Learning to type

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When Pepper said she wanted to go for supper, you were not expecting a high end restaurant. You felt severely underdressed, and you could tell so did Nat and Wanda. Pepper didn't miss a beat and announced her name and the five of you were escorted to a more private table. You appreciated that you felt more cut off from the rest of the restaurant and sat down.
"They have fantastic pasta here" Pepper announced and you looked at the menu and everything was so pricey. You decided not to worry about it, and ordered a glass of wine and a fettuccini alfredo that had chicken in it. Nat, Happy, Pepper and Wanda ordered as well and seemed to be relaxing for now.
"I wonder how Bucky did today" you put your head on your hand and leaned on your elbow.
"Tony wrote to me about that. Bucky is using the typing programs that Tony installed and learning that since lunch. Tony wants him to get used to using more than just his phone. Apparently the vibranium keyboard is working out really well, and he's doing good. Steve has also been coaching him on it all day. You'll have to help him a bit more once you're there too, since he will have to send coded messages in email from work every day" Pepper spoke up.
"We might have to send the first few from the home computer" you bit your bottom lip, not sure how far along Bucky would be with learning typing by now. Especially if you were online dating for over a year according to your back story.
"Don't forget your reports have to be sent from the home computer too" Nat reminded you. "Use the email that Tony sent to know the code words that you need. That way we know when to pull you both out or when you have some data available"
"I have to have that memorized before we go" you sighed to yourself. "I feel like I'm not ready, but I really just want to get going"
"It's a pretty big operation. Bucky's going to have a large gun collection in the garage that he can show off at the bar-b-que parties. That might also give you a better idea of who it is that is selling the guns" Wanda spoke softly. "Vision had to do the same thing, have a big gun collection to show off. He went through the entire history of guns with some of the people that came to the parties" she gave a loving smile.
When the meal came, you dug in happily to your chicken alfredo. Conversation went around the table easily about the boys and different experiences with missions or just relationships in general. You were waiting on your dessert when Pepper smirked at you.
"Are you looking forward to your couple suite?" she asked.
"Yes, I prefer people didn't know we make love as often as we do" you blushed a deep red. "I never enjoyed it before Bucky, but I sure do now" you thought of the way he took over in the bedroom and had a good shiver down your spine.
"He sure has the stamina" Nat grinned.
"That super soldier stamina is no joke" you shook your head. "He's like the energizer bunny, and nothing wears him out" you giggled.
"Except you, once" Wanda pointed out.
"That was a fun night. I badly wanted a nap during the day after though" you giggled again. "But I went shopping instead"
"Don't you get sore?" Pepper asked honestly.
"A little, but that's towards the end of the night more in the morning" you shrugged. "He's got a gentle touch, but not too gentle"
"We saw the bruises" Wanda chuckled to herself.
"We might have to calm things down a bit once we are on the mission I guess" you sighed softly. "I like the way we do things though" you flushed.
"With the way the man cherishes you, I never thought he would be a little rough in bed" Wanda raised her eyebrows as they set your desserts on the table.
"I like it though, and its not that rough. I could take a lot more" you blushed a bright red. "He's pretty gentle, just gets a little excited sometimes. Its fun"
"Nothing wrong with a playful spanking" Nat winked at you as you started on your cheesecake.
"I don't mind it" you continued to blush, revealing so much.
"You'll have to go with bare minimum make up too, just a warning. Nothing too showy" Wanda reminded you.
"Yes, because I have to blend in. I get it. No red lipsticks" you sighed gently. "I have glosses, and some rosey pinks"
"That's perfect" Nat grinned.
"Wait, does the makeup show through the mask?" you stopped for a moment.
"Yes, so you still have your individuality" Pepper nodded.
"I'm going to miss hearing her sing in the mornings" Happy pouted a little.
"It wont be forever. Maybe a couple weeks to a month or so" Wanda reminded him.

When you got back to the compound you didn't see Bucky in the bedroom as you put away your new dress. The rest of the clothes were being delivered to the house that you would be undercover in. You had one outfit to wear on your way there, it was a simple white dress with green and yellow flowers on it, and a pair of white flats. You put away your new heels and thought excitedly of going to the party tomorrow. You knew it was going to be in one of the separate buildings at the compound, and there would be press there. You started planning your makeup as you sat on the side of the bed to pet Alpine. You were surprised Daisy wasn't around either. You got up slowly and decided to go check the living room to see if Bucky was trying to learn typing there.
As you got closer to the living room you could hear Tony, Steve and Bruce all talking and trying to encourage Bucky. You came around the corner and saw him working hard with the typing program and he seemed so focused on the computer screen and trying not to look at his fingers as he typed. Daisy gave a yip and ran to you and you picked her up easily.
"Looks like you're doing well already" you came closer and leaned down to kiss Bucky on the cheek.
"They've had me at it all day" he looked at you tiredly. "My right hand is getting sore"
"This is for the greater good" Tony reminded him. "You were texting and emailing for a year. You can't just type with one finger at a time. This will also help with your reports going forward"
"You look like you're progressing very well my love" you gave him another kiss on the cheek and went to take a chair to sit on. You were admittedly a little exhausted from all the shopping and wanted to just sit and enjoy yourself for a moment.
"Just think of how much faster your reports will be. While you are on your mission you will have to type quickly to send messages sometimes" Bruce reminded him.
"If this is too much pal, I can go with Y/N instead" Steve offered.
"No, I need to do this. No one is going with my dame except me" Bucky seemed to be so focused on making sure he got this right, and learned it quickly. Thankfully with his super soldier brain, he was catching on quickly. You saw his fingers typing quickly with the typing program, and it looked like he had progressed to actual sentences already.
"Don't forget to memorize the code words before you two go. You only have the weekend" Tony reminded you both.
"I'll start going over it now" you opened up your email on your phone and started reviewing. You didn't want to miss anything important.
"Doll, I might be a bit late coming to bed" Bucky looked up at you worriedly. "I really want to get this down pat before we leave"
"That's okay, I just wanted to sit here for a bit. I'll go to bed first then" you gave a soft smile.
"No marathon sex tonight?" Tony asked quickly.
"I need to focus Tony, don't remind me about sex. She's hard to resist" Bucky gave a flirty grin to you.
"You are progressing quickly" Bruce complimented Bucky. You smiled softly and went back to your email checking for the code word and sentences you were supposed to be using. You also realized you didn't know much about flowers besides the fact that you loved them, and would need to read some gardening books. Your emails to the team would be about gardening or tea. You hoped that you would be able to still have coffee. You did love a good coffee. Daisy jumped up on your lap and snuggled in while you tried to concentrate on your phone. You could hear the guys all giving Bucky encouraging words while you could hear him typing away. You waited about an hour, and could feel yourself falling asleep while you were sitting there. You got up and went and gave Bucky a kiss on the cheek and took Daisy outside before heading to bed.

When you got to the bedroom, you took a quickshower and sighed as you came out. Youlooked back to your phone and started reviewing the code words again while youslipped into one of Bucky's t-shirts and put on a pair of pink lace panties beforeheading to the bed and sitting up. Thelights were already off, and the door was open slightly. You weren't used to going to bed on your ownanymore. You pouted slightly, but knew Buckywas determined to learn everything he could so you would have a successful mission. You curled up with Alpine on your hip and Daisysnuggled in your back while you continued to read until your eyes were burningfrom the light. You slowly closed youreyes and sighed softly to yourself as you went to sleep without Bucky besideyou

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