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When you were done swimming, Bucky insisted on helping you get out of the pool and walked you back to your locker to put the t-shirt back on. You tiredly followed Bucky and Steve towards Steve's room, and Daisy came running down the hallway yipping and jumping up into Bucky's arms and he grinned at you proudly.
"She's gotten more attached to you" Steve looked to Bucky with a grin.
"We've spent a lot of time together" Bucky smiled proudly. "Alpine seems to go to Y/N more now too"
"I hope you two like this..." Steve trailed off as he opened the bedroom door. You were presented with a painting of both Daisy and Alpine that looked very realistic, in one of Daisy's nests. It was a very beautiful painting, with the movement of the paint and the textures you both gasped.
"You added in Alpine?" Bucky asked with a huge grin on his face.
"I figured you two could use a painting in your new living room" Steve smirked. "Its been done for about a week now. I can bring it in tomorrow and hang it up for you" he offered.
"Thank you punk" Bucky smiled.
"Thank you Stevie" you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around Steve. He gave you a bear hug before letting you go, and you backed up.
"Can I...?" he drifted off, looking at your stomach.
"Sure Stevie" you nodded with a smile. He reached out tentatively and caressed your stomach with his hand, before pulling it back after a moment.
"It's so hard to believe, something like this can happen to guys like us" Steve whispered.
"It'll happen for you too Punk" Bucky slapped him on the side of his arm.
"Super soldier swimmers" you winked at Steve and he blushed a bit. "Be careful on the dames you take on dates"

"I'm not sure I'm ready to try dating again. The last time was scary enough" Steve shook his head.
"That was online dating, meet a gal the old fashioned way" you grinned. "It's the way Bucky did it"
"I did only knock on her door" Bucky chuckled.
"I don't see myself doing that" Steve shook his head. "I'm not as lucky as this jerk here"
"You are Stevie, I just know it" you gave a soft smile. "Do you think there's any cupcakes left?" you rubbed your tummy at the thought of them.
"Pretty sure there are" Steve chuckled.
"I'll be back" you turned out of the room, leaving them to talk amongst themselves and made your way to the kitchen. You started going through the cupboards, and ended up finding a jar of nutella, and grabbed a spoon and started eating directly from it. You hopped up on one of the stools and humming happily to yourself.
"Hey Newbie" Nat came in with a grin, and went to one of the cupboards you didn't check and she pulled out a box of cupcakes. She looked at you knowingly and brought them over and handed you one from the box before sitting across from you. "Can I?" she gestured to your stomach and you nodded, while putting the jar down and taking the cupcake and eating it. "I wonder if Bruce is sure you are only 12 weeks"
"He's a pretty smart man, and it was a last minute test that he rushed," you shrugged, taking another cupcake.
"He wants to do some tests tomorrow, and we know you have your mission report, but how do you feel about doing some more wedding planning?" she asked softly.
"I'm up for it. I wanted something that would hide my stomach a bit better, so my wedding photos don't look that bad, but I don't think I'm going to get what I want" you admitted.
"Did you see anything you liked in the books so far?" Nat raised an eyebrow.
"There was this white satin dress, with rose looking lace on top with a long train. It was beautiful, but that would showcase my belly more" you grimaced.
"Your belly is beautiful. Just think of the miracles you and Bucky created" Nat smiled softly to you. "I wish I could do that too"
"Have you and Bruce ever considered adoption?" you asked quickly.
"We haven't really talked about it. We like the way things are for now" she shrugged. "Maybe someday" she gave a small smile. "For now I get to spoil your little ones"
"I can't believe there's two in there." you took a bite of nutella.
"Do you remember if there were twins in your family tree?" she asked gently.
"No, I barely remember much. Hydra had me from the age of four. The things I remember about my family are very little" you sighed regretfully. "But Fury had me from the age of eight, so I had plenty of happy memories from there" you gave a small smile.
"You were raised to be an agent" she reminded you.
"I won't do that to these ones, I want them to pick their own path" you decided. "Do you smell pickles?" you asked suddenly.
"Pickles?" Nat giggled. You went to the fridge and pulled out a jar of pickles and pulled one out and started munching on it.
"That crunch though" you sighed happily.
"I'll have Bruce add it to the list" she let out a laugh.
"Kitten, I highly suggest you go and take a shower before you catch your death" Loki came into the room. You looked down seeing that you were still soaked, and you had made the seat wet that you had sat in.
"We were just having some girl talk" Nat looked at him.
"Ah, did you confirm the details that we are going to be looking at the wedding plans again tomorrow evening?" Loki came in and watched as you took another pickle before putting the jar away.
"No, but I understand" you gave him an easy smile.
"Good. Now take your cupcake, and be on your way" Loki started putting away your nutella and the cupcake box. You pouted a little bit, and Nat chuckled before standing up.
"I'll see you in the morning Y/N" she grabbed a bottle of water and walked out.
"Come along" Loki bossed you. You sighed heavily and started padding out of the kitchen and following him back towards your suite. "Do I need to follow you in to make sure you take a shower?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I can manage" you blushed and walked into your suite, leaving the door open for Daisy and Alpine. You headed to your closet first to grab your panties, and negligee for the night, both in dark blue. You then made your way in to take a shower.

When you came out of the shower you saw Bucky was waiting expectantly on one of the chairs in the bedroom with his clothes. Your negligee was tight around the middle and you moved uncomfortably as you came out. The ones you had bought for the mission were at least a size or two larger to mirror a housewife look. You silently were cross with yourself for not bringing some of them back with you.
"You look beautiful doll" Bucky seemed to read your mind.
"I can't sleep in this" you pouted.
"Come on, let's go in the closet" he stood up and came to you, grabbing your hand. He led you into the closet and took your ring out of your jewelry box and got down on one knee and slipped it on your finger again with an impish grin. Your stomach fluttered slightly, and you gasped a little in surprise. It was in the wrong spot for the normal butterflies that Bucky gave you. Bucky looked at you a little concerned for a moment, but you hid it with a smile.
"Thank you" you gushed to him. He leaned forward and kissed your belly twice and then stood up, going into his drawer and pulling out one of his t-shirts.
"As much as I love these on you..." he drifted off and set the t-shirt to the side. He gently pulled off your negligee over your head and you sighed slightly in relief. He then put his t-shirt on over your head. "There, now you can sleep comfortably" he grinned.
"You take your shower, I'll wait for you" you smiled softly.
"It must be weird for you not to have your tea before bed" he murmured softly.
"Maybe tomorrow. I had pickles, cupcakes,and nutella while I was in the kitchen" you smirked. You felt the flutter again, and leaned against the dresser a little bit.
"What's wrong?" he asked quickly.
"It's nothing, go take your shower my love" you went and kissed him on the cheek and headed to the bedroom wondering if something was wrong, but that made no sense, and Loki hadn't indicated anything to you. You went and laid down on the bed, and rubbed your stomach and listened intently to Bucky taking his shower. You rubbed your stomach and felt the flutter again, against your hand and clued in. You wanted to say it was too early for this, but maybe Bruce was wrong. You wanted to ask Loki, but Bruce planned to do more tests tomorrow so it wouldn't be too pressing. You took out your phone and googled when you would start feeling the babies moving, and it said eighteen weeks. You weren't that far along, at least from what you knew. But maybe with them being super soldiers they were developing faster, especially where they were also enhanced.

Bucky came out of the shower, wearing just a pair of pajama bottoms and smiled at you before putting his clothes in the hamper. He slowly made his way to the bed, in an almost catlike grace and slipped in closest to the door, and wrapped his arm around you.
"Can I have your right hand?" you whispered.
"Sure doll" he took his arm out from under you and handed it to you, and you pressed it to your stomach. "I thought we were going to take it easy tonight?" he chuckled.
"Just wait" you whispered. You felt the flutter again, and moved his hand to where it was and he sat up quickly and looked at you expectantly. You bit your bottom lip and smiled at him. He put his hand right back, and moved on the bed where he put his head on your stomach as well. The flutter came again and you knew he felt it. He looked up at you with misty eyes and a proud smile.
"That's ours?" he asked softly.
"That's ours" you nodded with a smile.
"Listen up in there you two, I'm your daddy. I'm going to love you as much as I love your mom, and I'm going to take care of you both forever" he whispered against the skin. "Don't give your mommy a hard time while you're still in there, she's been through enough. She's going to love you to the moon and back" he rubbed your stomach lovingly and gave it a double kiss.
"Are you coming back up to lay down?" you giggled.
"Just give me a minute, I want to feel them again" he whispered excitedly and you carded your hands through his hair lovingly looking down at him.
"Take all the time you need love" you smiled softly and started petting Alpine who came over to lay on your chest. 

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