Chapter 76

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Two days had gone by and I'd spent them both with Tony.
He knows about Anders and I and our new relationship but I did agree to be his plus one. I'd feel bad if I just abandoned him after finding out. I'd hardly seen Anders and would be lying if I said I didn't miss him but I'd feel much worse if I abandoned Tony after our deal.
He was also very respectful when we did go anywhere. He kept his hands to himself and I received zero kisses on my cheek or head. We stood next to one another like I was an assistant rather than a date.
I guess you could say we compromised.

"Are you almost ready?" Tony asked.
"Yes, I am." I replied and did my finishing lipgloss touches.

I was about to go with Tony as his date for his presentation.
I realized why he asked me to go with him. Everyone else's plus one was their wife or assistant. Strangely enough the assistants were all women who looked around my age but...we won't say more than that.
Tony hated being the only single man at gatherings where it would be mostly couples. I'm sure he left out that it was another reason why he took so long to divorce Ellen.

I finished with my makeup and walked out of the bathroom. He noticed me and grabbed his bag then together we left the bedroom and the hotel room all together.

"Would you like to stop to get something to eat before we arrive?" he asked me.
"No, I'm okay."

We hopped in the car they'd given him and he reversed out of the parking spot then left the lot.

I texted Anders as he did.

"Will you be at the NCC today?" I sent.
"I will. Within the next twenty minutes."
"Your father is presenting. He's taking me with him."
"I know." I texted. "Do you two present the same presentation and just in different rooms or do you have two different ones?"
"For the most part they're the same which is why we worked together so often but I don't know if he made any changes to his while I wasn't there or not."
"I see."

Tony and I arrived at the proper building in no time and we both got out.

I wondered if people would notice me being with a different man but I doubt they pay that much attention to a woman they don't know. They might just think I'm Tony's assistant anyhow.

"Claiborne!" someone called.

I always took notice to how colleagues never call each other by their first names. It reminded me of when coaches call their players by their last name in high school. Very weird.

"Dent!" Tony replied with a smile.
The two met in a masculine hug that of course required them roughly hitting each other on the back.

"How's it going, man?" Dent asked.
"Can't complain. Hoping I can change some minds when I walk through those double doors." Tony replied.
"I know the feeling, trust me I do. I haven't had that much anxiety in a while. It's all straight spines and no smiles." said Dent.
"Tell me about it." Tony chuckled.

Dent noticed me.

"And who is this lovely lady?" he asked and held out his hand.

The moment people stop trying to shake my hand is the moment the world will be a brighter place.

But I had no excuse this time so I put my hand in his.

"Candace." I greeted unfortunately.
"It's nice to meet you, Candace. I'm Harold Dent."
"It's nice to meet you as well." I smiled and took my hand back.

I found hand sanitizer in my purse.

"And there's the other one." Harold said and looked behind Tony and I.

We both turned around and saw Anders entering the building.
He was greeted by someone he knew before he could notice us.

"Yes, I think he has to present too, in room D." Tony said and faced back to Harold.
"Ah. Did they book you for twice in one day? I have another at 5:30."
"Not today. Later on this week, yes. I believe on Sat-..."

I tuned them out and turned around again to look at Anders.

When I did, I saw that he was already looking at me as someone spoke to him.
He licked his lips before putting his eyes back on his friend and smiling as if he'd been listening to the joke the entire time.

I faced forward again with a racing heartbeat. It was like seeing a high school crush make eye contact with you.

"Well, I better head over there to start getting ready before the room fills up." Tony said.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll talk to you later. We should get lunch, it's been a while." Harold offered.
"That it has. I'm free when you are."
"Alright, then. I'll catch you later." Harold smiled and walked off.

"Do you want to come now or would you like to wait until the intercom calls for everyone?" Tony asked me.
"Um...I'm going to make a quick stop to the restroom and then meet you inside."

He walked off and I turned around and made eye contact with Anders again.

He looked back at his friend and I saw his thumb point towards a hallway. The restroom hallway.
The friend nodded and they both walked in separate directions.
He looked at me and I began to follow casually.

I looked down at my phone as I walked and tried to contain myself from running.

I made it to the entranceway and saw Anders leaning against the wall.
He noticed me and got off of it and I speedily walked towards him then jumped into his arms. He caught me like I knew he would and our lips met eagerly.
His arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me up while I kept my legs around his waist. Our lips and tongues mingled. My hands gently held his face and I could hardly breathe.

"Fuck, I've missed you." he said through peppered kisses.
Our lips separated and he looked at me.
"I have to get him to stop hogging you to himself." he smiled.
"I missed you more." I told him.
"I doubt it."

He kissed me one more time and I was put down.

"Will I see you tonight?" he asked me.
"I'll try." I promised.
"I have to go present but I want to spend time with you that isn't over text messages."
"I'll see you tonight." I nodded.
"Perfect." He gave me one more peck before leaving with a wipe to his lip.

I leaned against the wall to catch my breath and adjust myself before exiting as well to find Tony.

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