Chapter 13

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I'd been sitting down in the sun for a while now, in a burgundy bikini, as Anders made lunch.

I got up to finally take a dip.

His deep end was 12 feet so I decided to dive.

I splashed in and swam up to the surface.

"Ten out of ten. Not bad." I heard and turned around.
Anders had come out through the sliding door. I watched him set a plate onto the far table.

He walked over to the side of the pool and I casually swam towards the edge he stood at.

He crouched down and I put my hands on the edge and lifted myself out of the water. Feeling every bead slide down my face, arms, breasts, back, and ass while I looked at him.

"Lunch is ready." he stated and held my chin between his thumb and index finger.
"Such a sweet boy for serving it to me." I claimed. I took my chin from his fingers and kissed the index gently.
"Have you eaten today?" he asked and slipped his finger down.
It hooked over the line that attached the two triangular pieces of fabric concealing my chest.
"I haven't." I answered.
"Why not?"
"Slipped my mind."
"Get out and come eat." he commanded.
"I just got in."
"I won't tell you again."
"Either way I won't listen." I combatted.
"I can't wait for me to have you excessively cum that mentality out." he stated.
"You speak about it a lot..." I looked at his hand. "How often do you think about fucking me?" It came up to hold my face. His thumb slid over my lips. I slipped it past and softly slid it into my mouth to feel the wet and warmth of my tongue.
He held my jaw tightly with the other fingers, while keeping his thumb in my mouth, and pulled me closer to him.
I smiled mischievously with his finger between my teeth.
"Come. Eat." he commanded again.

He removed his hand then stood up before walking back towards the table.

I snickered to myself before getting out of the pool and walking over towards the table.

He handed me my towel and I was surprised he kept his eyes on mine this time.

I dried off then sat.

He had a pasta salad in front of me with a glass of cold water.
"Are you not eating?" I asked him.

I took the fork and ate a bite.
I heard the door open and close then turned around to see that he was gone.


I continued eating my food.


When I finished my plate, I walked inside to shower then find Anders. I wondered why he'd just suddenly left earlier without a word.

I finished my shower and dressed in my silk shorts, top to match, and fluffy slippers since I figured I wouldn't do anything else for the rest of the day.

I soon found Anders downstairs in an office room.

He had a pen in his hand and a pair of glasses over his eyes.

In all honesty, he was very cute with them on.

He looked up at me.

"Can I get you anything?" he asked.
"You left earlier." I pointed out.
"That's right."
"Why?" I questioned.
"Because I have work to do. I took a break to feed you but decided I should get on it."
"Is that all you needed?" he wondered.
"Am I free to use your appliances?"
"Yes. Just don't break anything. If you leave anything messy, don't be too terrible, but the maid will come later to clean either way."
"Great." I turned around to leave his office.

I made it to the kitchen where I saw the coffee machine and decided to make myself a cup. Although it was the middle of the day.

I waited patiently for the finished product then added my necessities and decided I'd take a house tour.
It was large so I'm sure it would kill plenty of time.

I walked through and found the dining room. A table large enough to be used as his bed was surrounded by a total of eight chairs.

I wondered if every room had a chandelier. So far his bedroom, the foyer, and the dining room had one. The kitchen didn't but its light fixture was close enough in resemblance.

I left the dining room and found the living room.
It had a fireplace and a large flat screen tv hung above it. A long black leather couch sat in the center and a black chair on each side of the room. They were decorated in different textures of gold pillows.

"Sure does love black and gold." I pointed out to myself. Then sipped my coffee and walked off.

I came across a door in a hallway and was curious. I suspected it would just be cleaning supplies or something close but I opened it anyway to see if my suspicions would be correct.

They were not.

It was a flight of stairs going down.

"Hm..." I said curiously.

I began walking.

I got near the end and could see that it was a gym inside of his home.
That explained the body.
I'd never seen him shirtless but it was obvious he was strong.
I could tell through his clothes.
They were just the perfect level of tight. Not too much that you assume his dick is small and he's overcompensating but tight enough that you can tell he works out for himself and not for the attention. He gets the attention anyway. The gala was full of murmurs when he walked through the door. Each was justified.
I hardly tolerate him but he is beautiful, I'd give him that.

I turned around and walked back up the stairs while sipping my coffee.

I supposed the rest would just be bedrooms and bathrooms I wasn't going to use, so walking any further seemed pointless.

I went back to the kitchen and finished my coffee before going upstairs and heading to Anders' room to maybe do some shopping or read a book.

Probably shopping. I never have enough.
I'm certain the front door of my home is covered in packages by now.

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