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When you got back to the compound you were surprised the moving truck had beaten you there and they were already bringing in boxes for you under Tony's supervision. You parked where your name was written on the concrete in a parking space wondering when Tony had the time to do that. You got out of your car while Steve parked beside you and you let Daisy get out. She seemed excited at all the new smells around her, however had chosen to try to stay close to you as well.
"Come on kid" Tony waved you over, and you bit your lip unintentionally and pulled a little at Daisy's leash. You followed him dutifully to your bedroom where the bed was already made with a red satin comforter and large oversized pillows. You peeked in the bathroom and saw it was also decorated already but in a powder blue colors. "Do you like it?" he asked expectantly.
"Its wonderful" you were amazed that he had done so much in a few hours time. "How did you manage this?" you were in awe.
"Easy" he shrugged, but didn't really answer. "Since you're here so early you'll be expected at supper. 6pm sharp. Your dad is joining us" he seemed to bite the inside of his lip.
"I guess I better start unpacking" you felt uncomfortable, and felt Daisy jump up towards you. You picked her up with ease and held her close for a moment.
"Did you need help?" he stopped before leaving.
"I should be fine, thank you. And thank you for this, and the opportunity" you flushed a bit. You were trying to be more reserved right now, and were worried about what would happen when your full personality would shine through again. You knew Fury was worried about the transition for you, and that you did have pretty bad anxiety, along with your PTSD. When you were comfortable in a setting you were great, but when it was something new, you always held back a bit. You went to the boxes and started sorting where they should go, based on the contents. You closed the door to your bedroom and pulled out your phone turning up your music as loud as it would go. It was some of your sadder choices, but you liked it regardless. You were sad to be leaving Shield, but this was too good of an opportunity to give up. You started filling up your well read books into the shelving, noting that you filled up all the shelves available. You had hoped you would have more room for some new books, but maybe would use the top instead. You put everything away in the bathroom seeing that toiletries were already provided, and it was expensive looking toilet paper. You shuddered to think how much was spent on you already. Daisy found her way on top of the bed and groaned as she flipped around and tried to make a nest for herself in the blankets. You had to giggle a bit at that. You put away everything from your bedside table, making sure to hide anything you didn't want found at the bottom of the top drawer. When you got to the closet, you started by putting your shoes into each individual cupboard, finding lots of room for more shoes and smirked to yourself. You were in the middle of putting away everything in the dresser when a knock came at the door and you put down the box you were working on and went to answer it.
"Hi, we wanted to know if you wanted help" Wanda and Nat stood there with grins on their faces.
"I'm almost done" you admitted.
"Good, so it will just be girl talk then" Nat waltzed in and went into your closet and saw you still had quite a few boxes to put away. She opened one up and saw the dresses and held one up for Wanda to see.
"Oh we are going to get along so well" Wanda bounced towards the closet and you couldn't help the grin that came across your face. You went to close the door but suddenly a hand stopped it and you saw Maria standing there.
"Miss me yet?" she walked in and headed to the closet.
"I knew you'd show up babe" you giggled.
"Hey don't you babe me, that means you're up to something. Hey Wanda, hey Nat" she went in and started helping to put your stuff away. You were grateful the closet was so large for all of you to fit.
"So what's your relationship status?" Nat asked first.
"Single" you gave a shy smile.
"That'll change" she winked at you.
"Wait, does someone have their eye on her already? I need details" Maria jumped on top of the dresser and sat down.
"No, no one has their eye on me" you shook your head.
"Sure they don't" Wanda giggled. "Do you have many friends?" she asked.
"You're looking at her" Maria answered for you. "The only person that can put up with her bullshit"
"I'm not that bad" you shook your head.
"She's also bad for pushing people away before they can get to know her. Keep that in mind" Maria talked over you.
"I'm not that bad Maria" you flushed.
"What your saying is, her only family is you, Fury and the dog?" Nat looked over at Maria.
"Basically" she nodded.
"I have all I need" you shrugged.
"Add us to your friend list, anyone who likes this much clothes is good in my books" Wanda grinned.
"Mine too" Nat pulled out one of your satin negligee's and grinned. "No boyfriend?"
"I like my comforts" you gave a wink, relaxing a little and watched as she hung it up.
"How about Phil in Omega team? He's your type" Maria asked.
"I'm begging you, no more blind dates" you growled. "I just got stood up again"
"I'm not going to stop trying" Maria shrugged. "Ladies, help me out here. She hasn't had sex in five years"
"What?!" Wanda turned to look at you.
"Seriously?!" Nat demanded at the same time.
"It was never any good, I don't see what the big deal is" you glared at Maria.
"It helps you relax all those tense muscles" Maria slapped you on the butt with a giggle.
"I have my toys, thank you" you rolled your eyes.
"Nothing wrong with toys" Nat shrugged. "We've all used them" Wanda flushed a bit but nodded.
"Sex can be good, with the right partner" Wanda added.
"I haven't met anyone that meets the requirements" you sighed. "Well, no" you flushed thinking of Bucky for a moment, and reminding yourself he was off limits. Wanda's eyes flashed red for a moment, and she gave a smirk but said nothing.
"Don't worry about using your toys, the walls aren't too thin and the only ones that would hear it would be too embarrassed to admit it. Before I moved in with Bruce, I was beside Steve and he would only blush the next day. It was kind of entertaining" Nat grinned.
"What do you like to do for fun?" Wanda quirked an eyebrow.
"I take Daisy for walks, I like to read, I like dancing but only slow dancing, again I can't find the right partner for that so I dance by myself. I do go for runs sometimes to blow of steam. I love watching movies... normal stuff" you trailed off.
"What kind of movies?" Nat smirked at you.
"Fantasy, science fiction, romance, documentaries, action, thrillers, and horror" Maria answered for you. "She always makes me watch the horror movies with her because she gets scared"
"I thought it was because you got scared" you grinned. "Next time you want to cuddle, just ask" you gave a wink.
"She's literally the worst person to watch a horror movie with. She gets on peoples laps she gets right into them" Maria continued, rolling her eyes at you.
"We do movie nights once a week, you will like it here" Nat decided. "Its my week to choose, so its good to know"
"Blood makes her squeamish, that's why she freezes people when she's fighting" Maria offered.
"You can stop anytime now" you flushed a bit.
"Why, when its so much fun. I finally get to hang out with more girls, and not have you hiding at home when I come to the parties here" Maria grinned.
"I'm looking forward to sparring you tomorrow" Nat put some more of your clothes on the hangers.
"I don't even know what to spar in, I'm used to wearing just my uniform" you bit your bottom lip.
"I'll lend you something" Wanda offered. "We normally just use sports bra and leggings"
"I have those, I'll just add a t-shirt" you flushed at the thought.
"We use clothes against you in sparring if its loose. I wouldn't if I were you" Nat grinned.
"I can't even get her in a bikini" Maria shook her head. "But if you get her in that outfit, I want pics to prove it". You flushed again.
"Its almost supper time" Wanda looked at her watch. "Tony hates it when we are late"
"Where do I put the boxes?" you noticed they were all empty, and the closet was only half full.
"I'll show you after supper" Nat took your hand leading you out. Daisy jumped off the bed and ran after the four of you towards the dining room.

"Who cooked?" Nat asked as soon as you walked in.
"I ordered in pizza" Tony announced. You saw Fury sitting towards the end of the table and let go of Nat's hand to go join him.
"How was your day?" he asked softly.
"Its been a lot" you whispered to him. "They seem friendly" you admitted with a shy smile.
"Come on guys, sit up here closer. Be with the team" Tony called over and you saw Fury stand up and pull out your chair for you and led you to go sit beside Bucky who was at the end of where the team was, and he took the spot next to you, and Maria went beside him. "Good, now that will be your seat going forward" Tony grinned to himself and you blushed a bit.
"Didn't anyone else claim this spot already?" you looked around and looked at the half empty table.
"No kitten, no one's taken the spot beside the winter soldier" Loki spoke up and gave you a small smile.
"I don't purr like a kitten, I do more of a scratching thing" you winked at him.
"I'll keep that in mind" he grinned. They passed the pizza around, and there was so much, you didn't imagine everyone would be able to eat it all. You ate the pizza and discretely fed the crusts to Daisy, and saw Fury and Maria doing the same thing.
"We hear you have impressive talents" Thor looked over curiously.
"Ice and water abilities" you nodded. "Pops taught me how to control it better"
"I still don't understand how you have a daughter" Tony shook his head. "After everything we've been through together, you never told us"
"Adopted daughter" Fury corrected him. "It was to keep her safe"
"Do you have a wife?" Tony asked quickly.
"No" he shook his head.
"No, he raised me by himself with the help of multiple teachers and professors, and Shield operatives" you added. "Why do you have to keep telling people I'm adopted?"
"Do you really think they'll believe someone as beautiful, charming, funny, talented, and intelligent as you would have come from me?" he chuckled and ruffled your hair a bit. You saw Tony looked unnerved by Fury seeming to have a softer side to him. "No, your parents did a good job before I ever got to you. I wouldn't take that away from them"
"This has got to be weird for you guys" Maria grinned.
"You have no idea" Steve nodded.
"He went from Director hard ass Fury to a pussy cat" Tony added.
"Its still Director hard ass to you" Fury reminded him.
"Did you get all unpacked doll?" Bucky suddenly asked you gently.
"I did, the girls came to help" you gave a smile, and saw him give you a grin and you wanted to melt all over again.
"That's what all the excitement was about, I was wondering why I could hear so much chatter all the sudden earlier" Loki grinned. "Next time, I'll have to invite myself I see"
"Loki, we were trying to make her comfortable" Nat rolled her eyes.
"I won't make her uncomfortable. I am trying to be friendly" Loki rolled his eyes back.
"It was girl talk" Wanda reminded him.
"You normally allow me in on the girl talks" he seemed insulted.
"As a cat, yes" Nat nodded. "He loves gossip" she looked to you with a smile.
"Feel free to join us next time" you gave a wide smile.
"He tried to take over New York" Fury reminded you.
"Under mind control, get over it" you chided him and he humphed.
"Thank you Lady Y/N" Loki smiled at you fully, and gave a nod. You smiled in return and went back to your pizza before giving Daisy the crust.
"Doesn't she eat dog food?" Tony seemed confused.
"Yes, its in my room. But she normally eats what I eat" you shrugged. "Thank you for supper" you added for good measure.
"I'll add dogfood to the grocery list. You should bring her dishes out here so she can eat with us. Bucky's cat Alpine eats out here too" he pointed to a white long haired cat that was eating at a small table.
"Oh Bucky, your cat is beautiful!" you gushed.
"That's my boy" he grinned at you. "He's been pretty helpful with the nightmares since he arrived"
"Oh we should get a dog bed for the living room so there's more room for Daisy" Wanda clapped her hands excitedly. "I'm so happy we can have animals here now"
Tony groaned a little, but nodded while typing into his phone. You saw Daisy was done eating and laying on her side contentedly. You knew she would need to go to the bathroom soon.
"May I be excused please?" you looked up.
"If your done, sure. Don't forget breakfast is at 8, and then you have training after in the gym" Tony reminded you.
"We are going to head out" Fury gave you a kiss on top of your head and Maria waved as the two of them left.
"Its movie night" Nat told you quickly.
"That's mandatory" Tony let you know.
"Daisy needs to go for a walk" you gave a nod. "We wont be too long" you got up putting your dishes in the sink, and then started heading to your room and she trotted after you quickly.  

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