Finally home at the compound

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After Bucky loaded up the car, you went next door to see Laura who gave you a quick hug and seemed to be tearing up a little.
"Don't forget me on Saturday" she reminded you again, and you nodded trying not to let your emotions override you again.
"I'm really going to miss it here, I really loved being your neighbor you admitted shyly.
"You were one of the easiest friends I ever made" Laura smiled at you.
"Friend, I like that. We are friends" you beamed.
"Of course we are, you'll have to give me your real phone number to keep in touch" she reminded you.
"Oh, sure it's..." you raddled off your phone number and smiled softly as you saw her put it into her phone right away. "You can text me anytime. I think I'm on desk duty when I get back, if James has his way"
"He seems like he likes to get what he wants" she giggled.
"He does, most of the time" you gave a wink. "But I will see you Saturday. You might want to put out extra beer, and have extra sandwiches and tea"
"How many people are we talking about?" she looked at you excitedly.
"As many as we can get'' you winked. "Gotta get that scrap book signed, right?" you smirked. "I'd better go, he's waiting" you gave her another hug and hurried over to where Bucky was standing with your car door open. You saw Alpine and Daisy were a little crushed in the backseat with the suitcase and rose bush there. You raised an eyebrow at him, and he chuckled a little bit.
"I liked some of those dresses a little too much, besides, they have more flow to them, right?" he asked quickly and you giggled. "I also packed this for you" he pulled up a cooler bag, and you opened it to see strawberries and peaches in a container already cut up, along with a can of cool whip and the Nutella. "Just till we make it home" he winked, and ran around to his side of the car and jumped in, putting the car into gear. "We just have two stops" he let you know.
"Two?" you looked at him for confirmation.
"I got to stop by the garage and get my baby photo, and let them know who's taking over. I'm going with Roger, he never missed a day, and I saw him come in pretty sick" he drove towards the gates. They let you both through with no problems. Apparently the news traveled quickly.
"Where else are we going?" you raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
"You need your cupcakes, it's a long flight" he smirked at you and you giggled.
"You're spoiling me" you shook your head.
"Worth it every second" Bucky smiled and put his hand on your leg.

Clint was sitting on the back hatch when you both arrived with an expectant look on his face.
"Did you get in your goodbyes?" he asked as you both got out of the car. Bucky opened the back door to have Daisy and Alpine jump out immediately. You went and grabbed Alpine before he got too far and Bucky started unloading the car. "You do realize Tony is just having everything brought back to the compound and put into storage, right?" Clint chuckled.
"Some stuff doesn't belong in storage" Bucky gave a grin. "Are you going to help, or are you just going to sit there?
"I knew I should have retired while I had the chance" Clint got up and went and grabbed the rosebush Bucky had bought you. You carried in Alpine, and the bag of food before grabbing a seat as Clint and Bucky came in and set everything down. You strapped yourself in, and Bucky came to sit beside you and strapped himself in as well. You opened the bag and took out the tupperware container of prepared fruit, as well as the Nutella. Bucky automatically went to hold the Nutella container and opened it for you. You went to dip your fruit in it, every once in a while you would feed him a piece while Clint flew you both home.
"Cravings, huh?" Clint looked over while the jet was on autopilot.
"Strawberries, peaches, Nutella, whipped cream, and strawberry cupcakes" Bucky grinned proudly.
"I remember Laura going through that" he chuckled in response. "You've got it easy so far, just wait. They can get weirder. That's a cute little bump you have going on" he pointed out.
"I'm excited to see how big it gets" Bucky looked at you proudly. "The morning sickness is not fun though"
"She's almost out of it, get Loki to do his spell again" Clint shrugged.
"It's okay, I'm supposed to experience it" you shook your head, after finishing the fruit and you took out the last two cupcakes. You handed one to Bucky and he started eating it automatically while you licked a bit at the frosting first.
"We have been looking forward to having you two back. You have your reports due as soon as possible. They want you to go over everything you already sent back, and give comments if you missed anything" Clint warned you.
"We were pretty thorough with our reports, but it's worth double checking I suppose" you acknowledged with a nod of your head, and pouted when you realized you were out of fruit to eat, and there were no more cupcakes. Bucky chuckled and handed you the Nutella container, and you just stuck your finger in to dig some out and ate it off of your finger.
"My sexy dame" he leaned over and kissed you on the cheek, wiping some of the chocolate off of your face. You could tell he was trying not to laugh.
"Just so you know, the girls have been gearing up on bridal books" Clint warned you. "Maria basically stays at the compound all the time now, and has been adding fuel to the fire. Do you two know when you want to get married?" he asked curiously.
"As soon as possible" you answered quickly. "I'm already showing"
"Between Tony and your father, I'm pretty sure they can make that happen" Clint smirked and you looked to Bucky who winked at you.
"The sooner the better" Bucky readily agreed.

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