Swimming & Bucky

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When you woke in the morning you felt wonderful. Bucky had slept the entire night after you both had made love, and was snoring softly beside you on the bed. You checked the time, and knew that Happy was waiting on you. Not wanting to worry him, you leaned up and gave Bucky a soft kiss on the lips, that he returned after a few short seconds and he pulled you closer.
"I'm just headed to make breakfast" you pulled back for air, and he was grinning.
"That's one hell of a way to wake up doll, I almost forgot how much I enjoyed it" he pulled you in for another kiss.
"Try to get a little more sleep" you leaned forward giving him another chaste kiss on the lips. "You deserve it Sarge"
"How am I supposed to sleep without my beautiful dame next to me?" he gave that knee weakening smile, and you felt the butterflies surge forward.
"You have Daisy and Alpine for now" you leaned forward giving him a soft kiss again. "I'd better go"
"Tonight, I have you all night, right?" he asked, biting his bottom lip.
"Of course," you smiled. "Now I'd better go before Happy comes looking. I'm still naked" you flushed.
"I like it when your naked, less clothes for me to fight with" he winked as you blushed again and went to get up. He hummed appreciatively as you walked over to the closet naked. You put on one of your dark blue satin thongs and matching bra, knowing full well that Bucky would be the one taking them off tonight. You put on a pair of short jean shorts and a low cut dark blue top that was form fitting. You could see the top of your chest showing through and grinned proudly while you put in a pair of blue rose earrings. You put on your red converse sneakers and came out and Bucky groaned, and you looked at him with a smile on your face.
"You're testing me" he whispered.
"Whatever do you mean, James?" you breathed, knowing exactly what you did.
"You know exactly what I mean" he got out of bed, and your breath hitched looking at him as he strode to you naked, with a large erection. He leaned down and claimed your lips a little harder than he usually did. The kiss snowballed quickly as he put more passion into it, and it was almost like it was just tongue and teeth. Both of his hands went down and grabbed each ass cheek. You gave a giggle as he pulled back, and you gave him another chaste kiss on the lips.
"Get some sleep" you reminded him, grabbing your phone and putting more sway into your steps as you walked to the door.
"How can I possibly sleep now?" he grumbled, getting back into bed.
"By simply trying" you giggled and went out the door.

You walked in your confident strides to the kitchen and saw Happy was already ready with a coffee for you.
"Good morning" he smiled at you.
"The best of good mornings" you smiled, taking a sip of your coffee.
"I take it Bucky is back" he chuckled.
"I told him to get some more sleep" you shrugged.
"Hopefully not too much, he needs to eat still" he chuckled. Without prompting you turned on your music and "Thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran came on and you immediately started humming to it.
"What's for breakfast today?" you asked as you sipped your coffee.
"Your choice today, I'm just going to sit back and watch" he grinned and sat down. You didn't know what to say at first, but then shrugged and started grabbing mixing bowls. You decided to go with waffles, with fruit salad, sausages, and scrambled eggs. You took out the waffle irons and started singing as you worked, dancing slightly with the music. Happy continuously refilled your coffee as it started to get empty, also brewing new pots. You soon found yourself singing more loudly as you made more and more food. You were just finishing plating the sausages when you felt a pair of arms wind around you and a head on your shoulder.
"Looks delicious" Bucky whispered in your ear and you leaned back into him slightly.
"Did you get enough sleep?" you craned your neck to look at him a little better.
"Can't sleep without you" he admitted. "I'll have to wait till later" he gave his signature grin and you felt your insides melt.
"I'll bring the rest of this to the table, almost everyone is already there" Happy warned you, and you nodded turning off your music. Bucky held you a little tighter for a second, and leaned into to give you a kiss on the cheek. You hummed happily feeling the butterflies everywhere. He took your hand and led you to the dining room table, and pulled out your chair for you to sit down. You thanked him and sat down and he pushed you back in.

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