Asleep on the couch

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When you got home that night Bucky rushed to meet you at the suite door as you walked in and quickly took you into a tight embrace. You leaned into him and kicked off your shoes behind you as you nuzzled into his chest.
"You smell sweet" Bucky chuckled a little bit.
"Daddy bought us all ice cream" you smiled proudly pulling back and licking your lips.
"I'm glad you still got your sweets. How are you feeling?" he looked concerned.
"Tired, the dress wasn't even a little bit ready when we got there, and I started to panic and thought I was going to have to wear one of the maternity dresses instead" you frowned a bit.
"Did they get the dress done?" he raised an eyebrow curiously.
"Thankfully, with Loki's help of course" you nodded and groaned at your swollen feet.
"Come on, lets sit on the couch, and let me rub your feet for a few minutes" he pulled you more into the room. You saw Steve was on the loveseat with Daisy and was busy sketching.
"Hi Stevie" you leaned down and kissed him on top of the head.
"Hey Y/N, I was just keeping this jerk some company. He was getting pretty anxious" Steve looked up with a smile.
"How did the suit fitting go?" you asked curiously as you sat down on the couch, with your back against the arm. Bucky pulled your legs up onto his lap and started massaging your feet gently at first, and then started putting more pressure into it.
"It went good" Bucky smiled softly. "We have all our suits ready, and Loki let us know that the flowers and boutonnieres are already ready to be picked up tomorrow. He already passed it through Tony who made room in the fridge to keep them so they stay fresh for the weekend."
"The groomers are coming tomorrow for Alpine and Daisy too" Steve perked up, putting his drawing down for a moment. "I made the appointment on Monday for them to do an onsite visit so they are more comfortable"
"That will be good, they will look good for their special day" you smiled softly. "Daisy is going to make the cutest flower girl"
"She really is" Bucky grinned happily.
"Pop's wants everyone to come to his house on Friday night" you looked at Steve.
"We can work with that. The bachelor party is just going to be poker and some drinks" Steve gave a small smile. "Morgan, Penelope, Stephanie, Laura and Dean all RSVP'd yes by the way. I checked the team email. Tony did end up hiring professional photographers for the day, even though Peter and Pietro will be taking pictures too"
"That will be good. I love lots of pictures" you beamed and winced as Bucky got a particularly sore spot.
"Are you okay, doll?" Bucky caught on almost immediately.
"I'm okay. I was standing almost the entire time I was gone" you pouted. Bucky picked up your leg and kissed the top of your foot eliciting a giggle from you.
"How are my babies doing?" he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"They haven't been as active until after the ice cream" you admitted softly.
"What flavor did you have?" he asked quickly, already anticipating the answer.
"Strawberry and chocolate" you grinned. "Pop's barely had to ask" you giggled.
"We just need to find you a peach ice cream and you'll be all set." Steve chuckled.
"Oh that would be so good right now" you hummed happily.
"How about I go and run you a hot bath?" Bucky asked softly.
"I'm okay for now. I want to spend time with you and Stevie" you gave a wan smile. "But I do need to change my position" you pulled your legs up and moved on the couch so you were laying with your back on Bucky's chest and you nuzzled your head into the side of his neck. His hands dropped down and encircled your stomach, doing small rhythmic circles on the sides. He smirked as he felt little flutters on his flesh hand.
"Want me to turn on the record player?" Steve asked as you both cuddled into one another.
"Please" Bucky nodded, giving your head a small, soft kiss. Steve got up and turned on one of the soundtracks you had bought, for The Greatest Showman, and came back with a smile and sat back down. You looked at the walls and all the memories that you and Bucky had, including pictures of the team were up now.
"I feel like we aren't doing enough to plan our own wedding" you finally admitted. "It's like everyone took over, and it's going to be a surprise"
"I feel the same way, but its to help us in the long run" Bucky reminded you. "We got to pick out the most important things" he grinned.
"Like the food?" you asked innocently and he chuckled.
"And the clothes" he nodded. "The colors" he added softly.
"And each other" Steve reminded you and you smiled happily.
"That's the most important part" you sighed happily. "I'd marry him every day" you nuzzled in more.
"The feelings are mutual, doll, I'd even marry you in my jeans in the backwoods" Bucky chuckled, and you felt the vibrations through your whole body. He continued to rub small circles on your stomach, and you felt yourself starting to doze off slightly. He started picking up conversation with Steve and they spoke in hushed tones while you relaxed more into Bucky's chest. The rhythmic motions of his hands, and his baritone voice was lulling you into a deep sleep. You barely noticed when they stopped talking, or the fact that Steve got up to take out Daisy. You were too fast asleep to hear Bucky just ask for a blanket to put over you so he wouldn't have to move. You wouldn't even know that Bucky just kept you on the couch and stayed in the same position all night long until you woke up in the morning still encircled in his arms.

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