Chapter 4

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It was later this evening and I sat on Tony's bed with him laying on my legs. My nails were gently scratching through his hair as I looked at my phone.
He hasn't asked for more than this. I get the feeling he's just lonely.

"Can I ask you a question?" he wondered.
"Would you let someone do what you do to men...on you?" he asked.
"Oh sweetheart, I'm not a sub." I scoffed.
"I never?"
"That's correct. I'd cut off my big toe before ever being submissive to a man."
"Have you been before?"

After we'd gotten home from dinner, we took a shower separately and he laid this way, speaking up every ten minutes. I was online shopping.

"Well, you've met my son." he stated.
"Mhm. What was his name again?"
"Anders. Anders Michael Claiborne."
"Lovely name."
"His mother chose it." he mentioned.
"And where is she?" I wondered.
"In hell if I'm lucky."

My eyes grew wide.

I quickly gained my composure as I asked my next question. "Poor marriage?"
"The woman was a nutcase. She was an alcoholic. She threw things at my boy and I. She cursed if she didn't get what she wanted. Had about three affairs. That's really just the ones I caught." he listed.
"Why did you stay for so long?" I questioned.
"My son left the house. It's a large home. I guess I preferred the shouting over the loneliness. But, one night it came to be too much. She went shopping with her girl friends the next morning, while she was gone I'd packed all her things and had a locksmith come and change the locks. Her suitcases were left on the driveway."

Honestly, good for him.

"She spent a few hours screaming in the front yard but eventually called for a ride. And after mailing the divorce papers to her mother's home, I haven't seen her since." he sighed.
"Well, good for you. I'll assume you and your son have a better relationship?"
"Well...I wasn't always that kind to the boy he got older I started noticing changes in him. He didn't speak to me or his mother unless we asked him a question. Stayed to himself but if he ever did go out, he was out all night. Kept getting in trouble with authority and the law. I tried to make our bond better since then. I don't know if he still resents me or not but I'm trying. We're both getting older. I want a proper bond before I go."
"How mature of you." I complimented.
"Do I have to ask every time I want to kiss you?" he wondered and turned to face me.
I took a deep breath as I thought about it.

"I'll allow you free range for your lips but you ask to put your hands anywhere that isn't my arm, leg, or my waist." I stated.
"So then...I can put my lips here?" He poked the inside of my thigh.
"Between my legs is off limits unless I say otherwise."
"Please?" His hand squeezed the outside of my thigh.
I just looked down at him, completely unmoved.
"Can I give you head? I really want to." he claimed.
His hands rubbed up and down my thighs. I already wasn't wearing pants. Didn't seem like a hassle.

"What's on the schedule for tomorrow?" I asked.
"I figured we'd get brunch and get to know each other son asked to join." he stated.
"Did he?"
"Yes, I hope that's alright with you."

"So can I...?" he asked again.
"Yea. Have your fun, baby."

He excitedly lifted up my leg before moving my panties to the side. But first he kissed over the inside of my thighs.
"You smell so good..." he stated.


"Good morning." Tony greeted me with a kiss to my cheek as we woke up.
"Good morning." I stretched.

We got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

We began brushing our teeth as I wondered what to wear for the day.

I spit into the sink then washed my face and would start my makeup routine.

"Do you really need that?" Tony asked as he spit and rinsed his mouth out.
"I do not 'need' any of it. I do it because I want to."
"Why do you want to?"
"Why do we want anything, Claiborne? Because it makes us feel better. I want it because I want it. I do it because I can. If you ever want to ask me why I want something, remember what I've told you this morning."
He blinked to himself as I applied my foundation.

"We'll leave in twenty, will you be ready by then?" he wondered.
"How long did it take your ex wife to get ready, Tony?" I asked as I dabbed in my concealer.
"Ten minutes probably, before we stepped out of the door."
"...I'll assume she preferred the natural no makeup look?"
"That was with makeup."
I looked at him through the mirror.
"What?" he asked.
"My god, the woman was a magician." I sighed to myself. "I'll be done soon." I promised.
He nodded and headed to his closet.


I wore a short and champagne dress with long sleeves. The white heels I had on worried me a bit but I hoped I wouldn't come across any puddles. I held my purse in one hand and my sunglasses in the other while I put them on and walked down the stairs.

"You look beautiful." Tony complimented and held the door open for me.
"As do you." I smiled at him and we left the house.

I was glad Tony was a good dresser. I've had some men bring me places with questionable attire on but today he wore a simple light blue dress shirt, black pants, and loafers.

"I believe Anders is on his way." Tony said.

He decided to drive today so I sat in the passenger seat.

"Why did he choose to come?" I wondered.
"He says we haven't been spending time together recently other than work. So I offered that he join us and he said it was a great idea." he explained.
"Tony, how great was you and your son's relationship before you changed paths?"
Tony took a deep breath. "I'd rather not talk about it right now."


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