A little more public love

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When you hit the gym, you were still sore from this mornings run, but looking forward to the new challenges that the girls had prepared for you. Nat decided to start with sparring, no hit limits. She started out going easy on you where you were mostly on the offensive. You had Wanda telling you from the sides what you could be doing better or differently, and Nat coached you as you attacked her. She finally started attacking you back and you both went into a dance and you were a panting mess by the end of it. You both had gotten quite a few good hits in, even Nat looked a bit tired. She grinned at you and patted you on the back.
"All that stamina training kept you on track" she complimented you. "You did good. After lunch we are working on your abilities with Wanda" she warned you.
"You need to go hit the weights" Wanda spoke up. "Thirty minutes on weight training, and then you should go for a swim for a cool down"
You nodded and headed for the weights where Clint came over and spotted you while you took on some of the larger equipment. You couldn't do as much as you had before the incident, but you figured that was the price you would pay for not being in the gym for so long. You pushed yourself as far as you could before Clint called it and told you to go for your cool down. You got up full of sweat and started heading out of the gym.
When you got to the bedroom you tiredly changed into your white swimsuit and didn't bother putting anything on top, you were too exhausted. You padded your way out to the outdoor pool and slipped into the water hissing a little at the cool water on your skin. You let yourself float in the shallow end for a moment before you started doing your laps. You were on your third lap when you heard music in the air and stopped swimming and looking up curiously and saw Bucky sitting on the steps and putting his phone to the side. Steve and Sam were just walking in the door.
"Its funny, it was easy to get Pietro to show me how to share your music lists to me so we could listen on my phone too" Bucky grinned down at you. "I like the white better in person" he winked.
"Thank you, I forgot my phone somewhere" you flushed.
"In the gym. Its in the bedroom now" he got more into the water and came over to give you a soft kiss on the lips, and pulled you to him in an embrace.
"Come on man, you said you wanted a cool down. Let your girl finish hers" Sam teased.
"I love you" he whispered in your ear, and backed away and started swimming beside Steve.
"Come on girl, I know you aren't done yet" Sam started swimming past you and you moved to catch up with him. You raced him for a few laps before your body was screaming to call it quits. You slipped out of the water, and he grinned at you. "Finally found a limit?"
"I started before you got here" you sassed him and went to the swing to lay down in the sun for a moment. Daisy was scratching at the door to be let out and you went to sit up to go get her, but Steve got out of the water and let her in. She ran to you and jumped up on the swing and laid across your stomach. You knew you hadn't been spending as much time with her as you used to, and wondered if maybe you should make the time to spend just a day with her. She used to love her walks around the block when you would stop to get a coffee, and thought central park would be a great idea. You figured tonight after supper would be a good idea, and wondered if you should talk to Bucky about it first. You knew he would be fine with it, but he might want to join you. You wouldn't mind if he did. You loved his company.
"Come on, time to get to lunch" Steve called after a while. You were almost half asleep patting Daisy. You signaled for her to get down, and you stood up and grabbed one of the community towels to wrap around yourself before heading back to your room. Bucky was close behind you, and opened the door for you and Daisy to go in. You both changed back into your workout clothes in silence before he picked you up by the hips and put you on the dresser to look at you seriously.
"What's wrong?" you asked, gazing into his eyes while he still gazed at you.
"Are you pushing it too much for today?" he asked gently. "Its your first day back, and you did a lot already"
"I'm okay, I feel great" you gave a wan smile. "Its good to be back to work" you admitted.
"Are you sure?" he raised his eyebrow.
"I promise. I want to take Daisy for a walk-through central park tonight" you said quickly.
"Did you mind company?" he grinned.
"Sure, I'd love to have my super handsome boyfriend with me" you leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. "I haven't spent much time with her lately...." You paused.
"Wait, you can't" you shook your head. He looked at you confused.
"You have your VA meeting tonight" you reminded him.
"I can miss a night" he shrugged.
"No, you can't. I'll be safe and keep my phone on me. Your recovery is more important" you leaned forward and kissed him again. "You won't be able to go on those when we are on our mission" you reminded him and he bit his bottom lip.
"Keep your phone on you? Text me if you feel like your being followed or if something happens?" he touched your cheek.
"I promise" you slipped off the dresser and grabbed your phone from beside your bed where Bucky put it earlier and put it in your sports bra.

After lunch your training with Wanda was taking a lot out of you. You'd barely used your abilities at all over the last few weeks except when you did a small demonstration for Bruce. Your ice walls were easy to erect, but you still had a hard time with the water orbs. You hit Wanda a few times with them, but she was getting a lot more hits in with her orbs, to the point she shattered some of your ice walls. You felt battered and bruised. You finally made a thicker wall and hid behind it for a moment and thought about your mother and what she would have been feeling when she created her water creatures etc. You thought of love, then focused on your love for Bucky and found the water orbs were coming a lot easier. You hit Wanda with three in a row and she looked shocked for a moment.
"Good job Newbie" she grinned at you.
"You must have finally figured something out" Nat came into the ring and put her arm around your shoulders. You held out your hand and a pink water orb started growing in the palm of your hand and started expanding. You finally let it go, feeling proud of yourself.
"I think I finally did" you grinned happily.
"You did good today" Wanda smiled.
"You need a shower" Nat added.
"I can't wait for tomorrow" you giggled and slipped out of the ring to head to your bedroom.

While you were in your shower, you could hear Bucky in his, in his room and wondered if he would be up for sharing a shower sometime. You giggled slightly to yourself, thinking you couldn't get enough of the man. You got out of the shower and changed into a pair of jeans, a pink t-shirt and sneakers before you put one of Bucky's sweaters that was in your room on. You liked how it smelled like him. You almost skipped to supper thinking of your walk with Daisy tonight, absolutely forgetting that you had an appointment as well. You sat at the table, and Bucky came in with a smirk a few minutes later in a black t-shirt and jeans.
"You stole my sweater I was going to wear" he chuckled.
"Did you want it back?" you fluttered your eyelashes at him. He leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips.
"No, it looks better on you" he chuckled again and took a seat. You flushed a little bit and pulled it closer around you. You liked that it was black, it reminded you of his tactical outfit that he wore on missions.
"You're dressed up? Trying to show Doctor Joy you're doing better Sunshine?" Bruce asked and you slapped your hand to your forehead.
"I forgot I had to meet her tonight. I wanted to get out for a bit" you pouted.
"Maybe the appointment wont be too long" he tried to make you feel better. "She's coming down right after supper"
"I hope not, I wanted to take Daisy for a good walk through Central Park" you admitted. "I've been enjoying getting out on my own again"
"It is good to see you finding your own groove again" Tony smiled. "You've really come out of your shell"
"I still expect to see my girl in the mornings" Happy warned you and you flushed a bit. "I need that additional help with breakfast" he teased.
"As long as you keep me caffeinated" you laughed as Bucky started filling your plate for you. You didn't even have the heart to argue with him, he had been doing it for a few weeks now. You breezed through supper keeping up with the conversations. You noticed they weren't bringing up missions, although you knew that there must be a few coming up. You figured they were trying to keep your mind off recon missions, although you were excited to get back out there. You knew they wanted you to take your time and make sure you were back up to par. When you finished you grabbed both your dishes and Bucky's and put them in the kitchen.
"We best get going" Sam announced, putting his plate away as well. Bucky went and grabbed Alpine from where he was laying beside his food dish and put him up on his shoulder before turning back to you with a smile. Steve was getting up to put his dishes away, and Bucky leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips.
"I love you" he whispered, but you knew the room heard it because it suddenly went silent.
"I love you too" you smiled and kissed him again for good measure.
"Remember if you go for a walk, keep me updated" he hugged you for a minute.
"Come on Tinman, you'll see her tonight" Sam called over.
"I saw that coming" Pietro grinned and you blushed as you watched the three of them leave.
"I did not, how much do I keep missing?" Scott looked at Pietro seriously.
"A lot" Wanda giggled.
"Be thankful for some of it" Peter's face was bright red. 

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