A sweet morning

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When you woke up in the morning, you couldn't help but smile softly at Bucky and reached up to caress his cheek lovingly before softly brushing your lips against his. Your naked body pressed up against his and he let out a soft moan before his hand came up and brushed against your cheek and he pulled you in closer.
"I'll never get tired of waking up next to you" he whispered softly.
"You, Sir, have to get ready for work" you giggled.
"I love it when you call me Sir" he wiggled his eyebrows and pulled you in for another kiss. "Kind of like how you did last night" he groaned a little bit as you giggled and pulled away slightly.
"I have coffee to make" you announced. "And to make your lunch, and breakfast"
"I can make breakfast" he grinned.
"I don't feel like just toast or cereal this morning" you shook your head. "I do feel like cupcakes though"
"We ate them all last night" he reminded you.
"Damn" you groaned and got out of bed. You stopped in front of the mirror to marvel at the small baby bump and ran your hand over it. Bucky got out of bed and stood behind you and placed his hand over yours, leaning down to kiss your shoulder.
"I'll go get cupcakes, and I'll be right back with them" he kissed another part of your shoulder and gave you a smirk in the mirror.
"We have so much food in the house" you started to argue.
"We will eat it, I'll make sure of it" he winked and headed to the closet to start getting dressed. You reached in past him and grabbed one of your negligees and robe before putting them on, then putting on your panties last. You grabbed your mask and stopped to see that Bucky was just in a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt. "I'll get dressed after we eat" he shrugged. "I know just the place for cupcakes, and I'll make sure to try to get strawberry" he grinned as he put on his masks and gave you a quick kiss. "Save those lips for me after"
"These lips are reserved for you" you cooed to him and finished putting on your mask. Bucky ran down the stairs first to head out to the car, and you followed quickly after to go and start making the tea and coffee for breakfast. You giggled slightly to yourself, thinking you were being almost naughty by having cupcakes for breakfast. You were craving strawberries though, so you grabbed a pint out of the fridge and started to stem them and putting them in a bowl. You finished the entire pint and put the clam shell in the garbage since you knew you had plenty more in the fridge. You slowly made your tea, and Bucky's coffee and carried it all out to the back porch where Daisy took off into the back yard to do her morning routine.
"Good morning" Laura looked over the fence and saw the strawberries. "Cravings?" she giggled.
"Oh, you have no idea. I could eat them all the time" you admitted, absentmindedly rubbing your lower belly. You picked up one of the strawberries and started munching on it before sitting down. Daisy brought the ball for you to throw, and you made sure when you threw it, it didn't land in any of the rose bushes. "James picked me up quite a few pints of them, just in case. He also bought these adorable strawberry flavored cupcakes and they were so good" you were almost salivating at the thought of them again. "He ate one of the six, I ate the rest last night"
"Where is that loving husband of yours this morning?" Laura raised her eyebrows.
"He's gone to get me cupcakes for breakfast" you giggled softly. "It feels so naughty"
"Sometimes that's a good thing" she smiled at you. "Are we still on for tea at my place on Saturday?"
"Of course" you smiled brightly, but felt a knot in the pit of your stomach. To cover the look of guilt on your face, you looked down and grabbed another strawberry and quickly put it in your mouth.
"How was your Sunday?" she asked gently.
"It was good, I had morning sickness" you admitted. "Today, so far so good. Just a little nauseous"
"You better watch how much you eat, it's all going to come back up" she warned you and left with a wave.
"Yeah" you nodded, remembering that it would very well indeed come back. You weren't feeling too bad so far at least. You wondered if it had to do with Loki's spell. Maybe yesterday was a fluke. You took a few more strawberries and continued to pop them in your mouth. You sat and tried not to eat all the strawberries while you waited for Bucky to come back, and sipped at your mint tea.

"I had to wait for them to open" Bucky came back half an hour later, and you were out of strawberries.
"I ate all the strawberries I took out, I'm sorry. They were so good" you flushed a bit.
"You look adorable when you blush" he carried a box towards you and set it on the table before swooping down and gracing your lips with a soft kiss. "I'm sure you'll like what I've brought" he opened the box with flourish, and you saw there were six cupcakes topped with pink icing in the shape of roses. "Before you ask, they are strawberry flavored," he grinned proudly.
"You really do love me" you cooed and he sat down across from you, taking a sip of his now cold coffee. He didn't seem bothered. "Did you want me to go warm that up?" you asked softly.
"No, this is good. I have time for a quick breakfast and then I'll head to work" he took out a cupcake and handed it to you. You took a quick picture of it in his hand first before you took it and happily licked at the frosting first. You hummed in satisfaction and sat back in your chair, this was exactly what you had wanted.
"Is my Rose pleased?" he chuckled.
"Very pleased" you nodded and took a bite.
"I'm going to grab a breakfast sandwich on my way to work" he announced.
"I did take the time to make you lunch. I haven't been sick yet this morning" you gave a small smile.
"Thankfully" he sighed softly. "I hate to see you like that"
"Well, I still have the rug set up the way you put it in case I get sick later" you gave a soft smile finishing your cupcake. Bucky reached in and gave you another one. "Aren't you having one?" you asked after a moment.
"I'll eat one with you, but then I have to go get changed" he decided and took one out and licked some of the frosting first. "It definitely tastes like strawberries and sugar" he chuckled.
"Its divine" you sighed happily.
"Whatever my rose needs. I'll pick some up on my way home from work" he chuckled at the look on your face as you ate the second one.
"You spoil me" you announced happily, licking the icing off of your fingers.
"Anything for you" he looked at you meaningfully. "Besides, you are eating for three now" he winked at you.
"I'm loving every bite" you giggled.
"Try to take it easy today, I know you like taking care of the garden, but don't push it too much" he looked at you earnestly.
"I'm just going to work on the gardens a little bit, maybe do some laundry. Stop worrying so much" you smiled softly.
"Promise me please, that you'll take it easy today" Bucky looked at you imploringly.
"Whatever my husband needs" you gave an easy smile.
"Soon, you'll really have my last name" he leaned forward and whispered in your ear before giving you a soft, sweet kiss on the lips.
"I look forward to it" you whispered lovingly, and reached up to caress his cheek.
"I'm going to go get ready, you stay here and finish your cupcakes" he grinned handing you a third one. You eagerly licked the frosting before tearing the bottom half off and putting it on the top to make a cupcake sandwich again. He ran back inside and you saw him head for the stairs. You finished your cupcake, and decided to leave some for later in the day and went back to your tea. You finished your tea, and felt another wave of nausea as you brought the cupcake box, and two cups back into the house and set them on the counter. You were tired, but didn't want Bucky to worry. You just wanted to go back to bed for a little bit. You leaned against the counter and sighed, rubbing your hand over your small baby bump again. You made your way out the front door, while waiting for Bucky to come back down the stairs and stood beside the car waiting expectantly for him to come outside. When he came out, you looked him up and down in his black jeans, white t-shirt with a blue flannel shirt on top. You wanted to hum in satisfaction as he grinned and made his way towards you.
"Well, hello beautiful" he chuckled as you were leaning against his door to get in the car.
"Sir, I was wondering if I could have a kiss before you go to work?" you batted your eyes looking up at him.
"Well, you have been a good girl" he praised you and leaned down to softly brushed his lips against yours hungrily and quickly deepened the kiss. You eagerly leaned in and started carding your hands through his hair. He grabbed you by the hips and pulled you completely against his body. "Be a good girl today, and I'll reward you" he whispered hungrily against your lips. He pulled back slightly, giving your lips another chaste kiss and got down to his knees in front of you, pulling his hands on your butt on either side to hold you in place and leaned forward to give you stomach two small kisses. "I need to get the whole family" he winked at you and got back up to his feet.
"I"ll see you after work, let me know if you'll be late" you pulled regretfully away.
"If you don't feel like making supper, don't forget I can make something on the bar-b-que" Bucky opened the car door. "Take it easy today, rose" he looked at you worriedly.
"I love you James" you smiled and started to head inside.
"Hey" he called and you stopped in your tracks and turned to look at him. "I love you too, don't forget that" he smiled, and you felt like the world lit up every time he smiled.  

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