Sparring and Practice

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You woke up in a cold sweat as the sun was rising. Daisy was licking your face, trying to wake you up. You looked around the dark room waiting for someone to attack you, but didn't see anything. You took in a few deep breaths and tried to find your center. You knew you were safe, Daisy wouldn't be here if it wasn't. You pushed yourself out of bed and splashed some water on your face before going to change into a baggy pair of sweat pants and a baggy sweater on top of a black tank top with a sports bra. You put in your headphones as you laced up your running shoes and whistled softly to Daisy and went out the balcony door. You knew what you needed, and since you didn't have to worry about anyone else being awake you took your chance turning on your music as loud as you could running along the pathway. Daisy kept close to you, barking once in a while she played. You stopped and looked around to make sure no one was around or watching, and felt satisfied there was no one coming. You went back to running and started summoning floating bricks of ice to go in front of you. You jumped from one to the other bringing yourself up far off the ground and did a flip as you made your way back to the ground. You sent the bricks to go into the water and made them disappear before looking around again. You normally had to do this in hiding at Shield but it also felt safer to be yourself here. You did it a few more times just enjoying the moments you had alone with Daisy to be yourself. You had your music so loud you drowned out any other sound. You stopped towards the corner of the building and used your water whips like a pair of jump ropes and started to jump rope, trying to get to a hundred as quickly as possible.
"On your left" you heard something break through your headphones and stopped skipping immediately to see Steve and Bucky run past you like two blurs. You flushed a bit at getting caught during your morning routine. Daisy gave a small bark from her spot laying on the grass close to you.
"Come on Daisy, time to hit the showers" you decided. You didn't want to break anyone else's routine either. You'd have to wake up earlier you supposed. She got up and brought her leash to you as you bent over and clipped it on her collar. You started making your way back to the stairs and heard "On your left" again as the two super soldiers continued to race one another. You turned to get a good look at them from the bottom of the stairs and your breath hitched a little seeing they were both in baggy grey sweat pants and white tops showing just a little bit of sweat. You enjoyed watching the way Bucky moved so fluidly. You turned back around and headed up to your room.

Once you were done your shower you made sure that Daisy had lots of kibble for the day, and her toys for while you would be in the gym training as an Avenger. You didn't see how it would be much different from your training at Shield over the years. Fury had you trained in multiple martial arts and made sure you had black belts, he had you in gymnastics until you didn't have time for that with everything else that you needed to learn. He even briefly put you in dance classes and even ballet for a few years. He claimed it was to ensure that you were graceful. You wouldn't have given the way he raised you up for the world. He did his best, even when he couldn't be around there was always a security detail watching over you. That is, until you proved that you didn't need them anymore. You had knocked out one that had tried to hit on you. At the time you didn't quite understand that men could see you that way, and you had just followed what Fury had taught you if a man did something that you didn't like. You remembered the night time training with your abilities, and how exhausted you were at first, but you were determined to learn how to use your abilities. Your best offensive was the whips, but you could create large things, and animals to move around. You generally chose not to, wanting to concentrate only on offensive ability and defensive. Making something pretty or what you liked just for fun wasn't something that was needed. You sometimes did so to calm your nerves, or just because you could. Circumstances were rare since you were always focused on work, and hiding your true abilities. You got dressed into leggings, a sports bra, and a t-shirt before putting your sneakers back on. You checked the time, and realized you still had thirty minutes before breakfast. You turned up your music and laid back in your bed. You thought of the way Bucky looked this morning and how he held you the night before. You locked your bedroom door and went back to the bed to pull out your electric rabbit. It had been a while, and you honestly needed a good orgasm.
You pulled down your pants just enough and shoved your satin thong to the side and turned it on, focusing on your clit. You let out a moan of satisfaction as it buzzed slightly bringing delicious vibrations through your core. You let out another moan as your orgasm started to build and you jerked your hips in response. You imagined Bucky was the one that was touching you, and used your other hand to started to pump your fingers in your core and let out another moan and a small cry as you started to get closer to your orgasm. You let out a louder cry as the coil of your orgasm snapped. You checked the time and saw you didn't have long to get to breakfast. You put your toy away and ran to your bathroom to wash your hands, hoping to get the scent out. Your wet panties would have to remain as you rushed to breakfast.

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