Chapter 41

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I got out of my taxi and stood there.

In front of my two story childhood home.

Cars were in the driveway, showing me that I wasn't the only one here.
I took a deep breath before rolling my luggage to the front door.

I could hear the voices inside.
I tried opening it and it was unlocked.

I walked inside and it fell silent as people looked to see who was walking in.

I stood there waiting to be recognized.

"Oh! Hi, sweetheart!" My grandma on my mother's side called as she came to me.
I stopped my luggage and met her halfway and into a hug.
"How are you holding up?" she asked me.
"I'm okay." I grinned to sell that lie. I'd cried five times today.
"You arrived here quickly. The girls told me they gave you the news only earlier this morning."
"Yea, I had a free schedule and the funeral is in two days, so I booked the earliest flight after I decided I should arrive sooner than later."
"Well, I'm glad you're here." she smiled and rubbed my arm.

My uncle came over with his arms out.

"How are you, sweetheart?" he asked as we hugged.
"I'll get better. How are you?" I asked in return.
We let each other go. "Had to happen at some time, right?"
I nodded but I knew we both hated it.

"I'll take your luggage and put it upstairs." he offered.
"Oh, thank you."
"Not a problem." He grabbed it all and walked off.

My grandmother put a hand on my back.
"Your nephews and sisters are here too." she stated. "Just in the kitchen. I think the boys are playing in the backyard though."
I nodded.

I walked off into the kitchen and saw them both leaning against opposite counters.

Casey with her arms crossed and Cameron with her hands on the granite.

"You got here fast." Cameron stated.
"Do not speak to me after what you did." I replied.
"And what did I do?"

I didn't respond and just walked back out of the kitchen.

"Where the hell are you going?! Answer me!" I heard from behind me and turned around.

She and Casey had walked out. Cameron stood in front of me and Casey leaned against the wall.

"You knew my father was sick and didn't tell me anything about it until he died." I said quietly.
"He told me not to tell you."
"Did you tell Casey?" I asked.
She just stared at me.
"Casey, did you know?!" I looked at Casey against the wall.
"She told me last month." Casey replied.
I looked back at Cameron in utter disbelief.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked.
"He didn't tell me to hide it from her."
"Bullshit! Whether he did or fucking didn't you still would have told her and left me in the dark!"
She just stared at me.
"God, I fucking hate you." I stated. "You make my blood boil. If I had the opportunity to get you two to change places? He'd be walking around this room mourning you."
"I almost didn't tell you he died at all. Just because having to sleep under the same roof as you would have pissed me off," she claimed.
"I'll never understand why he chose you of the three of us to help him get through his pain. Why would he punish himself like that?" I wondered.
"You think he should've told you?"
"Anything's better than the evil bitch he decided on." I cursed.
"You're just upset because you thought you were his favorite and yet he left you in the dark."
"No, bitch, I'm upset that he had to struggle during his last days here. I'm sure you had him wanting to leave sooner."
"You're talking a lot of shit for someone who didn't check in on him enough to find out on their own. You called for the first time in what? Six months?" she asked.
"I called him once a week at LEAST. You didn't exist in his contact book. Don't stand in my face and act like you were this prime example of a daughter. That man saw his grandkids only on Christmas or when you dropped them off at his doorstep. He wasn't even completely sure of what phone number was yours." I insulted.
"People get busy. I have a job, marriage, and kids to raise. Not everyone can be a paid whore like you." she combatted.
"Your husband's cheated on you twice, one of your kids is failing middle school and another still can't spell his own name at the age of nine. Whatever overtime you're trying to fool me into thinking you're doing? Isn't working out in your favor because you're still the same bitter and exhausted bitch that's just mad I'm not struggling as hard as you are. We can't all be the disappointment, can we?"

I finished my statement and felt a harsh slap across my face.

I looked back at her and returned the favor.

"I'd suggest you back down now because at the level of pissed I am with you, it would take a SWAT team to stop me from killing you." I threatened.
"Yea, they always told me prostitutes were crazy and knew how to throw a punch."

I tackled her immediately and we fell to the floor, swinging.

"Hey!" I heard my uncle shout.

He came down and began pulling at my arm and my grandmother came out and grabbed onto Cameron.

"Let go, girls! Now!" she shouted.

I continued trying to get in every swing I could muster as our uncle pulled me off.

"Stay out of my face this weekend for your own good, because no one would care enough to throw a funeral." I threatened and stood up straight.
"I have a family. What do you have again? STDs?"
I tried lunging again but Casey caught me and pulled me off.

"I promise to slap you again before I leave!" I shouted at her.
"Do it, bitch! Let's fucking go!" she commented with my grandmother still holding onto her.

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