Chapter 9

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Tony and I were preparing to leave and he was saying bye to the rest of the guests.

After what happened, I hadn't seen Anders for the rest of the night.
It made me curious.

"Are you ready?" Tony asked me.
"Yes, I am."
He held his arm out and I wrapped my hand underneath for us to leave.

I'd wait until we got to the car to ask my question.

He opened my door for me and I sat before he closed it and went around to get in as well.

"Tony." I called him as I buckled my seatbelt.
"What about him?" He reversed out of the parking lot.
"Someone said he was charged with battery, correct?"
"That's right."
"Why?" I wondered curiously.
Tony sighed. "A number of reasons really. The boy has been violent since he was young."
"He'll grow out of it. I was the same. It's why I wasn't too shocked or upset about the circumstances. I know he wouldn't kill anyone. And I know he doesn't just go on rampages. He just has a problem of handling situations with other men. As far as I know, he's never hit a woman. But his solution is usually to use his hands."
"He'll be fine. So long as no one pushes him again."


We made it back to Tony's home and I received a text.

"Leaving without a kiss goodbye is a bit rude isn't it?" Anders sent.
"Your persistence is remarkable."
"Thank you."

The phone rang now with his contact.

I sighed before answering.

"Yes?" I greeted.
"We need to talk."
"The date you owe me."
I'd completely forgotten that I agreed to it.
"Let's get something straight." I began.
"I'm all ears."
"If I agree to this, you do not lay a hand on or get between me and my job. Which includes my standing with your father."
"I wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart." he hummed.

I just rolled my eyes. "Continue."

"I want you to have dinner with me at my place." he stated.
"You want me to go to your home?"
"That's what I said. Yes."
"You expect to be able to subtly pick me up from your father's home and he won't ask what we're doing?"
"I'll send a driver. You'll say they're yours and pretend to go shopping."

He sounded like he'd thought this through.

"If I change my mind and say no?" I questioned.
"You're smarter than that."
"7:30." he cut me off. "My driver will be there by 7:25."
"I guess you could say I'm eager." I heard his smile.
"I definitely could."
"I'll speak to you tomorrow, beautiful. I want you well rested."
"Oh how kind." I rolled my eyes.

We hung up.
I just stared at my phone.

I've never encountered such a...demanding 'knows-what-he-wants' kind of man before.

That's just gonna make it more fun to break him in.

I had only one more person I needed to call but this time was a man I actually liked.
I clicked the 'Daddy <3' contact.


I sat down outside with my sunglasses on, my phone in hand, and a mimosa and glass of spring water on the table. I sat under a table umbrella as the men, including Tony, played golf.

I scrolled through websites, shopping for whatever as I waited for their game to finish.
My cart was up to 165.

I heard two sets of footsteps and lifted my head.

"How did it go?" I asked Tony.
"Wonderful. I won just like I told him I would."
"And I'm ever so proud of you." I smiled.
"Ah, whatever." said Tony's bitter colleague. He walked off as Tony laughed.

Tony pulled out the seat next to me and held my hand.

"How's your morning been?" he asked me.
"Lovely. It's a beautiful day out."
"That it is." He admired the view as well.

"Can I say something?" he began.
"I'm sure you can if you try hard enough."
He snickered at my very stupid joke. "You're quite young to speak so elegantly. You talk like a rich wife from the 20s."

I've heard that before. Lots of people are surprised by my vernacular or tone of voice.
For one, I'm educated with two degrees from a top university, of course I know how to speak well. I was originally using this job to pay for college since I worked at a prestigious day club that used to take in a lot of rich older men. I was hit on often and they offered me money, much more than I was making at the club. You spend enough time hanging out with the rich and you start to speak like them even if you're only worth an eighteenth of their net.

I suppose it's habit now.

"Thank you, I'm sure." I replied.
"Of course. You have a beautiful voice. Really your everything is beautiful. Beautiful smile, beautiful skin, beautiful eyes, beautiful body."
"You're awfully sweet this afternoon. What's gotten into you?"
"Well, it's a nice day with no work scheduled. Just finished playing my favorite game. I guess you could say I feel more at ease." He lifted my hand and kissed it.
"Clearly." I snickered.

"Are you ready to leave?" he asked me.

The waitress came just in time.

On the platter was brunch. A roasted tomato and spinach frittata. A raspberry and peach baked French toast for me. And an order of two English muffins topped with avocado, spinach, and salmon and a side of bacon for Tony.
My mimosa was replaced with a fuller glass and Tony was given a Bloody Mary.

"There we are." I stated.
He looked at the plate with a smile on his face. "Did you order all of this?"
"Yes, I asked what your usual order was since you're a regular but they said sometimes you switched it up. But these three items were the ones you couldn't stop complimenting the chef on. So I ordered them. And obviously a woman needs to eat, you brought me here without breakfast, Tony."
He snickered. "Yes, how rude of me."
"I suppose it's alright now." I shrugged and took out my fork and knife.

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