Game night

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When you got back to the compound you got off the back of Bucky's bike and smiled at him shyly as he got your book out for you and handed it to you.
"Thank you, I really did have a lot of fun" you smiled at him.
"Just don't stand me up for Wednesday" he grinned at you. "I have a few good places to take you for a drive" he took both helmets to bring back inside.
"I'm not the kinda girl that stands up a gentleman" you flushed.
"Good, because I have no intention of letting a dame like you go" he winked at you opening the door for you to go in. You started to walk past him, but he put his arm in front of you and you looked at him curiously and he leaned down giving you a soft kiss on the lips and stood back away with a giant smile. You couldn't keep the smile off your face if you tried, reaching up to touch your lips with a grin.
"Thank you" you smiled again and walked slowly so he could follow if he wanted to. You waved to him as you got to your bedroom door and walked in to set your book down. You grabbed your flowers and headed to the kitchen to see about a vase until you could get out in the morning to go buy one. You found several, and borrowed the one, snipping the ends of the roses and putting them in water. You brought it back to your room and set it on your little table by the long seat near the book cases. You went and took off your makeup, jewlery, and put on something more comfortable to walk around in, mainly your sweatpants and a t-shirt before making your way across the hall to Steve's room. You knocked gently but heard no answer. You were hoping to see Daisy, but he must have taken her for a walk you supposed. You put on your sneakers and went to check the track outside to see Pietro, Peter, Scott, Clint, and Steve playing with her. It warmed your heart. She looked like she was having a ball while playing fetch. She looked up and saw you and started howling and yipping dropping the ball and running to you. You got on your knees and she launched herself at you with kisses all over the face.
"We were just about to go in for supper" Steve came over after a few minutes, the others close behind him.
"Looks like Miss Daisy had the best day ever" you giggled as she wiggled all over you.
"She made her nest on my bed for a bit, she brought in the toys she wanted with her. She went to the dishes that Tony got her for food and drink, and we thought we would take her out to play for a bit" Steve smiled proudly.
"You've won her over, you can babysit anytime" you smiled as she licked your face again.
"Did you have a good day?" Steve asked hesitantly.
"One of the best I've ever had" you smiled standing up and waiting for Daisy to run back to get her ball. She raced around Pietro and Peter before running up the stairs.
"That dog loves to run" Pietro grinned.
"She loves to play" you smiled in spite of yourself and started heading up the stairs to follow her. She waited outside the living room balcony entrance and Steve ran ahead to open the door for you. "Thank you helpful" you gave him a wink and walked inside to see Tony was just finishing putting food on the table. "This smells good" you saw Daisy go and plop in her bed and lay on her side for a minute.
"Pepper made shrimp scampi" Tony smiled proudly.
"I borrowed a vase until I can run out to go buy one" you fidgeted a bit.
"No worries, just bring it out when your done with it" Pepper came out with a smile. "Did you see that your new uniform is in your closet?"
"No, I guess I wasn't paying enough attention" you blushed a bit. "I'm so used to just wearing black all the time"
"We wanted something that complimented your powers" Tony offered while people started coming into the dining room. "Powder blue seemed like a safe choice"
"Thank you" you smiled and went to sit down. Bucky came running in and pushed your chair in for you.
"Hey" he grinned at you as he sat down.
"Hi" you smiled and tucked some hair behind your ear.
"How was the date?" Nat asked as she sat down. You flushed a bit.
"One of my favorites I've ever had" Bucky smiled looking at you.
"Mine too" you bit your bottom lip and you saw him looking at your lips again. "I mean, he even showed up" you added with a giggle.
"Is that really an issue for you?" Peter asked in surprise.
"You can ask Maria, it's an issue" you nodded. "Can we change the subject?" you asked politely.
"I'm looking forward to game night. We have lots of alcohol. Just so you are aware Newbie, if you choose not to do the dare or the answer, you have to drink and miss your turn. If we notice to skip a lot, we will pick on you more. First one to pass out drunk is the loser for the week and has to clean the gym" Tony warned you.
"That's usually me" Peter admitted quickly.
"Or me" Scott looked down.

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