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Bucky held your hand the entire flight, even when Fury came over to stand over you both looking down worriedly. Bruce was doing his best with what resources he had, but you kept crying out in pain no matter what he did. You would just hold Bucky's hand tighter but he never complained once, only telling you to breathe through it. He would try to coax you to take slow inhales and exhales of breath, but it wasn't in you. You had spent days in excruciating pain with no end in sight until now. Nat tried to coax you to drink some water, but your lip was busted from a fist fight, and the initial kick in the face and it was painful as well. By the time the jet landed, Fury was beside himself in a rage wanting answers, he depended on accurate reports and clearly in this case he didn't get one from Anthony and he wanted to know why. But you were his priority for now. He couldn't believe the one call he declined seemed to have been your only call, and he declined it because he was in grief thinking you really didn't make it out alive or worse. He had called ahead, and Doctor Cho came out to meet the jet when they opened the back. Bucky didn't miss a beat, and picked you up to carry you to the infirmary with Doctor Cho trying to get details from Bruce as they hurried behind him. He placed you on the closest table and Doctor Cho forced the whole team out of the room, even Fury. Bruce seemed to understand a bit better why, and didn't fight her.
"Why can't we stay?" Nat finally asked.
"They are going to have to cut the suit off of her, and the rest of her clothes to assess the damage. Figure out what needs to be a priority first" Bruce whispered.

Doctor Cho had you in emergency surgery, giving you a lot of sedatives so you would fall asleep which wasn't that hard for you to do. She wanted you to sleep through the surgery as well. She hooked up blood bags and IV's to you while she started digging the bullets out first shaking her head at the damage your body was riddled with. She started a course of strong antibiotics to fight the infections that had already started. She reset your broken nose, and looked at her handywork. You were badly bruised, and she was worried there was internal bleeding and double checked each wound to make sure she didn't miss anything. She worked tirelessly for hours, even hearing the rest of the team outside the infirmary doors and Maria yelling at Fury for not letting her go as your back up. He yelled back that she was needed with him, and he couldn't have seen this coming.
The team of doctors and nurses tried cleaning up the blood as best as they could before they transferred you to the regeneration machine with the IV's still in your arm.
"Shouldn't we take that out?" one of the nurses asked gently.
"No, there's too much blood loss, and I'm worried about the infections. Its best she stays under until she's out" Doctor Cho wasn't used to seeing you like this, and wondered what could have happened for you to be so badly wounded. She set the regeneration machine for as long as it could go, and had a doctor and nurse stand by to watch you while she went to fill in Fury and the rest of the team.

"I hope your pleased. I told you Anthony was the worst agent you could have sent with her. I don't care what his record shows" Maria was yelling at Fury blindly with a few tears falling down her face.
"No Agent, I am not pleased. He was supposed to have her back" Fury shook his head, sitting down looking lost.
"She didn't want to go" Tony spoke up. "When she heard who she was going with, she didn't want to go. And recon's according to her, are her jam"
"She could've said no" Fury shook his head.
"She doesn't want to risk disappointing you, besides it also meant you owed us a favor and she took one for the team" Tony reminded him. "I think at this point you owe us two"
"I'm not going to argue that" Fury shook his head, and leaned forward putting his head in his hands.
"I should've been with her. I knew when she didn't check in that something was off" Bucky was kicking himself internally for not realizing that Anthony would take off without you even though he threatened him.
"Where is the oaf? I need to speak to him, man to mewling quim" Loki took out one of his daggers menacingly.
"Brother" Thor warned him, but Loki looked pissed.
"He's been detained, we are reviewing the reports again. He's acting squeamish" Maria admitted. "I would too if I lied"
"He had no reason to leave her there unless it went down the way he said it" Fury shook his head. "He followed protocol, according the report"
"He obviously didn't follow protocol" Nat huffed.
"We found this under the tree she seemed to have been camping in" Wanda spoke up with her accent coming out thickly. She dropped something heavy on the floor and it was your backpack, almost empty of water and protein bars. It looked like you had been rationing them. Inside there were several thumb drives laying at the bottom. "I believe your data is all accounted for and then some"
"My agent, I'm taking it first" Tony called.
"I need that data Tony" Fury looked at him.
"You have twenty, let me repeat this... twenty prisoners for processing. We can review the data first" Steve shook his head. "Something was obviously going on there when she said she released the prisoners"
"The reports we have said they were selling children and taking them for experiments" Fury finally gave in a little. "I knew she would want the data more than anyone because of her past"
"You didn't think she wouldn't try to take down the base on her own, if she knew that's what was happening?" Bruce demanded.
"I expected her to follow orders" Fury shook his head. "She's too headstrong"
"No, she's an Avenger, and she just avenged those children" Nat spoke gently. "We're taking the data, and taking her report first"

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