Chapter 14

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It was late this evening, 11pm, and Anders still hadn't come to bed. I found that strange but I was too tired to ask what was keeping him. Also I didn't really care if he slept with me or not.

I went to the bathroom, did my skin routine, brushed my teeth, and went back to the bed to fall asleep.
His bed was so comfortable and soft that I was glad I had it all to myself.


When I woke up the bed was still empty.

Now it was weird.

I heard the door open and looked over to it.

Anders entered in a t-shirt and sweatpants. He had a small towel draped over his shoulder.

"Good morning." he greeted me with bass.
"Good morning." I replied.
"I can't recall ever seeing someone wake up in perfection. You're very beautiful." he complimented and leaned his shoulder against his wall with one leg crossed in front of the other. He pulled the towel off of his shoulder and held it in his hands.
"I could say the same for you." I responded and examined his body.

I could finally see his arms.
They just exuded strength and I wanted to run my hands up the marble statue of a man I was looking at.

"I've been up for a while now." he claimed.
"So you did sleep."
"I'll assume not that long since I didn't notice you."
"I went to bed at around one in the morning and woke up at seven to get a workout in."
"You slept for only six hours?" I asked. It was 8:30 now. Earlier than I usually wake up but whatever.
"Give or take."
"Are you a workaholic?" I wondered.
"I know when I need a break." he stated.
"I believe you."

I crawled out of the bed and made it up before walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

He came in behind me.

"I plan on taking a quick shower." he stated.
I didn't respond. I just looked at the sink while maneuvering my toothbrush.

I looked up at the mirror's reflection and saw Anders strip off his shirt.
He pulled it by the back of his collar over his head.

I watched the muscles in his back move around slightly before he walked over to the shower and turned it on.

I spit into the sink then rinsed my mouth out.

I needed to take care of my skin now and heard a door shut before I began.

I looked to the right and saw Anders in his shower, behind the glass door, running the water and his fingers through his hair. His back faced me and my eyes trailed down it all the way to his ass.
Not bad.

I looked back at the mirror to finish getting ready for the day.

Once I did, I walked through the bathroom and into his closet. It was where I'd put up a lot of my clothes when I first arrived.

I wondered what to wear.

I looked at the weather from my phone and saw it was hot out. That took out the idea of pants and long sleeves.

I chose a thin strap black top and knee length white pencil skirt. I'd wear pointed toe white stilettos as well.

I needed to go shopping for purses while I was here. I hardly brought any with me and it felt so strange to not have one in my hand that matched my outfit.

I heard the water stop and the shower door open.

"Anders!" I called and turned around.

I saw him and the towel he had wrapped around his waist. His wet hair was brushed back by his fingers.

The chest and abdomen on this man. I just wanted to feel him like he was art. I wanted my fingertips to graze every perfect atom. Just to see if he was real, because I hardly believed he was.

"Yes, angel." he answered and walked in to find clothes.
"I need to go to the store." I said as I kept my composure.
"For what?"
"I don't have a purse that matches what I'm wearing."
His head turned to look at me. "You want me to drive you to get an individual purse to match your current outfit?"
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to make me sound snobbish."
"Can I ask why?" he wondered.

"Because I'm a woman. I need a purse to carry all of my necessities because our pockets are only made to hold things the size of ketchup packets. If they aren't completely sewn shut. I have a purse but it does not match what I have on, and I refuse to walk out of your home resembling some fashion tragedy of a clown." I explained.

He nodded as he slid on underwear underneath his towel.

"Alright. Why can't you just change what you're wearing to match the purse you already have?" he asked.
"Is this a joke to you?" I questioned.
"Of course not." He stripped off the towel then began sliding on a pair of dress pants. He was facing his shirts and looking through to find one to wear.
"If you only had one pair of shoes, would you continue to only wear outfits that match those shoes or would you buy another pair of shoes so you could be more diverse in your attire?"
He sighed. "Okay, Layla. I'll buy you a purse."
"Thank you." I walked out of the closet.

I'd have to get used to answering to that name. I keep forgetting it's what I gave him.

"I'll be downstairs." I told him.

I left the room and headed where I said I would be.

I was followed not too long afterwards.

"You might want to get a dress while we're out." he stated.
"A dress? For what?" I asked.
"We have a party to attend."
"Is this you asking me to be your date?"
"No, this is me telling you that you're my date."
I snickered. "How fancy is it? On a scale of gala to yacht party?"
He thought about it. "Gala sounds about right but there will be food there."
"Have you eaten?" he asked.
I sighed because I knew where my answer would lead. "No, Anders."
"We'll get food and then take you to the store." he claimed.
"We will get food. And then take you to the store. You argue with me and you get nothing. Let's go." He opened the door.
I walked past him with an attitude.
"Fix your face." he instructed and closed the door behind himself.

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