Chapter 3

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I was outside with Tom while wearing a dress and coat in heels. My sunglasses blocking the rays as they packed his bags into the car.

"Will I see you again?" he asked.
"Only if you pay me."
He chuckled as he got in the car.
But I was serious.

"You'll be the first one I call if I have another gathering." he promised while he hung his head out of the window.
"I'm sure."
"Do you have any other clients?"
"I can't disclose that information, my love."

I walked to his window and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"Don't think about me too much." I stated.
"That'll be so hard."

I blew a kiss before turning around and heading back inside the hotel lobby.

My phone rang just in time.

"I'm on my way." Tony stated.
"You don't sound that excited to see me, Tony." I snickered.
"I'm extremely excited. I'm just keeping my composure."
"Is that what it is?" I laughed.
"I'll see you in the next fifteen minutes."
"I can't wait."
We hung up.

I travelled back to my room and grabbed my expensive luggage. Then I stopped. And grabbed the hotel phone.

"Hello, front desk, how can I help you?"
"Hi. Can I get help with my bags, please?" I asked politely.
"Sure, they'll be up in a few."
"Thank you so much."
"Of course."
We hung up.

It was only three bags, but...I didn't feel like it.
Plus, I'd just gotten my nails done so fumbling over suitcase handles was not on my schedule.


I walked out of the elevator and could see Tony standing against his car with sunglasses on. The bell boy followed behind me with my bags.

"Good afternoon." Tony greeted.
His driver took my bags out of the bellboy's hands and began putting them in the truck. I tipped him and he walked back inside.
"Afternoon. Where are we headed?" I replied.
"I was thinking maybe we could grab something to eat, but we will take a trip to my home first. Just to get your bags out of the way and because my son is coming to drop something off."
He opened the door for me and I hopped in before he travelled to the other side to get in as well.


After about ten minutes, we arrived at Tony's home.
It was bigger than I expected.
I know he's anything but poor but I also didn't expect him to be this rich. It was a very modern and sleek home. Basically just two squares put together surrounded by windows. It looked like a futuristic model of a home more so.

"Your home is beautiful." I stated.
"Thank you, I'm glad you like it." he smiled.

The car parked in front of the driveway and we got out. My bags were grabbed for me and I waited as Tony unlocked the door.

We stepped inside and the home seemed even bigger when walking in.
If I yelled there'd be an echo.

"Samuel!" Tony shouted.

A man came around the corner.
"Can you bring those bags up to my room please?" Tony asked.
Samuel nodded and walked to the bags.

"Your room?" I asked.
"Yes. Will that cost extra?"
"Only a hundred." I shrugged it off.
"That's fine." he accepted.
"I'll follow him upstairs to freshen up." I stated.

I walked up the stairs to find Samuel leaving the bedroom he'd just left my suitcases in.

I entered and took off my coat to lay it on the bed. I did a bit of exploring.

It was clean everywhere. Smelled like the cologne he wore earlier.

I opened the closet door and it was massive. I could walk in here and circle around. There was an ottoman in the center that I assumed he sat on as he put on his shoes.

I heard a ring from the doorbell and decided to go back downstairs.

As I traveled, I saw Samuel open the door.

Somehow...Tony had gone back in time and returned to the house 25 years younger, with an envelope in his hand.

I stared at the man as I walked down the steps and he greeted Samuel.
Our eyes locked.
He was sculpted beautifully. Tall, brooding, broad shoulders, little waist, pretty eyes, prettier lips, great hair, dressed well.

Samuel walked off.

"Well, aren't you pretty..." I stated.
"Who are you?" he asked me as his eyes examined my body.
"...And forward." I added.
"That doesn't answer my question." He wore a curious smirk.
"It wasn't supposed to. Maybe, I don't want you to know who I am." I turned around to walk around the house some more and get better acquainted.

"Excuse me, beautiful!" he called behind me.
"Yes, gorgeous?" I turned around.
He scoffed. "You're walking around here like you own the place. I think I have a right to wonder why you're in my father's house."

"She's a friend, Anders." Tony answered as he came out of a room from the hall. "She'll be staying here for a while."
Anders looked back at me.
I winked then turned around again. The next area was the kitchen.

The men spoke in the foyer at a volume I couldn't hear from my distance.

There was sliced fruit on a cutting board on top of the counter that I figured Samuel had done. I took a slice of mango as I leaned against the edge.

I looked to see if the men were still talking and Anders handed his father the envelope.

Mine and Anders's eyes met again. His father walked off to head somewhere and Anders watched him but began walking in this direction.

I looked back at the board of fruit and took a strawberry this time.

"Friend, hm?" he asked when he finally entered.
I snickered and looked up at him before taking a bite. "Yes. Friend."
He walked towards me and then behind but I didn't turn to face him. His hand reached past me and took a strawberry as well.
"Would you like to be my friend?" he asked and I saw the other hand hanging on to the edge of the counter.

I turned around and there he was. Like he was waiting for me to do it. He ate his strawberry then the other hand held the edge.

"You just met me." I stated.
"That's right."
"You're cute." I said dryly and chewed.
"Yea." I stared down his body. Even with his clothes on I could tell he was beautiful without them. I bet he's used to getting what he wants. "But I don't think so." I stated and looked back in his eyes.
"Why's that?"
"You seem like an asshole for one." I snickered.

I don't give my time to anyone who isn't paying me to do it. If he decides to cough up five grand and wear a leash...then maybe we can sit down and talk.

He was staring at my chest.
"Thought so." I turned back around to eat more of the fruit.

"Come on, I'm only kidding. I'm a great guy." His hands held my waist and his head peaked next to mine at the fruit on the cutting board.
"That's what bad guys say." I argued. "Let go of me."
"How long are you going to be here?" He ignored my former statement but placed both of his hands onto the counter.
"I don't know yet." I answered.
"Hm. I find you...very...interesting." he said seductively.
"Is that right?" I ate a strawberry.

He let go of the counter and walked back out of the kitchen.
I wondered what that meant.

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