He looked like he wanted to protest but the look on my face told him to think better of it. I knew we would be safe. There would be guards at every entrance.

"I will be escorting you myself," Kingsley smiled.

"And I will be helping, along with Nate." Bill said stepping forward. 

See, plenty of body guards. All of which was pointless as I was pretty sure that Lucius didn't actually intend to hurt me.

Well I hoped not anyway. Besides what is he going to do? Kill me faster?

"And I am to take you both," Narcissa finished. 

Draco looked around at everyone. You could tell he was trying to figure out another way. A way that would involve me as little as possible. And I had to act before he did.

"So are we going now?"

Kingsley's eyes widened. "Are you sure you want to go now? We can arrange another date?"

"Give yourself time to prepare," Nate suggested. 

"Why not set a date to go and see him next week?" Meyer suggested.

But I was having none of it!

"Why put it off any longer? Either he is going to give me the cure or he isn't. Not much I can do and sitting around waiting isn't helping anyone. My lessons are over for the day and visiting hour starts soon. Let's get going."

Before Draco could interject Bill and Nate agreed and Kingsley was sending a Patronus to Azkaban to let them know we would be arriving soon. 

"Good. That is settled. Now, I am going to change and get ready. I will meet you guys in the front garden in 10 minutes."

I turned to head out as someone took my arm. Harry. "Let me help you," he smiled.

He lifted me down the steps (unnecessarily) and linked my arm through his. Draco and his mother were still having a whispered argument behind me and I could hear Hermione organising a study session for everyone else. 

"Trying to worm your way out of studying?" I smirked. 

"A little." Harry grinned. "But I also wanted to make sure you were alright? I mean going to see Lucius doesn't exactly sound like a fun afternoon."

"No but it's better to get it over and done with. Merlin knows what he wants which I will admit scares me -"

"His bark is worse than his bite. He may have done a lot of messed up things but it was how he was raised. He thought what he was supporting was right. I mean he was totally wrong but look at Azaleah and Theo - even the most innocent of people can be manipulated. When it comes to Lucius Malfoy, I truly believe he loves his son and would do anything to protect him."

"I hope you are right," I smiled as we arrived to my door.  Draco and I had moved to one of the new rooms downstairs, turning it into our second bedroom so I didn't have to climb the stairs everyday. "Come on in and sit down. I will get dressed in the bathroom don't worry."

He chuckled and did as he was told, choosing the love seat in the window bay. The room looked identical to the one upstairs. It was like my own little safe haven. My home had a neutral colour scheme in the kitchen, living room and hallway meaning it was always bright and airy, just as I liked it.

"Your home really is stunning Raelyn." Harry said looking around him. 

"Thank you," I said as I pulled out a floor length tight skirt, top, cardigan and boots to wear. Nothing special, I wasn't trying to impress anyone but still cute enough that I was presentable. I changed in the bathroom and used my wand to curl my hair and touch up my make up. "It didn't look anything like this when I bought it. I worked a designer to get it looking the way I want. But I do love it. The garden especially...well that and my lab."

"That lab is pretty cool but I am hopeless at Potions."

"You were amazing in 6th year."

"That was all the work of Professor Snape. I had his book from when he was a student."

Well that explained a lot. "I did wonder how you got so good over the summer."

"Nope I was still as useless as ever."

I sat down to put on my boots. My hands were shaking so it wasn't easy. Another delightful side effect of the curse. It was going fine until I tried to do up the laces. I couldn't grip the zip.

"Let me," he said bending down and helping. "This really is a shit curse."

"Worse than the Unforgivable ones if you ask me. It eats away at you slowly. There is nothing worse than watching your life slip away from you, and not having a clue how to stop it. It makes life bloody miserable. But I have been lucky and I have such good care around me. Something I am going to have to thank you all for one of these days."

"We are all happy to help. Life at Hogwarts would have been pretty dull this year if there wasn't something going on. I think I am attracted to danger like a magnet. It pulls me in."

I laughed at this. I suppose a normal year at Hogwarts would be frightfully dull. I wasn't sure how younger years coped without the drama.

"Can I ask you something?" he said standing up again. 

"Fire away."

"Are you not scared? I mean, I lived in constant fear these last few years. I felt isolated and alone and miserable. I was terrified of what the future held for me and my friends and family. But you are always smiling and still always thinking of others."

"Don't get me wrong - I am scared. But more determined than anything. Draco and I have our future planned. Get married, open a school for pre Hogwarts witches and wizards, have kids of our own. And I want it all desperately. I want it all. So dying is a big inconvenience."

Harry laughed. "I wish I had your outlook on the future."

"Don't be fooled into thinking I have it all sorted out. The fact that you just had to help me put on my shoes is a sign that I don't. But I will do everything in my power to try. That future that I want? You are the one who made sure that the future I dreamed of was even possible. You set everyone free. So I mean you made my outlook a reality. You not only helped to give me a future but every witch or wizard in the whole of the Uk. You are pretty bad ass Potter! Plus you have Ginny now too. You are destined for great things. You're life is only just beginning and you can do whatever the hell you want. After years of living for a prophecy, I imagine it's a relief to have nothing planned now."

"You know what? You are absolutely right. I am living in the moment. And enjoying every minute of it. The only thing I know about my future is that it includes Ginny. I adore her. She loved me when everyone else thought I was mental! Ginny is my rock. She means the world to me and I feel so incredibly lucky that I get to be with her. "

"I bet she feels the same way."

"I hope so. I want to spend my life with her. If I have learnt anything from these past few years it is that life is short and you should seize the day."

"That is a good life motto."

"Well true to my word, I plan to seize the day. And soon."

"Ok now you have lost me."

"I am going to ask Ginny to marry me!" He beamed at this. His eyes were practically dancing. 

"Wow Harry!" I said hugging him. "That is amazing!"

"Hermione is going to help me pick a ring and I plan to do it on our anniversary of our first kiss."

"Aw! That is great news. She is going to be so happy."

He smiled again as he held out his arm. "Come on. I better get you back to Draco before he has a meltdown."

I laughed as I took his hand and headed out to the front garden.

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora