Fifth date

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After crying your eyes out for a while, you got up and took a long hot shower, trying to remain mindful of the IV in your arm. You wanted to just get rid of all the emotions that had come out of you since your visit with Doctor Joy. When you came out you walked naked into the closet without a second thought and closed the door behind you looking for what you wanted to wear. You knew it was getting close to bedtime, and Bucky was still waiting on you, but you wanted to look nice. You slipped on a dark blue satin nightgown, and put on powder blue lace panties since your dark blue ones were already dirty. You took the time to brush your hair and tried to dry it out a little. You put in a pair of white rose earring studs, wanting to look a little special. You came out and slipped on the white satin robe that was longer than the nightgown. You liked the fact that Bucky seemed so responsive to you, and hoped that this would also initiate a response in your favor. You saw Daisy had made her nest in the bed and gave a soft smile before grabbing your phone and texting Bucky to see if he wanted to come to the bedroom. You walked over and turned on the record player, putting on one of the newer albums you had gotten as a get well present with Calum Scott's song "You are the reason" as the first song on it. Just as it started to play Bucky walked into the room with a soft smile.
"May I have this dance?" he took a few steps towards you, and pulled you close. You put your hand in his, and one hand on his shoulder while to pulled you closer by the grip on your hip.
"Always" you were proud your voice came out raspy instead of squeaky. He was already in his black flannel pajama bottoms and no shirt the way you liked it. He swayed in the same spot dipping you back slightly, being mindful of your limitations. When you came back, you pressed yourself against him a little more than you normally would and he dipped his head to rest his forehead against yours. "Dancing on my own" came on next and you started humming to the song and you could feel him smile without opening your eyes.
"How are you feeling?" he asked gently and you finally opened your eyes and saw he was looking concerned.
"Drained, but she asked a lot of questions" you admitted. "She gave me homework" you smirked.
"Will the straight A student be doing her homework?" he quirked an eyebrow, and you traced the skin around his vibranium arm.
"I already started" you smiled at him. "I'm doing something for me right now" you shrugged. "I'm dancing with a deliciously handsome man, having our fifth date"
"I do like the earrings" he smirked, kissing just under your earlobe on the side of your neck. "It's a nice touch. You like flowers" he observed.
"I do" you grinned. "I love the flowers in my room as well"
"You need some fresh ones" he nuzzled against your neck, giving the skin a small nip.
"I have so many already" you sighed feeling his lips continue to move along your neck.
"Some of them are starting to wilt" he pulled back. "I can't have that" he gave a lopsided smile. "I got chya something different for tonight's date"
"You're already here, that's all I need" you giggled.
"Just wait" he backed up and went out the door, before coming back quickly with a gift bag. You looked at it curiously, and opened it up. It was a beautiful mahogany jewelry box with stained glass roses on the top. "Since you spoiled yourself, you left them all hanging on your dresser so I figured you needed a place to put it all" he gave a shy smile.
"This is beautiful Bucky, it looks so expensive" you blushed. "Thank you so much"
"Only the best for my doll" he leaned forward and brushed his lips against yours. You nipped at his bottom lip and he slid his tongue past your lips easily, deepening the kiss quickly. You both let out small moans of satisfaction and he pulled you closer to him, the only thing between the two of you was the box in your hand. He took the box, and you heard it being set down on the table as he dipped you back, and pulling you closer by your hips. You loved the way his body felt pressing against yours, also thankful for your flexibility. You heard the record had finished, but you were too focused on the way he was kissing you. He finally pulled back slightly and smirked at you.
"Told ya I could still surprise ya" he grinned.
"You really did, I didn't think anyone would notice..." you trailed off. "I'll put it to use right now" you grabbed the IV pole and grabbed the box with your spare hand and headed into your closet. Bucky turned off the record player, then followed you in while you carefully put each piece into the jewelry box with a smile. You went to take your earrings out, but he stopped you by putting a hand on your arm.
"Leave them in, they look good" he licked his lips, and you bit your bottom lip with a nod.
"That's not fair" his eyes were trained on your lips again. He took a step forward and crashed his lips to yours again, barely giving you a moment to take a breath. You pulled him in by the shoulders and ran your hands through his hair trying to urge him on. "Y/N" he pulled back, his eyes having darkened significantly. "I'm trying to be a gentleman" his voice was deep and gravelly and you loved the fact that you made him that way.
"You are a gentleman" you smiled at him, caressing his cheek.
"You're driving me crazy" he admitted, giving you a lingering kiss on the lips.
"Feeling's mutual" you breathed as he pulled away.
"Let's get you to bed" he took a step back, and gave a lopsided smirk. You kept his gaze, and opened your robe and saw his eyes start to travel down your body as you carefully took off one half, then reached to pull the IV bag through the other arm and put it back. You hung your robe back up and turned to look at him and his eyes were still travelling up and down your body with a smile. "You're wearing lace under there" his voice was deep again.
"Almost always" you flushed. "I like my comforts". You saw him wipe his hand across his face, then bit his knuckles again. You smirked seeing he was very well aroused, and felt powerful for it. "Doc's going to be here any minute to switch out the bags" you reminded him softly.
"I'm going to run Daisy out, and I'm going to be right back" he groaned. "Do you realize how perfect you are?" he looked at you seriously.
"I'm not" you shook your head.
"To me you are" he grumbled, and leaned in giving you a hard kiss on the lips, almost seeming to be promising more later. "I'll be right back" he promised, and called for Daisy as he opened the balcony door. You slowly made your way to the bed and sat down to wait. You checked the time, and saw Doctor Cho was running a few minutes behind, but came in and gave you an easy smile.
"How was your evening?" she came over with the new bags for you.
"Wonderful" you gave a wan smile.
"And Doctor Joy?" she pressed as she started switching the bags.
"Gave me homework, I started working on it" you smirked.
"You'd better write it down, in case she asks. She doesn't joke about homework" she smiled easily. "I have to admit, since the surgery your progress has been steady. I'm pleased with the results. More bloodwork tomorrow morning after breakfast" she reminded you.
"As long as it gets this thing off of me quicker, do what you must" you shrugged. "I appreciate you doc"
"I appreciate you too" she smiled and turned to walk out. "Good night" she called over her shoulder.

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