A protective Father

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Bucky cuddled you all night long, keeping you close as possible while you slept. When you woke up, you weren't upset any longer like you had been. You curled up into him a bit more, enjoying the warmth the early morning brought. You gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and put your head back on his chest for a moment listening to his heart beat. You thought about how you had just had your first fight, and felt embarrassed your emotions took over like that. You knew the mission was really important and he was just trying to focus on that. You just didn't like feeling ignored, or that he ignored that the team went out of their way to watch a movie with you both. You gave a small sigh and slipped out of bed finally and headed to the bathroom.
Once you were done, you saw Bucky was still sleeping, and figured he could use the extra rest so you just got changed into your leggings and sports bra to go for a run, and headed down to the track with Daisy. You didn't see Sam or Steve yet, so you started to jog on your own. You liked that your mind was clearing while you jogged. Daisy stayed beside you for a bit before she went off to play on her own. You started using your abilities to make stairs that you could run up made of ice and did a flip off of them once you were high enough up and recalled your ice. You did this a few more times before you heard Steve running up behind you and saying "On your left" you chuckled slightly to yourself. If anything, he was predictable. You slowed down slightly and looked back, but still didn't see Sam so you sped up again and continued jogging. After your fifth lap, you gave up on Sam coming, and headed for the stairs and you saw Steve slow down and start following you.
"Good morning" he said as you reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Good morning Stevie" you gave him a smile.
"How are you doing this morning?" he seemed hesitant to ask.
"You heard the fight, didn't you?" you stopped and looked at him.
"I think a few people heard it" he flushed a bit.
"I'm fine. He finally came to bed" you nodded. "I just need to remember he has to have his focus time I guess" you sighed.
"He's pretty worried about the mission" he inclined his head a bit.
"Do you think I was too hard on him?" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"That's not for me to decide. I think he needs to remember that he has you in his life too" he admitted.
"I think I'm going to give him the option to stay and work on the mission details. We can go to the farmers market by ourselves" you gave a pained smile. "I was hoping for a day thing"
"I wanted to pick up a bit of art supplies while we are there to be honest" he nodded.
"So, to be clear, you're not against going with just me?" you asked hesitantly.
"Not at all, I think it will be fun" he grinned. "I was just coming to join you to see if Happy needs help with breakfast"
"Happy normally just asks for a few songs to be honest" you giggled as you started up the steps.
"I like those too" he chuckled and followed you up.

"There you are Sunshine, I was just talking to your dad about how helpful you are in the morning" Happy greeted you as you came in the kitchen with Steve.
"Good morning Pumpkin" your father came over and gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Maria was already in the dining room sitting with Sam in a hushed conversation as you and Steve had walked by.
"Good morning Pops" you gave a smile and grabbed two bottles of water for you and Steve. You both drank them down while Happy started on your coffee and handed it to you as you sat down.
"You sing for breakfast?" your dad chuckled.
"I sing to help for my breakfast. It's a good trade" you winked. "Happy has me trained now"
"I saw the papers" he looked at you seriously.
"So did I" you blushed.
"There's no going back now" he raised his eyebrows at you.
"I knew that walking in. I'm just surprised that they had a picture of us in bed. Tony's taking care of that though" you flushed a bit. "They also brought up the guard detail they have here on the grounds".
"You know you could invest in some curtains for your windows" he spoke the obvious.
"No one has curtains up" you shrugged. "Its supposed to be a safe space to let the light in"
"You're never a hundred percent safe, you need to start remembering that" he reminded you.
"I'll keep that in mind, especially on my mission" you nodded.
"Is Daisy going with you?" he seemed curious.
"And Alpine" you smiled. "It's a good cover to have them with us"
"You'll definitely have the family dynamic going" he seemed to nod in approval. "If you can, try to text me and let me know you're safe" he asked gently.
"I'll work on it pops" you nodded. "I'll see if I can get ahold of a burner phone or something"
"Make sure you let me know when you make it back too, I want to come and see you when your back" he added.
"Pops, you've sent me on month long missions before" you giggled.
"You had to send weekly reports, I'm allowed to worry about my daughter" he pulled up a stool beside Steve.
"I'm going to be fine. Bucky is worried enough for everyone" you rolled your eyes.
"He left his computer in the living room" Happy reminded you.
"We had a small fight last night, I'm sure he will come out and charge it after breakfast" you gave a smile.
"Trouble in paradise?" you dad caught on quickly.
"Not anymore" you shook your head. "I was being oversensitive"
"No you weren't" Happy spoke over his shoulder. "You felt what you felt"
"He's just really focused on this being a successful mission" you added gently.
"Do I need to talk to him?" Fury asked quickly.
"Dad... no" you shook your head. "We talked it out already" you blushed.
"You're just so serious about him, I feel like I should say something if you are hurting" he looked at you seriously.
"Dad, we are okay" you reassured him.
"Where's my music?" Happy asked after a few moments of silence. You gave a small giggle and you saw Fury and Steve looking at you expectantly. You took out your phone and scrolled through some of your songs. You put on Nat King Cole and started singing "The very thought of you" with a smile. When you were done Happy crossed his arms and looked at you, so you went ahead and sang a few more songs that came on next. He went back to cooking and you saw your dad seem to relax, the same with Steve with their coffee's. You went to get a refill of coffee and took a sip between songs as you could.
Happy was almost done making breakfast when you felt someone come up behind you and hold you. You leaned back and tipped your head up and smiled at Bucky. He looked troubled.
"Good morning Bucky" you whispered to him.
"You didn't get me up" he pouted.
"You looked like you needed the extra rest" you shrugged. "I took out Daisy, and had a bit of a run with Steve"
"But you still didn't get me up" he continued pouting. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and he seemed to relax slightly.
"I talked to Steve about it, if you want to work on the mission prep, we are okay to go to the farmers market by ourselves" you offered.
"Doll, you were looking forward to that" he shook his head.
"You're worried about the mission. Just watch miss Daisy for me while I'm out and you can work on your computer" you offered.
"But we had so much fun last time" he started.
"You're getting a free pass jerk, I'll watch your dame for you" Steve sipped his coffee again. "I wanted to get some art supplies while we are out anyways"
"Let me think about it" Bucky sighed. "I was looking forward to going, but I do want to work on the mission a bit more" he admitted.
"Its up to you" you slid out of his arms and off your stool to get another refill of coffee while Happy started putting the food out on the table.

"Someone got a picture of you training out on the track yesterday" Tony announced as he came in with a newspaper. "They got a few good pictures of you running, and one with Bucky slapping you on the behind as he ran by" he chuckled. You took the newspaper and flushed looking at the new article. Bucky looked over your shoulder, as did your dad.
"Her ass isn't a target Soldier" your dad looked at Bucky who blushed a bit.
"Dad, I like that he does it. It's cute" you argued slightly.
"As long as your okay with it pumpkin" he seemed to calm down a little.
"You shouldn't have worn that baggy shirt, you can see your sweat on it" Maria commented from beside Sam.
"It was chilly yesterday morning" you shrugged. "Maybe that will just fuel the pregnancy rumors" you sighed.
"Nah, your body is too rocking for that" Maria chuckled. "That ass though, looks like you've been working on it"
"Not really" you shook your head. "That's the pants"
"I've got to find out how they are getting pictures from inside the private area of the compound" Tony took the newspaper back, and you returned back to eating. "I beefed up security for this reason"
"Its not like they are getting anything incriminating. Bucky announced we were dating anyways, so its no surprise that we would sleep in the same bed" you shrugged.
"It wasn't the best surprise to see with my morning reports and coffee" Fury corrected you.
"No, I suppose not" you sighed.
"Whats the plan for today?" Maria looked at you pointedly.
"Farmers market" you didn't add who was going. "I like their food trucks, and they always have some interesting wares" you grinned.
"And the art store" Steve corrected you. "We can't forget that" he added.
"Definitely not" you smiled at him. "I'm still waiting on you to finish that painting of Daisy"
"That's what I'm trying to finish" he grinned.
"I want to pick up some plums" Bucky decided.
"I can get them for you..." you started to offer.
"No, you were right last night. I need to take some time away from the mission stuff too. I'm coming" Bucky decided.
"Wow, mission's are my life girl wants someone to take a break from prepping for a mission. Who are you and what did you do to Y/N?" Maria smirked at you.
"I found a life" you giggled. "Bite me"
"When and where?" she chuckled.
"Surprise me" you rolled your eyes.
"This was delicious, thank you for having me" Fury finished his breakfast. "And thank you for the music this morning" he smirked at you. You blushed slightly. "Don't forget about me" he touched your cheek.
"I won't pops" you gave a smile.
"I'm going to get going, I'll see you at work tomorrow Maria. Take the day off" he stood up and you jumped up to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he left.
"What are you going to do with your free day?" you smirked at her.
"Oh, we have plans" Sam grinned happily. "We were hoping he would be okay if I stole her for a day" he admitted softly.
"We are going to the movies" Maria smiled happily. "I haven't been in forever"
"Good choice bird brain" Bucky chuckled as Sam pushed him slightly on the shoulder. It was hard to do with Steve in the way.
"Thank you Happy for breakfast" you stood up and grabbed what dishes you could and brought them in the kitchen. "I'm going to go take a shower and get ready" you announced and walked towards your bedroom.
"I'd better shower too" Steve stood up and was close behind you. Bucky got up and went to grab his computer so he could charge it while he was out before following your lead.  

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