Mission shopping

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When you woke up in the morning, the first thing you did was lean up and kiss Bucky lightly on the lips. He was still passed out from all the lovemaking you two shared during the night. He had kept his promise and continuously woke you up during the night for more, and also brought out Daisy for you at one point to make sure she went to the bathroom. You were deliciously sore and reveled in it. You slipped out of the bed naked and went to use the bathroom to also wash up and saw there was slight bruising to your rear end, and from his fingers on your hips. You couldn't help but giggle a little bit. You enjoyed them, admittedly. It made you feel more and more like you were his, and his alone. When you came out you went to the closet to choose out pink lace undergarments, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a pink t-shirt with a white cat on the front that reminded you of Alpine. You put on your white sneakers and headed back to the bed and got up easily and straddled Bucky's hips, leaning down to kiss him again. This time he responded easily, grabbing you and flipping you onto your back.
"Good morning handsome" you giggled when he pulled away from the kiss.
"Good morning to my sexy dame" he kissed the side of your neck. "You're dressed already" he pouted.
"We have less than thirty minutes to get to breakfast, and I need to run out Miss Daisy before I go for my coffee" you giggled at his five o'clock shadow as it tickled your neck.
"I guess I better get up and get dressed. We have a big day in front of us" he sighed moving to kiss along your collar bone.
"Don't dress too handsome, I might have to fight the ladies off of you" you pulled at him to kiss your lips again. He took his time with kissing you slowly, each touch of his lips sent butterflies through you. He finally pulled back with a satisfied smile, and gave you one final chaste kiss on the lips.
"I'll run out Daisy, you go have your coffee" he suggested.
"Are you sure? I don't mind" you started.
"Let me take care of my dame, I know you love your coffee. Besides, when I come back in I get to hear you singing" he winked at you.
"I'll sing for you anytime" you gave him a soft kiss on the lips before he slid off of you.
"I might take you up on that" he smirked and went to the bathroom and closed the door.

You picked up Alpine and he crawled up onto your shoulder as you walked down to the kitchen. You set him down at his food dish and smiled at Happy as you came in. He brought over your coffee and you took out your phone already knowing the drill.
"How is our Sunshine this morning? Did you get enough sleep?" Happy smirked at you knowingly.
"More than enough" you sighed happily. "I feel wonderful this morning" you admitted.
"I think I need a few this morning, cooking this week has been tiring" Happy sat down beside you for a moment to have a sip of his coffee. You picked out "Here goes nothing" by Muscadine Bloodline and started singing to it as the song started. Happy smiled to himself and seemed to relax for a moment before going back to the stove to continue making breakfast.
"I liked that one" Happy decided looking at you. "Okay, one more and breakfast should be ready"
"Do you really like my singing that much?" you asked curiously.
"He loves it" Wanda's voice came from the dining room. "We all do"
You flushed a bit and nodded, picking out a new song. You chose "I guess I'm in love" by Clinton Kane, and closed your eyes as you sang. Halfway through the song, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your torso and you smiled and sang a little louder, knowing it was Bucky's strong arms holding you. You felt a kiss on the side of your neck and you blushed a bit as he was taking his time kissing along the side of your neck, moving to your earlobe where you still wore your blue rose earrings.
"Never gets old" Bucky whispered to you as you finished.
"Never will" Happy turned and smiled at you both. "Bucky, give me a hand getting this to the table"
"I can help" you offered.
"You did your job for the morning" Happy winked and Bucky reluctantly let you go before going to grab the platters of food to bring into the dining room. You got off your stool and refilled your coffee before heading to the dining room to see it was already full.
"We like to show up early to hear your singing, Sunshine" Bruce gave a shy grin while you took your normal seat.
"Soon, you'll have to wait a while before you hear it again" you warned him.
"That's why we are here now" Nat shrugged.
"So, you said you got enough sleep? Funny, I barely slept" Sam looked at you with a smirk.
"You know there's a pill for that" you giggled.
"Don't tempt me, I'll be taking a nap today" Sam quipped easily.
"You two have a lot of energy" Scott shook his head, drinking his coffee.
"Laura and I used to be like them. It calms down after a while" Clint smirked.
"Oh really? When?" Sam looked serious asking.
"When you have kids" Clint shrugged.
"You're going to love your couple suite. So are many of the other team members" Loki chuckled.
"I think it just shows that Bucky is a great warrior with great stamina" Thor shrugged.
"Are you ready for shopping?" Wanda grinned as Bucky sat beside you, a little red faced but it was matching your own face.
"I'm a little nervous to be honest" you gave a gentle smile.
"Not to worry, there's still going to be jeans and some of the clothes that you are used to. But there's going to be a lot of prints, dresses and skirts. You'll be fine" Nat smiled.
"Are we able to eat or drink with these masks on, Tony?" you asked softly. "I'm a little worried about the public events"
"I thought about that, we made some modifications that you will be able to, yes. You'll even be able to kiss in public without the mask changing form. Just make sure you recharge them at night" Tony warned you. "Same with Bucky's arm mask, that will need to be recharged at night as well"
"We are sending you with two of each, but you should only need the one" Bruce added softly.
"Don't forget to check in while your there, and don't lose sight of the mission. We need to know who is trafficking the Hydra weapons" Steve gave his input.
"We won't punk, we know it's a mission" Bucky gave a small smile.
"Don't rush anything, rushing sometimes makes mistakes" Vision added in gently. "Take your time to get to know the community, it's a small one based on my research, and the farmers market is on Sundays at the park near your new home"
"We can take Daisy for walks at night through the park, and do a little recon while we are at it. Scope out who seems suspicious" you looked to Bucky with a wide smile. He quickly mirrored it and nodded.
"Please say I can still wear black leggings and shirts for when we are doing recon at night" you looked to Wanda.
"Not if you are trying to blend in" she shook her head. "Only when you are sure of the right house, and you are doing recon to go in during the night would it be okay"
"I'll keep track of everyone's schedules that I can, so will Bucky. We have this in the bag" you smiled and leaned over to kiss Bucky on the cheek.
"Hurry and finish eating, we have a lot of work to do today" Nat warned you, and you nodded, going back to focus on your breakfast.

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