Doctor Joy

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When the three of you finally got to lunch, everyone was already there. Doctor Cho gave you a relieved smile as Nat helped you get to your chair.
"You got a bit of a burn on your cheeks" she pointed out.
"Thank you for the pen" you pulled it out of your pocket and handed it to her.
"I have good news, only two more days on the IV drip, and then you can go to the medication I prescribed. We got all of the shrapnel. You'll be back to your old self soon" Doctor Cho smiled broadly.
"You said only two more days two days ago" you pouted slightly.
"Its still necessary. I can tell your getting stronger at least" she pointed out.
"The pain is almost gone" you gave a shy smile. "Thank you so much"
"That's normal. Your muscles are getting used to not having that in you still. By the time I'm gone, the pain will be gone. You'll just have to work on your building your strength back up" she pointed out.
"This is great news. Look at that Newbie, you'll be back in the sparring ring again" Tony smiled.
"I'm looking forward to that" you smiled softly. "I still haven't taken on any super soldiers"
"We need to work on your abilities more first" Nat pursed her lips at you. "Water abilities at least, I think you have the frost ones down pat"
"I am not as strong with those ones" you admitted shyly.
"In the Hydra files that Fury gathered on you, they only used a frost serum" Bruce seemed deep in thought.
"That's true, they did" you nodded, and waited for him to connect the dots.
"You were enhanced from birth?" he looked at you, not really asking.
"From my mother" you nodded. "Fury theorized that's why they took me so violently. I remember she used to give me baths and would make the water do so many beautiful things" you thought back to the memory and your eyes glazed over a little. You felt like you were going to cry so you looked down at your food and concentrated on that. "My parents talked about having another baby before they died"
"Does anyone else know about that?" Steve asked gently, and you wiped a stray tear.
"No, just Maria" you shook your head. "Pop's said that it wasn't normal to have two abilities, and didn't want me using it too often. He always concentrated on the frost ability since it's the best one for fighting with"
"I'd like to do some testing on your abilities one day" Tony decided.
"It would be fascinating" Bruce nodded.
"I haven't even tried them since my last mission" you admitted.
"When we have you back in the training room, we will work on them before they test anything. Don't worry" Wanda smiled reassuringly.
"I'd be more comfortable with that" you nodded, concentrating on your food. You felt Bucky put his hand on your thigh reassuringly and you gave him a small smile.

As soon as you finished eating, you felt mentally drained. You were having flash backs of the night you were taken, and were not looking forward to having to open up to someone new tonight. You knew it was for the best, and its what everyone wanted for you. But you didn't feel ready yet. You still held onto those memories firmly because you were afraid if you talked about them out loud, it would make you forget the beautiful ones that were there too. You had so many haunting memories you would rather talk about, but not the ones that brought you pleasure and pain. You felt cheated of a life where you would have grown up knowing how to use your water abilities the way they should be. You made your way slowly back to your bedroom, and barely registered Bucky was behind you when you stopped for a moment to catch your breath.
"You okay doll?" he asked gently.
"I wasn't expecting that conversation" you admitted and felt him wrap his arms around you and he just held you tightly, as though he wasn't going to let go.
"Lets get you back to your room so you can rest" he said after holding you for a while.
"I can make it" you stepped back and gave him a smile.
"I'd feel better if you let me walk ya" he gave a crooked smile, and you flushed giving a smile with a slight nod before you continued on your way. "Vision and Wanda took out Daisy" he mentioned softly.
"I miss taking her for her walks" you gave a sad smile.
"It wont be much longer, you'll be kicking my ass in training" he teased, reminding you of the first conversation you had with him.
"You did say you would love for me to kick your butt" you giggled as you got to your bedroom door. He held the door open and you walked in slowly heading to your bed. He didn't miss a beat, and walked over to the record player and put on some of the older music that you liked. He strode over to you, and you looked at him curiously as he pulled you close again, and leaned down tapping on the back of your thighs. You immediately jumped up and wrapped your legs around him while his used his vibranium arm to hold your weight. He took one of your hands and started to sway to the music, dancing with you in one spot. You gave a small giggle, feeling so grateful for him and leaned forward putting your head on his shoulder while he hummed to the music. You didn't know if he knew how much you needed this at this precise moment.
"I can't dip ya or turn ya, but I can still dance with ya" he whispered to you.
"Thank you, I needed this" you whispered back.
"Anytime doll, how about again tonight?" he pulled his head back a little, and you looked up at him with a smile.
"It's a date" you smiled, and he leaned forward claiming your lips again. You sighed happily and used your free hand to play in his hair. You didn't know how long he kissed you for, he only pulled back once in while so you could take a breath. You loved how every time he kissed you, he kissed like you were the only woman in the world he wanted to kiss. You loved the way he knew how to rub his tongue against yours so expertly, making you melt on the inside.
"Hey ladies man, don't you have training to get to?" Wanda's voice broke through the air and you pulled back with a blush.
"Wanda" Bucky didn't sound happy to say her name. She let out a giggle, and Bucky carried you over to your bed and set you on the side. Daisy vaulted herself onto the bed and gave him a lick on the face and you giggled at the look on his face. "I'll come get you for supper" Bucky gave you a chaste kiss on the lips and sighed standing back. Wanda and Vision just walked through your bedroom following him out the door. You curled up on the bed and snuggled under the covers immediately and closed your eyes wanting just a small nap.

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