"I have never kissed a woman - hmm," Pansy muttered but everyone heard her.

"You have my full permission to kiss any girl you like so long as I am there and get to watch."

"Well I am glad you said that hun," she smiled.

Before I even had time to react - before I even registered that she had moved, she grabbed my face and planted a kiss on me.

It wasn't a short kiss either. She moved her mouth to open mine and slipped her tongue in and it bounced off mine. And then I reacted and kissed her back.

Why the hell not?

I wasn't sure who but someone was bouncing on the sofa in happiness. Others laughed and someone even clapped.

It lasted for about 15 seconds before I laughed, causing her to follow suit and break apart from me.

"You are a good kisser!" She laughed. "That was something else!"

"Uh...thanks," I wasn't sure how to react. "You are not too bad yourself."

Draco pulled me up to him and put his arms around my chest. "Alright everyone back off. She is mine!" He pouted and kissed my cheek, before whispering in my ear. "That was fucking hot though!"

"I think I just come in my pants!" Blaise laughed and Theo made bowing gestures in front of me.

"Alright, you big children." I rolled my eyes.

"You I will get to later," Pansy smirked at Azaleah who gulped.

Pansy just sat back and laughed.

"Did I ever mention that my girlfriend was an absolute queen?" Blaise smirked as he pulled Pansy onto his knee and passed me two cups and saucers with a biscuit in each.

"Thanks," I smiled and passed Draco his. I took a sip and managed to spill some down my chin. Draco took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped my chin. "It's hot," I muttered absentmindedly and blew on his cup.

"Gee mummy, want to blow on mine too?" Theo laughed.

"I think it's cute how you both look after each other." Azaleah smiled.

I blushed and Draco just laughed and kissed my forehead. As if we had bloody planned it (and I assure you we didn't) we both moved at the same time, wriggling slightly in the seat. Then we both took a sip of tea and swapped the biscuits as his was shortbread and mine was chocolate.

"It's like you are both one person." Blaise said smiling at us. "You can't even make fun of it. It's very endearing."

"They are like the perfect couple." Pansy smiled.

"We talking about these two?" Harry said joining us and jesturing between myself and Draco.

"Who else?" Blaise laughed.

Ron and Hermione came into the room next holding hands and Ginny followed and sat on the floor in front of Harry's chair, between his legs.

"I think it's adorable," Hermione squeaked.

"What are they doing now?" I asked Hermione eagerly.

"Adding the venom. The smell is..."

"Revolting!" Ron finished.

"Then it needs stirred for 3 hours straight."

"Merlin, why would anyone want to work with Potions?" Ginny gasped.

"It's fascinating!" Hermione and I said in unison.

"Two bookworms," Azaleah giggled.

"Speaking of books we have an assignment to finish Azaleah. Professor Slughorn will be taking it back to mark this evening. Rae what about yours?"

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