Chapter 25

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I sat on the edge of the pool with my legs in the water while feeling the suns rays.

I heard the sliding door open and close but didn't turn to see.
Instead, I listened to the footsteps leading towards me and wondered what he was coming to do.

I watched him dive into the pool in a perfect formation.

He came back up and swam towards me.
He combed his hair out of the way with his fingers when he landed between my thighs.

"Tanning?" he asked.
I just stared at him.

"Has David informed you on how long lunch might take?" he asked me.
"He did not." I took off my sunglasses and put them next to me.

He wrapped my legs around his waist before pulling me off of the poolside. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"How many swimsuits did you pack?" he asked when he noticed this was a different one.
"A few. I don't like wearing the same thing twice too close together."
"Can I ask you a question now?"
"Go on."

His hands stopped holding under my thighs and instead kept me up by grasping my ass.

"Whose ideas were those plans in your office? I think you should talk to them and get more of an understanding of what they were going for." I stated.
"They were mine."
I stared at him.
He chuckled. "What?"
"Are you lying to me?"
"I am not."
"But you said the ideas were ridiculous."
"I did. That was what my father called them. I run new plans by him every so often since he had a hand in the company at one point. Even though I started it. Every so often I find something that needs adjusting or could be a potential add-on. But he thinks that if it's not broken, don't fix it. If we're still getting money, and making even a little bit of a difference, then there's no need to do any extra work. So, after he turns them down, I just leave them on my desk because I like them too much to let them go. And I figured at some point I can just do it without his permission and hear his bickering later if it doesn't work out as planned. Which I doubt."
"I thought all of it was yours now?" I asked. "Your father is retired?"
"That's right."
"Then do it."
I put my finger over his lips. "Don't argue..." I said quietly. "Do it." I repeated.
He looked in my eyes.
I removed my finger.

"You really like them?" he questioned and seemed surprised.
"I do. I think you're 100% correct. I can tell you put a lot of thought into them and I trust you. Not that it's my business. But seeing as you're someone who works until 1 in the morning at his desk, I think you know what you're doing. Do it."
He smiled softly at me.
"I like you." he stated.
"I know."

We both leaned in this time.

I heard the sliding door open.

"Lunch is served. You'll be having Mediterranean shrimp kabobs." David stated.

I heard the door close and knew he'd gone back inside.

"Are you ready to eat?" he asked me. Our lips brushed together.
"Are you?" We softly kissed.
"I'm hard."
I smiled. "Do you want me to handle it?"
"Handle it, baby." he smiled back. We kissed again.


I'd led him to his bedroom then into the bathroom.
I took off my swimsuit and placed it into the hamper as I heard him running water.
I walked back out and could see him in the shower, the soap running all over his body and the door was open.

I walked towards the opening and he grabbed me by my throat and pulled me into the shower with him. My lips were met with his and he started a deep make out under the water.
I could feel his erection pressing against my stomach.

I saw all of the soap was rinsed off of his body and crouched down in front of him. I kissed and sucked over his toned stomach each inch I lowered until I reached the protruding inches from his waist.
He stood in front of the water and shielded me.

I held his length in one hand while my tongue licked up it. I kept my eyes on him.
My hand stroked it gently as my mouth kissed up and down the pulsing thing. He breathed slower.
I began sliding it into my mouth.
"There you go. There's a good girl..." he huffed.
I thrusted it in and out of my mouth with one hand at the base and stroking until I'd open my throat more.

I removed it from my throat and he looked down at me.
I slowly spit onto his tip with our eyes locked and maneuvered it around before licking up and down.
"Holy fuck..." he moaned and his head was thrown back.
I slid it back into my mouth and opened my throat more to slide it in deeper.

I could feel him about to finish. I pulled it out then pressed my thumb over his tip as my tongue ran up and down it.
He looked down at me.

"What're you doing?" he asked.
"Hold it." I commanded.
He watched me as my mouth met the pair underneath his shaft and I gave them overdue attention.
His moans excited me. 
"Move your hand..." he instructed. "Move your hand, move your hand..." he repeated eagerly.
I kept it there.
"Uhaah...Fuck! FUCK! Move your fucking hand!" he demanded and leaned against the wall.
I slid my spit ridden tongue all over his shaft and could feel it twitching.
"Ask politely, baby. You know that's not how we get what we want. Be a good boy for mommy." I slid my other hand up his abdomen and my done nails slid back down, gently clawing at his flexing abs which I find men love.
"Let it go..." he pleaded. "Let it go, baby. Let it go, make me cum...come on..."
"Oh you poor thing..." I patronized. "Do you wanna cum now?" I pressed my thumb against it harder and watched his fingers attempt to dig through his shower walls in frustration.

"Tell mommy how badly you want to paint over her hand. Tell her how much you want to cover the inside of her mouth with your seed."
I could see how much he was struggling written all over his face.
Beg like you made me nights ago.

"Go on. Talk to me, baby. We use our words." I instructed with a smile on my face.
"I wanna cum down your throat..." he panted.
I now felt like he was delirious from the pleasure, frustration, and steamy shower he'd been standing in.
"I wanna cum on your lips...let me..." he begged. "Let me go, I wanna cum..."
"Say please like the good slut you are." I instructed.
He groaned louder in frustration. "Fuck you...!"
"Wrong answer." My thumb pressed harder and I licked up his shaft.
He groaned loudly in pain.
"Go on, baby." I spit onto it then slowly licked it up. "Just for me. I know you want it so bad." I encouraged. "We can't get what we want until we ask politely..."
"Please...please...please, I wanna cum...please, let me cum..."
"Do it." I permitted and let go.

He grabbed onto my head in both hands then shoved his large member past my lips before beginning to thrust quickly into my throat.

I could hear his low whimpers as he pleased himself over my tongue.
"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" he whined.
I felt my tongue become wet with something else. He did one more thrust and more spilled out.

He pulled out and his hand went to the shower nozzle. I thought he'd be turning it off but he didn't.

He made it cold.

I was picked up and pinned against the wall.

He took one of my legs and held it at his waist before plunging inside of me.
I moaned loudly at its size and the suddenness and threw my head back. His hand caught the back of it before it could hit the wall.

"You like edging?" he asked. "Let's edge."

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