Museum with Bucky and Steve

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"Come on doll, time to get up for lunch" Bucky was still playing with your hair.
"Five more minutes" you moaned a little.
"Come on, you need to eat" he chuckled. "That's what you get for getting out of bed before me"
You sat up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before standing up. You saw Steve was already gone with his computer, so you must have been in a deep sleep. He led you the way to the dining room where he handed his hand written report to Tony with a smile and Tony set it down on the table. You saw that Happy made sandwiches and fruit salad again, and smiled happily to yourself as Bucky filled your plate.
"Thank you" you flushed a bit. You still weren't used to him doing this. Every once in a while it still surprised how much he dotes on you. You immediately started eating the fruit salad first and Happy grinned to himself watching you. "You always make the best fruit salad" you smiled at him.
"I'm glad you like it" he grinned and went to eat his meal. You ate quickly, then sat back a little feeling like you had a food baby.
"Everyone done their reports?" Steve asked since the table was pretty quiet.
"Yes, we finished up" Wanda spoke for her and Vision.
"A few of us are still working on it" Loki admitted. "I'm still getting used to this technology. Thor is thankfully slower at it"
"Bucky will catch up to both of you" you grinned excitedly.
"Of that I have no doubt" Loki nodded his head to you. "You have quite a few plans to help him along the way"
"I do" you spoke confidently. "Steve since you and Bucky are done, why don't we go to the museum?" you chirped.
"Sure, I'll go get changed" Steve nodded.
"We both better too" Bucky took your empty plate and brought it to the kitchen for you, along with his own and Steve's.
"Have fun, but not too much fun" Pepper smiled to you.
"I'll get pictures" you promised.
"You better, you take good ones" Nat winked at you. You got up and almost skipped to your room, excited for some time out.

You changed into a pair of light blue ripped up skinny jeans, a dark blue thong and bra, and a dark blue shirt to match, putting in your blue rose earrings to match. Bucky came in and put on a long sleeved white Henley and black jeans then stood and stared pointedly at your ass for a moment and groaned.
"Not to worry soldier, you're the only one that gets to take them off" you giggled.
"Please be dark blue" he looked at you pointedly.
"You're good at guessing" you giggled again. "Yes, everything matches" you slipped on your sneakers. "How does my butt look"
"Like I'd rather stay home and worship it" he grinned mischievously.
"You can do as you wish tonight, right now Stevie is waiting on us" you waited for him to get his shoes on. You grabbed your purse and gave both Daisy and Alpine a kiss before going to the bedroom door and waiting for Bucky to join you. He didn't take long, and you both slipped out to see Steve standing there in his baseball cap, a white shirt with a jean jacket and like blue jeans.
"I'd better get my gloves and hat" Bucky ran back into the bedroom.
"I hate that he feels like he has to wear gloves" you sighed.
"People stare, and it makes him uncomfortable" Steve gave a sad smile. "The hat keeps the paparazzi down" he slipped on a pair of fake glasses and you frowned a bit.
"You both shouldn't have to hide" you sighed.
"We wont always" he shrugged. "Just for now"
Bucky came back out and had his hat on, and leather jacket and gloves. You took his vibranium hand and started leading him towards the front door with confidence. You pulled your keys out of your purse and headed to your car, then handed them to Bucky. He already knew you would only sit in the back, so he opened the back door for you and you slipped in while he and Steve took the front seat.

Once you got to the museum you insisted on going to the special exhibit first again, knowing that Bucky loved it. Steve seemed really interested as well and you followed them both around the room dutifully with a smile. Bucky kept reaching for your hand, and you would take his with ease as he led you from one station to the next.
"Never would have imagined all this back in the day" Steve sighed as he stood beside you both.
"Isn't it amazing?" Bucky asked. "I can't believe all the photo's they have of earth, and all these meteors, and moon rocks" he seemed amazed. You smiled at him lovingly and he leaned down to give you a soft kiss on the lips. You touched his cheek and smiled at him again. "How'd I get so lucky?" he whispered.
"You knocked on my door" you giggled.
"Best day of my life" he kissed you again, and you heard a camera going off. Steve stood there with his phone unapologetically.
"I can take photo's too" he grinned.
"Can you send me them at the end of the day?" you asked softly.
"Of course" he continued to grin while the three of you went to the next stall. You followed them through the whole exhibit, then led them through the main floor and saw there was one on the Avengers and you smile happily.
"I need to see this" you pulled on both their hands to go take a look. You saw Steve was presented first and took a moment to read all the material on him, seeing how small he used to be, and how much he changed. They both looked around sheepishly, as though they would rather not be there. You went to Bucky's next and read everything starting with when he was part of the Howling Commandos, and how they thought he was dead. How he was a soldier that was in captivity for the longest ever known, and the hydra experiments that made him a super soldier. Your heart broke for him, and you held his hand a little tighter. You did like that they said he was formally known as the winter soldier, and now just went by Bucky. You moved on and read each of the Avengers biography and looked at the photos that they had. You learned a little more about the team, but weren't sure if anything was embellished or not.
"So what did you think of younger me?" Bucky asked as you started for another exhibit.
"If he was just as sweet as you are, I would have fallen for him too. But I love the man in front of me now" you shrugged. "You are who you are Bucky, your age doesn't matter. It's the man you are that I fell in love with"
"He used to be more of a ladies man" Steve spoke up.
"I would have fought for him" you raised your chin confidently and started going up the stairs to see the underwater exhibit first. You took a few photos as you went, including a picture of the three of you smiling together. You decided already that it was going to go on the wall. When you got to the dinosaur exhibit you giggled as you ran from one spot to the other, and the two of them chuckled at your excitement. You couldn't believe how big some dinosaurs were. You went up the next set of steps and saw the Egyptian exhibit and walked around amazed at the history of the Pharaohs etc, and all of the different things they had on display. You really found you were enjoying yourself, and were glad that you didn't have to worry about paparazzi again. You snuck a few kisses on Bucky's cheek as you went. If you paused too long looking at something, Bucky would come up behind you and hold you from behind. You loved how safe you felt in his arms. Steve led the way to the geology exhibit and you enjoyed looking at all the different rocks, gemstones etc. You took a few photo's of Steve and Bucky looking at things together. You loved seeing them together. Even in disguise you found they stood out. You found yourself getting lost in the crowd, and lost track of them. You knew you were safe and decided to keep looking around when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you again, and you looked to the side to see Bucky smiling at you, and you smiled up at him.
"Come on, there's more to see" he took your hand, and led you away with Steve right behind the two of you.
You walked around the exhibits of ancient China and ancient Greece and found yourself astounded by how much culture there was. No matter how many times you went to the museum, it always left you floored with it. Steve took a few photos you noticed while you all walked through, and you secretly wondered what the photo's looked like.
When you walked outside you saw an ice cream truck and looked at the boys with a large pout. Bucky chuckled and started walking towards it and Steve gave a small laugh following him. You caught up to them and waited patiently in line. Bucky didn't miss a beat and got you your favorite ice cream cone, and passed it to you, while he also paid for Steve's and his own. The three of you went to a picnic table, and started discussing your favorite parts of the museum.
"Hands down, I loved the Avengers exhibit" you announced and they both looked at you confused.
"You live with us" Steve laughed.
"But I got to see a young Steve and a young Bucky" you smiled. "Some of that stuff I didn't know about the team" you shrugged.
"Doll, you can always just ask" Bucky chuckled.
"I might not have thought of those questions" you shrugged. "Now I don't have to embarrass myself by asking something that's already public knowledge"
"You know, they are going to be adding you to that exhibit once your announced" Steve smirked at you.
"No, they wouldn't. I'm just the Newbie" you shook your head. "I haven't earned that spot yet. Maybe someday" you shrugged.
"If the world knew what you've already done, they would agree that you already earned it" Bucky gave you a smile.
"Not that, but I got ice cream. Thank you handsome" you winked at him.
"Agree to disagree" Bucky sighed and took your free hand to kiss your knuckles.
"Don't tell Happy we got you ice cream, he prefers it when you don't spoil your supper" Steve smiled at you.
"I'm still hungry, bring it on" you grinned while you finished your ice cream and the cone. You wiped your face and made sure there as no evidence before taking the boys trash, as well as your own, and putting it away.
"At least it wasn't the crepe's truck" Steve whispered to Bucky who laughed a bit.
"That was delicious, and I will fight anyone who says any different" you started leading the way back to the car. They both shook their head and followed you.  

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