Breaking in

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When you woke up, you excitedly got out of bed after giving Bucky a sweet and lingering kiss on the lips.
"Good morning doll" he smiled happily at you.
"Good morning my love" you cooed against his lips. He pulled you back into bed rubbing his hands up and down your sides. He seemed to pause for a moment at your stomach and ran his thumbs over the tiny bump that was starting to show.
"I don't think you should be the one to go into Ron and Stephanie's house" he bit his bottom lip in concern for your safety. You pulled back looking at him feeling a little hurt that he didn't think you were capable of completing the mission safely.
"Why? I'm the perfect cover, and you can text me when you see them and when they are headed home. I'm better with computers, we both know this" you were willing to argue this one.
"I'm worried" he admitted softly and pulled you back to him. "You should be careful. You have two little ones to worry about now."
"But we agreed on this already" you pouted in protest. "Besides, I tested it already. I can fit through the basement window easily."
"And I can pick a lock" he reminded you. "I would just feel safer if I went in, knowing you're away from any danger, and you can keep me updated about what's going on. I'll even stay with you until they get there, and bring the bags back. You just need to stall them; you can keep Stephanie talking. She really likes you"
"But Ron doesn't like me, and it would be hard to stall him. He likes you, you're a guy" you reminded him.
"Tell you what, we will play it by ear. We will both go to the farmers market, have our breakfast and do some shopping for the week. And If I think that you can stall them better, I'll go do a quick in and out to see if he has the guns. It will be easy to talk him into selling me one if I know they are there. You know, guy talk" he purposely ran his hand over your small baby bump again completely enamored with it.
"Don't you trust me?" you sighed looking into his eyes.
"I don't trust them." he shook his head. "I love you, and I need you safe. You are showing already, and I don't want to risk anything"
"I'm not made of glass Bucky and you know that better than anyone" you reminded him with a slight frown on your face.
"Clearly, especially after last night's activities " he chuckled with a raised brow. "But let me take care of my Dame, Please." he looked at you imploringly. You couldn't find it in yourself to say no. You would have to play it by ear to keep him happy.
"Fine, we will play it by ear" you sighed, and he leaned forward and kissed you softly on the lips. "But make sure you take lots of photos for evidence. We still need to make the gun sale to prove he's trafficking them."
"That won't take much. I can tell he likes money" Bucky pulled back and smiled at you proudly. "I'm glad you see it my way"
"I don't. You're being overprotective. What happens when we go home and there's missions" you reminded him with a hint of sass in your tone.
"We will cross that bridge when we get there. I don't want you on missions until after the babies are born and grown a little." he held you close to his chest. You wanted to slap him on the chest but held back.
"Bucky" you gave a warning growl.
"You're good in the lab" he started to argue. "I read about twins online, and the first trimester is the most dangerous. You are already showing"
"I love my recons though." you pouted again.
"I love my dame more. I can't live without you, and knowing that you are carrying my children..." he drifted off. "Gosh...You're killing me doll" he sighed when you wiggled against him.
"I'll think about it" you decided. You didn't want to lose the babies either, but you couldn't imagine yourself in the lab all day. You were good at coming up with ideas for equipment, but to be analyzing data all day sounded so much more boring. And if you weren't on a mission, you didn't want him on a mission. Selfishly you were worried about him too, even if he is a super soldier. "I don't want my babies growing up without their father either" you poked your head up to gaze into his eyes.
"We can quit the Avengers." Bucky whispered. "We can stay here, raise our family just you ,me, Daisy, Alpine and the babies."
"You know the team wouldn't agree to that" you shook your head. "You don't want to quit, and neither do I"
"To keep you safe, I would. If it would make you happy, I would without a second thought." he touched your cheek and you could feel his love envelop you through his gaze.
"No one is quitting, at least not for a while. I'll consider what you said though" you sighed and rolled out of his grasp and got out of bed. You felt a little nauseated this morning, but knew that it was temporary. Loki likely put another spell on you while you were at home.
"What's wrong?" he asked quickly, not missing the look on your face.
"I'm a little nauseous" you admitted and went to grab some panties and a nightgown to put on. It was shortly followed by your robe and mask. "I'll go make the coffee and tea so we can start our day." you decided.
"I'll make it, you go take out Daisy and get the paper. I'm sure Laura is waiting by the fence for you again" he came up close to you, pulling the mask off carefully and taking your temperature. "You're not running a fever at least" he sighed and put your mask back on you. He made sure it was on correctly before leaning down and giving you a soft, chaste kiss on the lips. "I still see you behind that thing" he grinned lovingly at you before turning to get some clothes and his masks on.
"I'll see you downstairs Sarge" you sighed out and headed down to the main floor.

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