Tea with Laura

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"I guess we didn't even have to try" Bucky looked at you as he got in the car.
"I can't believe we are at two months" you paled. "That's how long we've been sleeping together"
"At least we waited a bit before we started making love" Bucky smirked.
"What are we going to tell the team?" you looked at him. "When are we going to tell them?"
"We should wait for after the mission, tell them face to face. We should tell your dad first" he seemed to think of it for a moment.
"I might start showing before the mission is done" you looked at him.
"Don't worry doll, we are in deep cover. Maybe just leave the recon's at night to me when it comes around to it" he looked to you.
"You said nothing changes" you argued a bit.
"It doesn't, I just want you safe" he gave his charming smile and you melted on the inside a little bit.
"I'm still going on the nighttime missions" you crossed your arms.
"We will talk about it when the time comes" he sighed a bit. "I can't wait to tell Stevie"
"As soon as dad knows" you bit your bottom lip. "I can't wait to tell Maria"
"Your dad is going to kill me" Bucky blanched.
"No, he's not" you shook your head. "He will see how happy I am about it, and he will be fine with it"
"I guess we will find out" he started the car. "Tony might kill me, they just hired you on"
"I'm not going to stop working" you looked at him quickly. "I can work in the lab until its time for maternity leave once I can't go on missions anymore. Then I'll go back to work once maternity leave is over. We can hire a babysitter" you decided.
"Look at you planning it all out" he chuckled.
"I like my missions" you smirked at him. "I wonder if they will have our abilities"
"I'm sure Bruce will check for it once we get home so we can know for sure" Bucky didn't seem worried. "I can't believe we are going to be parents" he grinned from ear to ear.
"It seems so soon" you whispered.
"I've waited my whole life for you, it's not too soon. Its perfect" he reached his hand over and put it on your thigh. "Let's grab some takeout so you can eat something for lunch, and I'll bring it back with me to the shop"
"It needs to be healthy, I want to be careful" you looked at him worriedly.
"I've got you doll, don't worry" Bucky drove towards a diner and parked the car for a moment. "Stay here, I'll be right back"

You had been so lost in thought while Bucky was inside the diner. You pulled the photo out and looked at it again. You were shocked that you hadn't had any morning sickness, but then thought back to when you were at the compound and remembered how Loki seemed upset that you were leaving, and seemed overly worried. You knew he had given you healing spells when you were sick, and had to wonder if he had something to do with this. You bit your bottom lip continuing to be deep in thought. You put your hand on your stomach, feeling fiercely protective and worried about the two little lives inside of you. You felt sick to your stomach that you had been drinking wine last week, and drinking so much coffee lately when it was bad for the little ones. You decided that the best course of action was to call Loki later, but it had to be somewhere away from the house where there were no bugs.
"I got you a salad, and a club sandwich" Bucky got back in the car and put two brown bags in the back seat. "I got a burger and fries" he grinned.
"You need to take me for another drive tonight, or lend me the car after you get home from work" you looked at Bucky.
"Why, what's wrong doll?" he asked quickly as he turned on the ignition.
"Loki, I think he knew before we left. I have questions" you put the photo back in your purse.
"Why do you think he knew?" he raised an eyebrow.
"He was worried before we left. More than usual" you gave a soft smile. "He could have warned me"
"Loki isn't that nice of a guy" Bucky shook his head.
"Loki is a sweetheart. He helped heal me when I was really sick" you looked at him.
"Okay, Loki is nice to you. Maybe Wanda and Vision too" he shrugged.
"I just want to know if he's the reason I wasn't having morning sickness" you smiled softly at him, the way you knew would make him see things your way.
"Alright doll, I'll be taking you for a drive tonight" he promised. "I've got to take you home for you to enjoy your lunch before your tea"
"Can't my loving husband stay and eat with me?" you pouted at him.
"I'll stay for a minute" he grinned at you. "You know someday, you'll be able to say that for real"
"I look forward to that day" you batted your eyes at him, and bit your bottom lip.

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