Chapter 53

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Another week flew by and I was still trying to teach myself to be as carefree and go with the flow as Anders was. But I was struggling.
I wish he'd kick me out of his house one morning and say he was done with it. I just need him to do something wrong and make me snap out of it.
But no. Instead, every morning, he gets up and makes me breakfast then kisses my face when I find him in the kitchen.
God, he's such a fucking asshole.

This morning, I woke up to him laying next to me and I love it each time.

I crawled on top of him, straddling his lap as he slept, and pressed soft kisses into his cheek as he laid there. I got off and headed towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for the day.

"Mm...You can't just do that and walk away. Come back." He stretched and sat up.

I looked at him then ran back towards the bed and jumped in.
He caught me and laughed before he pressed a bunch of kisses into my face as we held onto each other.

I sat up in his lap and looked at him.
"I want your attention today, what can we do to ensure I got it?" he asked.
"I don't want to go anywhere today. I feel like staying in."
"Even better." he smiled.
"Let's relax by the pool and eat a bunch of fruit while you complain about how complex your presentation is to complete." I offered.
"God, I'd kiss you if I didn't have morning breath." he stated and pushed me off to get up.
I laughed at his abruptness then got up as well to finish getting ready.


"And then the fucking graphs wouldn't load so I just had to restart everything and do them again but once I added the new ones to the presentation, the others loaded up and I had to figure out how to remove it and then I did and just saved the extra as a backup but that alone took me about two hours." He sighed.

He laid on the side of the pool with one hand covering his eyes from the sun while I was in the pool and finishing rubbing him in sunscreen. He hates it but I finally found a flaw, poor thing roasts like a chicken when he's in the sun for too long.
It was also a good excuse to feel his body. You haven't lived until you've caressed a sexy man's pec and tried your hardest to not let him know you did it for more than just applying sunscreen.
I kissed his cheek when I finished before I topped the bottle. I began resting on my crossed arms next to him on the side of the pool and listened to his rant.
"Sounds exhausting." I pointed out.
"I'm not even halfway finished. He's coming here tomorrow so we can work on it side by side."
"Who is?"
"My father."
I lifted my face out of my arms. "Tony's coming?"
"Anders, no!" I complained.
He turned and looked at me. "What? I figured you'd just go shopping again."

I didn't want to go shopping again. I wanted to stay here with him for a few days.

"Okay, I know that face." he said and sat up.

He got into the pool as well and pulled me close to him. His skin was warm from the sun's rays. He hoisted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I just messed with the chain around his neck so I wouldn't have to look at him and he wouldn't see that I was definitely upset. I didn't want him to know that my plans to be around him were ruined. I didn't even want him to know that I had the plans to begin with.

"What do you want to do then, hm? Do you want me to tell him to stay home?" he asked.
", because I know you have work to do, but..." I continued to look everywhere but at him as he held me with his hands under my thighs.
"But what? Talk to me. Tell me what you want." he insisted.

I had an idea.

"Can you go over there?" I asked.
"And...I'll call him and say that I'm in town and want to talk about going with him in September so I can stop by. But I'll stop by while you're there..."
He chuckled. "You're a very scheming and organized woman, aren't you?"
"A bit." I shrugged.
"Alright, angel." He kissed me softly. "We can do that instead."
"Good." I kissed him again.
"You wanna be with me? Is that why you were pouting?" He smiled and kissed me again.
"I didn't say that..." I kissed him.
"That's what it seemed like." He kissed me.
"Maybe you just want me to want to be with you." I kissed him.
"Mhm." He kissed me and made this one longer than the rest.

His hands slid to my ass and held it with a gentle squeeze.
"You're gonna learn to stop kissing me like that." he said and I felt him jump between my legs.
I laughed lightly at his excitement. "You're really easy to get a reaction out of."
"No, I'm just really attracted to you." He put our lips back together and I felt that sentence in my stomach.

"We need to get out of here..." he stated through heavy breaths.
"Why?" I wondered.
"Because I want you to cum in my mouth." He grabbed my waist and hoisted me onto the side of the pool then got out himself.

The sliding door opened.

"Anders, there's someone here to see you." David stated.
"Fuck." Anders sighed as I slid my cover up on next to him. "Okay, David, I'll be there in a moment."
David nodded then walked back inside and we followed him.

We made it in, and at the front door was some woman in uniform waiting with a package in her hand.
I looked at her while Anders walked over.

I saw her eyes bulge when she noticed him. And then she noticed the bulge that he had as well. Her weight shifted to one leg and she flipped her hair as she smiled at him. She started talking to him about something on a clipboard and ran her fingers through her hair before shifting which side it was on again. She handed him the clipboard with a pen attached and he looked at it then took the pen in his hand. Anders asked a question with his eyes on the paper and she leaned in and turned her head to see.

I began walking over there.

"How long is this going to take?" I asked with my arms around his waist and a soft kiss to his shoulder.
She and I made eye contact and she backed up.
"I'll be there in a minute, baby." he answered. "I'm going to handle this. You go upstairs and get ready for me."
He turned his head to the side and we kissed.
I looked back in her eyes before walking off towards the stairs.

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