Chapter 5

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We arrived at a rather large but very cute restaurant. I looked at the menu and it was designed so fancily with fairly expensive brunch items.

I'd ordered a mimosa and Tony just wanted a black coffee as we waited for his son's presence.

"I know you're young but do you have any small children?" Tony asked as he looked at his menu.
"I'd rather burn off my feet." I answered.
He snickered.

The bell to the door rang and Tony picked his head up to look behind me.

"Ah, there he is." he stated and I knew it was Anders.
Tony stood up to greet his son.

"Sorry, I'm late..." that deep voice said. "There was traffic on my end. Some incident with a truck."
"That's quite alright."
The two shook hands before pulling the other into a hug with a pat on the back. I looked to the side to see him already looking at me with a smirk on his face.

He winked at me.

Most people say hello.

This beautiful jackass thought a wink was a formal greeting. You could smell the arrogance on him from miles away. And shouldn't he be more knowledgeable than me on how to greet others since he's supposedly a high class citizen along with his father?

Tony sat next to me and Anders took the seat across.

"The waitress should be back any moment now and I still haven't decided what I'd like to eat." Tony pointed out and looked back down at a menu.

My eyes were on his son who rested his arm over the back of his booth and looked at me.

The waitress came.

"Oh! Two became three. Wonderful." she looked at each of us. "Well aren't you lucky?" she told me.
"I'm sorry?"
"Brunch with two beautiful men, I'd say a lot of women would wish to be in your place right now." she smiled and handed me my mimosa and Tony his coffee.
"I'd say we're the lucky ones." Anders spoke up and looked at her then back at me.



I'm not sure what he is.

We gave the waitress our orders and she walked off.

"So..." Anders began and removed his toothpick. "How did you two meet?"
"Dinner party for a friend." Tony answered.
"Is that so? How long ago?"
"Have you always been inquisitive?" I spoke up.
"Very." he replied.
"A while ago." Tony responded to his son's question from earlier.
"How long is a while?"
"Long enough." his father replied sharply.
Anders just snickered.
"I'll be back shortly." Tony stated.

He got up and walked away. Anders watched.

"How much is he paying you?" he asked and leaned forward.
"Excuse me?"
"Don't play coy with me. You're what...21?"
"I'm 25."
"He's a little over twice your age, angel. Either he's paying you on purpose or on accident. But you're definitely doing this for the money."
"Okay. And I'll ask you, what does it matter?"
"In all honesty it doesn't matter much. Just clarifying so I don't feel bad for taking my old man's woman." he stated.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me just fine." he responded.
"That's cute, but if I'm not getting the money for my time then you won't have it."

He leaned back in his seat and put his toothpick back between his lips.

"We'll change that." he claimed.
"No, we will not." I argued.
"It's cute when you try to argue with me." he snickered. He didn't say it harshly. There was no tone of demand or threat in his voice. He sounded genuinely entertained. He really thought it was cute. Is he out of his mind?
"It's cute when you think you have a hand in what I do. I just met you yesterday. You have a lot of nerve."
"I'm just not patient." he stated.
"And that means?"
"Exactly how it sounds. You've piqued my interests."
"Oh, how lucky of me. A shame you'll have to admire what you want from afar like a child examining the store window of a candy shop." I looked through my menu.
"Are you...underestimating me?" he smiled smugly.
"Is that what you want to call it?"
"That's what it is." He put his arm over the back of the booth again as he manspread.

I sipped my drink as I looked at him.

"I'm realizing a pattern and I'm going to break that while we're here." I said and put my drink and menu to the side. "You're trying to be in control of this entire nonexistent situation. You're trying to wear the pants. Convince me you're an 'alpha male' that gets what he wants. Or trying to be the dominant little boy you think you are and I'll tell you right now it's not working. Your tough guy act might dampen the panties of the women you're used to, but I don't work that way. I'll never work that way. I have never worked that way. If we weren't in a restaurant, you'd be told to sit on your knees before speaking to me."
"Is that right?" he smiled.
I stared at him with an unamused expression.

He looked like he was thinking.

"Do you have something to add, angel?" I asked him.
"No. I am thoroughly entertained by this conversation. I so desperately want you to keep that mentality for however long you can."
"Oh, I promise you were gonna get that anyway." I smiled.
He chuckled. "Yea, you're adorable." He continued to stare at me.

Tony came back.

"Sorry, the line was surprisingly long." he stated.
"It's fine, sweetheart." I assured him.
"Yes, your date and I were just getting better acquainted. Interesting young woman you have here." Anders claimed.
"That she is." Tony replied and kissed my cheek after he sat.

The waitress returned with our meals and Anders's black coffee.

"Looks delicious." Tony stated and unraveled his fork and knife.
"Yes, it does." Anders said with eyes on me.

I ignored him like the pest he was.

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