from what I got from Loki" he led you up through the garden. You stopped to smell the roses and sighed happily. You both walked through various areas of the garden before he led you up into the gazebo. You stopped in the middle and looked around with a smile on your face.
"This is perfect" you sighed happily.
"Well it better be perfect, it's going to be for your wedding day" Sam grinned. "Besides, after the wedding Tony is going to put some furniture out here for everyone to come out and relax a little bit.
"All it's missing is a little pond" you mused looking around.
"Don't say that too loud, someone might hear you and put one in" Sam chuckled. "You feel like singing for your food this morning?"
"I do miss doing that with Happy" you grinned.
"Come on, lets go. Maria misses it too" he started leading you out of the gazebo. You had to slow your pace a little bit once you got closer to Bucky and you both headed back up the stairs. You heard Bucky and Steve bantering back and forth as they ran side by side on the track. You missed going for runs, but knew that Bucky would be very against that even though it was safe for you and the babies for you to do so.

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