"Why can't you see that he is no good for you. You always make the wrong choice. Dean, Nate, Wren, Draco - you are MINE!"

"Am I fuck!" I yelled at him. 

The door to the room burst open and Wren and Nate came in. "What the fuck man?" Nate shouted. "I told you to leave her the fuck alone!"

"As if I would listen to you." He turned to Wren. "And what the fuck are you doing here?"

"He was invited, unlike you who had to blackmail your way into my home."

"He what?" Wren asked. 

"He blackmailed Draco with the ingredient to the potion. Said he would only give it back if Draco took him home, so he did."

"Home?" Lucas asked. 

"Yes home. As in Draco and my home."

"That slimy little fucker lives here now?"

"Merlin Lucas you don't know when to quit do you?" Wren laughed.

"She belongs to me!" Lucas shouted. 

"The way you speak about women is disgusting!" Nate shouted. "I am sick of you. You always did chase after the girls you couldn't have and then when you got them, you shagged them and then dumped them."

"They are lying Rae love." Lucas tried to protest. 

"Really? Did you tell Raelyn what happened with Isabella's mother?" Wren asked. 

"You keep out of this. You are on thin ice for dating her."

"I loved her. We were a bloody couple. For two years." 

"You only had her because you knew I liked her."

"Get the fuck over yourself Lucas you prick! Our relationship had nothing to do with you. I fancied her and I even asked Cedric for permission to ask her out. Which he gave me. What he say to you when he found out you liked Raelyn?"

Lucas said nothing so Nate answered for him. "He told you that you had to stay away from his sister that you would be a terrible boyfriend and he didn't even want you around Raelyn."

"He didn't mean it," Lucas snapped. 

"What happened with Isabella's mother?" I asked. 

"Her name was Alice. She was a girl that Lucas practically stalked for about a year when he was in Italy. He promised her the world and was with her for a few months and they got pregnant. Then he got fed up with her and dumped her. Not before making sure that he completely broke her."

"Shut up Wren!"

"She was still pregnant when he chucked her. She was a shell of the girl she was. He left her with nothing. She had moved here to be with him and he chucked her out on the street. The girl had no family so she had no one to look after her."

"What happened?" I asked gasping. It was awful. 

"She stayed with me and Laila for a while. Wren was there for a few months too." Nate explained. 

"She had no one. I was in hiding basically so we were good company for each other. We became sort of friends. But what Lucas did, it broke her. She was miserable. Cried all the time. She had just completely given up."

"She died during childbirth. She didn't even fight, said it wasn't worth it."

"That is awful!"

"And this prick didn't even care. He came to the hospital and just took Isabella. Said she was his responsibility now and he was going to have to look after her. He didn't even go and see Alice. He just left her." Wren said through clenched teeth. 

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum