Chapter 34

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I woke up in Anders' bed and still in the lingerie I wore earlier.

I got up and headed to the bathroom.

I ran the shower to clean and change. As I stood there bathing, I thought about earlier.
Was I comfortable with being submissive?
Maybe I am a switch.
Something I wouldn't tell him so early.
He'd enjoy that information too much.
Then again, maybe it was a fluke. It was only one time, I can't fall so soon. I'm stronger than that. Maybe I just really like pain and that's all. Maybe I was bottling up my arousal this entire time and when he touched me it broke free. It has nothing to do with me being submissive. I was just...horny...?
I'll go with that.

He won't know about this thought process.

In fact, I'll act like it never happened. I don't need him to be sweet and baby me. He thinks he can just call me 'angel' and I'll bend at the knee? Wrong. I'm not the kneeling type. I'm dominant.
I'm sure of it.

I got out of the shower and put on small satin shorts and a tank top that matched.

I went downstairs to find Anders.

Of course he was in the kitchen.

He was shirtless and in sweatpants and slippers. His glasses were on.

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his back as I watched what he was making.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.
"Mhm. What're you making?" I wondered as I gently dragged my nails up and down his back.
"Ratatouille, is that okay with you?"
"Sounds wonderful."

"What did you do while I was asleep?" I wondered and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Spoke to my father about the issue with Ellen."
"Oh...and what happened?"
"And we figured it out."

I realized I wouldn't get any more information than that.

"It's been a while and you reminded me, so I think I'll make a quick call to my father while you finish."
"Okay, angel." He kissed my head and went back to his food. I let him free and walked off while dialing.

I stood in the foyer, just looking around the large room as I held the phone to my ear and heard its ringing.

"Hello?" I said once I heard the phone pick up.
"Is that my babygirl?"
I snickered. "Yes, daddy, it's me."
"Heeeyy, sweetheart! How's it going?"
"It's going good, how are you?" I asked in return. I was smiling as I spoke to him, it had been a minute since I'd heard his voice.
"I'm doing pretty alright."
"Really? You sound tired. Did I wake you?"
I checked the time and it was 7 here which meant it was 6 over there. Maybe he'd taken a nap.
"No, no, just...busy day is all."
"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?" I asked.
"Of course, munchkin."
"How's your-..." he interrupted himself with a bad cough, "work travel been?"

My father still thinks I work for the CEO of that tech company, traveling and attending business luncheons. Imagine telling your father you're an escort. He wouldn't be angry but he would think it was unsafe and be worried about me 24/7.

My sisters know.
One didn't care and the other...I'll just say that conversation didn't go well.

"It's been good. I've found a lot of new places to eat and met new people." Which technically wasn't a lie.
"Well that's good. I'm happy to hear it."
"How have you been recently?"

"Dad, the nurse said you need to be resting." I heard.

"Is that...Cameron?" I asked.
"Uh...Yea, it is."

"Who are you talking to?" Cameron questioned.

"Daddy, what nurse? What happened?" I wondered.
"Nothing happened, munchkin. I'm still in the same state, everything's fine."
"Then what nu-..."
"I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? I promise. I have to go." he interrupted.
"I love you."
"...I love you too."
He hung up.

I stared at the phone.

What the hell was that?

"Everything okay?" I heard a deep voice resonate throughout the room.

Anders was standing in the kitchen entranceway and leaning against it.

"I don't know." I answered.
I walked over to him.
"Well what happened?" he asked.
"Something's wrong. I could hear my oldest sister on the other end and she hasn't visited my father in years. And...they were talking about a nurse. So something's wrong but he won't tell me." I was confused. My chest felt heavy.
"Do you think he's sick?"
"I'm not sure but...why wouldn't he tell me?" I looked up at Anders.
"I don't know, baby."
I looked back at my phone and contemplated calling back.
Anders pulled me into him and I laid against his chest as he held me.

Maybe Casey knows.


Anders and I finished eating and I went back up to his room to call my older sister.

I hadn't spoken to her in years, I doubt she'll even have my contact saved, but I called anyway because this was serious to me.

"Hello?" she answered.
"Have you spoken to Cameron or dad recently?"
"Uh...A while ago. Why?"
"Because I think something's wrong and he won't tell me. I thought you'd know."
"Is that why you're calling?" she asked.
"Is there supposed to be some other reason?" I wondered.
"I guess not."
"So do you know anything?" I asked.
"Not really. I know everything that you know. Take that up with Cameron."
"I thought you two speak."
"We do."
"But not about daddy?"
"I just know Cam's been staying with him for the time being."
"I just told you everything I know."
"Anything else?" she questioned. She was very monotone for this entire conversation.
I sighed. "How've you been?"
"Fine. Busy. You?"

I had nothing else to say. I never do when it comes to those two. If we speak for longer than thirty seconds, it's likely an argument will just break out and I wasn't currently in the mood.

So I just hung up.

My only other option was to call Cameron.

I'd rather cut off my big toe than ever speak to her one on one.
I've gotten into serious fist fights with my oldest sister. Talking to her was never an option.

Me and Casey weren't best friends but we weren't as bad as me and Cameron.

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