Chapter 21

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We sat at one of the many round tables with two of Anders' friends across from us.

"Can I get a drink for all of you? Would the table like to share a wine of choice or would you like separate drinks from the bar?" asked the waitress we were given.

"What do you want, angel?" Anders asked me as he looked at the drink menu.
"Do you have a Cabernet Sa-..."
"Cabernet Sauvignon? Yes ma'am."

I don't take kindly to being interrupted.

I felt a hand on my thigh and looked down. It was Anders's. Like he noticed my aggravation. Maybe I've recently shown him too often how low my tolerance is. He catches on fast.

"That." I responded and ignored her rudeness.
"One glass or the bottle?" she asked the table.
"Bottle is fine. I think I'd like some as well." said one of Anders' friends.
"Bottle." Anders agreed.
"Bottle it is. I'll be back shortly."

She walked off.

"So then..." one began. "How did the two of you meet?"
"Mutual friend." We answered simultaneously.
"Well then."

"How's your father, Brandon?" Anders asked. I assumed it was to change the focus.
"A prick like usual, how's yours?"
Brandon chuckled.
"How's your husband, Philip?" Anders wondered.
"He's at a press conference in Washington right now, but he's fine."
"Send him my regards."
"Of course."

The waitress came back with a pail of ice and the bottle of wine.

"Here you are." She popped the cork off after setting the pail down onto the table. "Aged about 11 years, it's a great choice." She began pouring it into each glass then set the bottle into the pail. "The food should be served shortly." she smiled and nodded.
"Thank you." Anders replied.
"Not a problem."
She walked off.

So he can be respectful.

"Are you two...together, or just each other's company?" Brandon asked.
"What does it matter, Brandon?" Anders questioned.
"Just getting clarification."
"We're not together." we answered at the same time.
"Wonderful." Brandon smiled and looked at me.
"But you'll keep your hands to yourself." Anders stated and sipped his wine.
"Why's that if you're not together?"
I felt Anders look at me. But I didn't look back. I hoped he remained mature and kept our business quiet.

"You know what? You can try." he permitted and looked back at Brandon.
Brandon smiled.
"So long as you're okay that she lives in my house. She swims in my pool. She sleeps next to me. In my bed. And she will get my dick stuffed inside of her, contrary to whatever you plan on doing with her."
Of course he couldn't be mature. Why would I think he could? Silly me.
Brandon's smile faded as he looked at Anders. "Must you?"
"I must." Anders grinned and winked at him.

Every now and then he chooses to remind me that he's an asshole.

Brandon looked at me.

"I can't guarantee that him fucking me will be a common thing but the rest is correct." I answered truthfully.
"Has he before?" Brandon asked.
"I don't see how that's any of your business." I replied.
Anders chuckled as he sipped his wine.

"Anders." I called and sipped my wine as well.
"Yes, angel." he replied.
"Come here." I demanded and he did.

His hand rested on my revealed thigh as he leaned in.

"Stop discussing our relationship with randoms. You'll get in the way of my job." I whispered into his ear.
He faced me. "But I love to brag." he smiled.
I felt him squeeze my thigh.
"I'm serious. You do not pay me."
"No, but I pay for your expenses which is damn close. If anything, you work with me now."
I looked in his eyes.

"God, you could cut the tension with a knife. Would you two like for me to tell them to keep your plates warm while you go fuck in a broom closet?" Philip asked then sipped his wine.
I looked back at Anders who was already looking at my lips and smiling.
"Yea, baby. Do you miss me already?" he said quietly.

I took his hand off of my thigh and held it before pulling him a little closer with the help of it.
My other hand held the side of his face as I looked him in his eyes.

"Do business." I stated.
"You keep looking at me like that and they're gonna know on their own."
"This is how I always look at you."
"With lust and craving?"
"With annoyance and discontentment."
"That's cute."
"Yea, I'm adorable." I pushed him away from me.

Philip looked at Brandon and Brandon looked back at him.

"What?" Brandon wondered.
"And you had the nerve to ask if they've fucked." Philip scoffed then sipped his wine.

I didn't think it was that obvious.

"Good evening. For your appetizers we have bruschetta, a grilled bread with tomatoes, basil, garlic, and olive oil. And for your entree we have a beef tenderloin topped with asparagus and squash gnocchi." said the waiter.

He set the bruschetta down in the center and each dinner plate in front of us.

"Dessert will be served in the next fifteen minutes. A slice of banana's foster cheesecake." he pushed his cart away and left our table.

"Colin outdid himself for this one." Anders pointed out as we unwrapped our forks and knives.
"I think it's because he had zero help from his father when he built this hotel so he's a bit cocky about it." Philip answered.
"About time he did something without the help of his old man. He's 30 and was still looking to his father to help him in business transactions." Brandon responded.
"Well, we can't all be Anders or William."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Anders asked before taking a bite.
"That you moved without assistance immediately after leaving the house. Granted your dad was already rich but you started something and included him later on. Your money is yours. Some of the people here are almost 40 and still ask mommy and daddy for help or else they wouldn't be here. You and William Devereaux (deh-ver-row) are leading the pack."
"I hate that prick." Anders cursed and ate a bite of asparagus.
"Probably because he's your only competition." Brandon responded and ate a piece of bruschetta.
"I don't compete with him, he competes with me." Anders combatted.
"Where is he anyway? Was he not invited?" Philip asked.
"He was but he gets back from London this evening so he couldn't make it."
"Good." Anders replied.

I was beginning to wonder who this 'William' was.

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