A date at Coney Island

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Throughout the rest of the week, it was mainly waking up to Bucky and the pair of you taking Daisy downstairs for a run. You would cut your run short to go sing to Happy and get your morning coffee. You would have breakfast with the team, and then go for training. You water abilities were getting stronger and you were proud of the fact that you could push yourself further and further. You found yourself getting better with lifting weights, and enjoying your cool down time with Bucky, Sam and Steve while you swam. A few times Wanda and Nat joined you, but they liked their cool down in the hot tub, where you liked doing a few laps and getting to tease Bucky with Sam and Steve. In the evenings you would grab a shower around the same time as Bucky, then the pair of you would spend the evening reading out on the swing, or playing some of the puzzles. At night, you both would make love during the night, just basking in your love for one another. You couldn't have wished for a better life.

By Friday night, you were sitting in the dining room. The whole team was present except for Sam who had his date, Clint and Scott both went to see their families.
"We've been keeping this from you, but after seeing your progress this week we feel you are mission ready. We are taking on that large base that your data found on Monday. We think it might take a few days. We have Shield coming in for taking hostages and helping free civilians, like you suggested" Tony looked over at you with a smile. "We have all the new equipment ready too, so you can take as many hostages as you need to"
"You have the weekend to review the base schematics, your job is to go in and get the data from data room two. Nat and Wanda have the other two data rooms. You'll have two sets of data sticks, since Shield wants copies. The rest of the team will be taking on finding the hostages, and bringing in as many Hydra as possible. Did you want the base schematics now?" Steve spoke up.
"I'll grab it for her in the morning, its in Bruce's lab right?" Bucky asked gently. You looked at him curiously. "We have plans tonight" he grinned.
"We do?" you raised your eyebrow.
"We do. It's a surprise" he chuckled.
"What do I wear?" you bit your bottom lip as Wanda and Loki chuckled to themselves.
"Wear whatever makes you comfortable" he shrugged.
"We'll come help you" Wanda grinned and nodded to Nat.
"What's the occasion?" you looked at Bucky.
"I don't need one to surprise my girl" he winked at you. "You had last Friday, its my turn. Just something small" he added.
"Give me a clue" you smirked.
"Not even one" he chuckled, leaning over and kissing your cheek. "You worked hard this week, I want to celebrate it with you"
"Come on, lets go" Nat took your empty plate and put it in the kitchen for you and Wanda jumped up to follow quickly.
"I've got Daisy" Steve spoke up quickly.

Nat and Wanda led you into your bedroom and Wanda immediately went for a very low cut black blouse, while Nat grabbed a pair of black jeans to match. Wanda found your black sneakers and they both pulled out a black satin bra and thong.
"Wear these" Wanda smiled excitedly. "He wanted to take the motorcycle"
"And these" Nat pulled out the dark blue rose earrings for you.
"Should I wear boots instead?" you asked curiously.
"No, definitely sneakers" Wanda smiled. You ran into the bathroom and changed before starting on your makeup, putting in some dark blues as highlights. You put on your bright red lipstick and made sure to put a fixative so your makeup wouldn't smudge and came out to seeing them both sitting on the side of the bed with large grins on their faces.
"You look like one sexy mama" Nat announced while Wanda giggled.
"You look perfect" Wanda agreed.
"Should I put on a necklace?" you asked curiously.
"No, you look good without it" Wanda spoke quickly. "Come on, he's already at the door" she squealed and you heard a knock. Nat ran over and opened the door.
"Your date awaits" she winked at Bucky who was grinning from ear to ear looking you up and down.
"Have fun" Wanda took Nat's hand, and they both brushed past Bucky out the door.
"Wanda said you wanted to take the motorcycle" you flushed since he hadn't said anything yet.
"Wow" he finally breathed and took a few steps into the bedroom. "You look perfect" he was still smiling. "I got you something" he took his hand out from behind his back, and you saw a long velvet box.
"You didn't?" you walked closer to him and he opened it for you to see a golden necklace with a blue diamond shaped into a rose pendant. You felt your eyes watering, you hadn't seen anything so beautiful before.
"Can I put it on you?" he whispered, and you nodded pulling your hair away from your neck. He took it out of the box and put it on you, and kissed the back of your neck. Its fell perfectly between your breasts and you looked down to admire it.
"I don't ever want to take it off" you admitted softly.
"You might want to for missions, but I'll put it right back on you" he promised.
"This is beautiful Bucky" you turned to look at him, and kissed him softly on the lips. He leaned more into the kiss and you nipped his bottom lip to deepen the kiss. He let out a soft moan and his hands went to your hips to pull you in closer to his body before they went into your hair. He pulled back for air once or twice, but continued to kiss you with wild abandon. When he finally pulled back, you saw there was a little bit of a lipstick smudge on him and giggled. "Thank you" you breathed.
"Anything for you doll" he smiled and gave you a wink. He took your hand, and kissed your knuckles and you wiped some of the lipstick off of him. He led you out the door and outside to his motorcycle and smiled at you proudly as he handed you your helmet and put his on as well. As soon as he was seated you got on the back and wrapped your arms around him tightly and he revved the engine and peeled out of the parking lot to your destination.

When Bucky parked, you couldn't believe your eyes. You were at Coney island, and saw all the tables with prizes, and a bunch of rides. You danced excitedly in one spot as you looked around, and Bucky took your helmet and put it on the bike.
"What do you think?" he seemed unsure of himself.
"Hell to the yes! This looks like so much fun already!" you jumped up and gave him a hug. "Are you going to win me a teddy bear?" you pulled back to smile at him.
"Doll, I will win you all the teddy bears you can carry" he grinned. "Or at least what can fit in the bike for today" he gave a wink and took your hand. You noticed he was wearing his brown gloves, and a long sleeved black shirt with his dark blue jeans, and frowned a little. You didn't feel like he should hide his arm, but knew that was a conversation for later. He pulled you to where you pay to get in, then brought you to the prize tables where he took the time to win you a few different kinds of teddy bears, including a dragon, a unicorn, and a llama. He held your hand and pulled you to go get cotton candy, that you both shared with huge smirks on your faces. You had to take a few photos as you went, you were having so much fun.
"How about a haunted house?" he asked you with a grin.
"Nope, I'll punch someone if there's a murder clown" you shook your head.
"I'll be with you, come on, it'll be fun" he led you in while you whined slightly.
"You know how bad I am with horror" you tried pulling back on his hand.
"Just the one, and then we can do one of the rides" he promised. You let him lead you through, and of course it had the first jump scare of a man with a werewolf mask and you screamed, regardless of the fact that it even looked fake. Bucky chuckled and put his arm around you, pulling you in tighter to him.
"This is a colossal bad idea" you whimpered as you saw the fake smoke billowing around the room and a bunch of mirrors. You heard a chain saw and wanted to use your ice abilities so bad. Bucky pulled you closer, seeming to almost anticipate that. The zombie lumberjack with the chainsaw came out of nowhere and roared at you both. Bucky gave a laugh while you jumped on Bucky from the front and wrapped yourself around him tightly with your teddy bears still under your arm. You put your face in the side of his neck and he chuckled and held you closely, keeping you balanced and walked you through the rest of the way. You could hear the screams, and feel the wind change. You heard the jangle of bells and a last jump scare before Bucky, who was still chuckling carried you out and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.
"Okay, its done" he whispered to you, and you pulled back and looked at him with a pout.
"That was not funny" you slid off of him.
"The costumes were terrible" he chuckled.
"Its still scary Bucky" you shook a little from the last scare you had.
"Let me kiss it better" he leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips, then stood back to his full height. You gave a small smile, but tried to frown.
"That doesn't even begin to cover it mister" you sassed him and he gave another laugh.
"Come on, lets go on the Ferris Wheel" he pulled you towards it. You sped up your steps, looking forward to it just being the two of you at the top.
Once you got in, Bucky slid in beside you and wrapped his arm around you proudly and pulled you closer.
"This better?" he asked with a smirk.
"Much better" you smiled as you relaxed and the ride started. You felt him kiss you on the side of your head, and sigh happily to himself as the ride went. You took a selfie of the two of you and he gave a smile for a change. When it got to the top, you took a picture of the view, not wanting to forget the amount of fun you had tonight with him. He leaned over, and captured your lips quickly and you moaned slightly at the sensation. He gave a small nip at your bottom lip, and you easily opened your lips for him. When he pulled back, you only saw love in his eyes and you knew you reflected it.
"Next time we should bring the team. I'm sure the boys would love this" you leaned your head on his shoulder.
"Once your announced it will easier ta do things like this with the team" he whispered. "We just need ta wait a little longer"
"I can wait. We have that big mission coming up" you grinned looking at him.
"We have to go shopping for different clothes for it" he chuckled. "I looked at it, we are suburban couple. I'll have an office job, and you'll be my little housewife" he winked.
"What's wrong with what I normally wear?" you pouted a little.
"You stand out, a lot" he chuckled. "So do I apparently. Its Steve and Tony's idea" he shrugged. "Tony's buying"
"I'd better bring Wanda and Nat. They've done this before" you sighed and saw it was your queue to get off. Bucky led you out, and took some of the teddy bears from you as you both started making your way back. It was well past midnight, and you knew the girls would want their update in the morning.
"Come on doll, lets get you home and out of those clothes" he gave you a flirty grin.
"No bed clothes?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Too much for me to fight with" he chuckled. As you got to the motorcycle he put the teddy bears in the seat and the saddlebags before helping you put your helmet back on.
"Thank you, I had a lot of fun" you wrapped your arms around him, and he just held you for a moment before you pulled back.
"That was the hope" he chuckled and got on the motorcycle. You jumped on behind him and held on tightly as he revved the engine again before leaving the parking lot.  

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