Reality's Nightmare [20]

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Authors note

Okay, the 20th chapter! I didn't think i'd ever get here and 2000 reads as well! It is an amazing achievement for me. So thank you to those who made it possible.

Friends, for convincing me to keep the story on here. And readers, for making this possible.

Thank you :)

Steph <3


Reality's Nightmare [20]

As my pale hands pushed the door open, Becca let out a sigh. A sigh of regret. I regretted opening it as soon my hands released the handle. I really didn't want to go inside. There were about 20 people, if that, in our tutor. But it was all split into groups. Mine and Becca's group at the back of the room. As far away from the rest as we could get. And just like every morning, it was no different. The tables went back in rows, four seats on each row. Two columns of rows. And guess what. The tables were Blue. Funny that. Sat her usual seat, was Fleur.

Fleur had blondehair, short, just down to her shoulders. I'd had more fall outs with her than anyone else. But we always managed to sort it out and remain friends the majority of the time. She was supportive, if in the right mood. But i knew behind the anger she always had, her heart was in the right place and she'd help in anyway she could. If she could. She was alright. Like i said, her hearts in the right place. I think sometimes, she lets her temper get the better of her. That's all.

She had sat in the second seat in, on her own, twirling her hair in between her fingers. Trying not to let the boredom shine through.But it wasn't working. She was failing miserably. Her phone lay on the desk in front of her. I don't think she could live without her phone. I didn't think i could. But just lately, i was having to live without the things i didn't think i could. Because of those texts my parents found last week, they'd taken everything. Cutting me off from the rest of the world completely. My heart dropped as the memory recalled yet again in my head. Making me live the horror of that night all over again. It'd scared me more than i knew was humanly possible. But that was me proved wrong.

I strolled ahead of Becca. Not wanting Fleur to carry on looking so lost. She looked a tad miserable. Unusual for her on a Thursday. She loved Thursdays. Maybe her lessons, i had no idea. We didn't talk as much as we used to. She mixed in with everyone. But never got involved in the arguments when they did occur. Not very often. Maybe it was just better for her to be like that. It certainly seemed to work for her. I don't know, at one point, she'd just cut herself out of the big group we had doing on, done her own thing but living along side the group. Letting herself in every now and then.

'Morning'. I said, smile painted quickly onto my face. Trying to convince her i was fine. Trying to convince myself along the way. But it was clearly a short journey, going no where. At least not for me anyway.

'hey'. Her reply was short, sharp and didn't come with a smile. Well that went well. Not. She had a tendency to go in mood with no warning at all. That sometimes got on my nerves. But i was annoyed about so many other things, i didn't have time to even let that thought get inside my head. One more thing to be angry about and iwassure i'd burst.

My shoulders were still shaking with fear and nerves. But i kept repeating over and over again that i wasn't going alone. it would be fine. Kate was coming with me. She didn't know how grateful i was for that. I didn't think i could face going on my own. The Time i'd spent alone with her last Friday, was awkward. Unexplainable. Probably because i spent half the time being scared out of my wits. I hadn't even been able to talk for half the time. Just shaking and nodding my head seemed to be enough though. Good because that was all she'd got out of me. I had barely said anything else. I was, for once in my life, speechless.

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