Chapter 39

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I woke up with Anders next to me again but this time I put his arm around me and turned with my back facing him. I backed into his chest before going back to sleep.


The second time I woke up, he was gone.

I got out of bed and did my usual morning routine before heading downstairs.

I got there and of course Anders was in the kitchen and cooking.
It smelled delicious and I walked over to him. But I didn't look at what he was fixing, I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head against his back comfortably with the wonderful aroma blessing my nose.

"You okay?" he asked as he kept maneuvering.
"I'm tired."
"You could've slept longer, angel. I didn't plan on waking you."
"No, it's okay." I replied. "What're you making?" I looked past him and at what he was doing.

He was icing the large freshly baked cinnamon rolls he'd created.

"Oh my god..." I said in awe. I wanted to bury my face into this pan.
"This okay?" he asked and scooped one out the pan.

He handed it to me on a plate.

"Yes, I'm in love with cinnamon rolls!" I took it.
It was beautiful.
I took a bite.

I...should give him head for this.

This cinnamon roll made me want to lay down on the floor and forget I exist. Just me and this roll is all that matters.

"Oh my god..." I took another bite.
"Yea?" he smiled.
"Yea..." and another.
"I'll assume you like it."
"I want to lick the icing off of your dick." I took another bite.
"I should've made these a long time ago." he mumbled but I still heard him.
"What's the plan for today?" I wondered.

He turned around and his arms wrapped around my waist as he thought and I ate my cinnamon roll.

"I hadn't really planned anything. Is there something you'd like to do?" he asked.
"Eat that entire pan." I replied and took the last bite.
He used his thumb to wipe a bit of icing off of the tip of my nose. Then he took my hand and sucked the cinnamon and icing off of my thumb and index finger that I'd eaten with. "I'm glad you liked it." he stated.
"Kiss me." I commanded.
He brought our lips together and kissed me soft and slowly.

"I want to go out." I stated.
"Out where?"
"I'm not sure yet."
"Go get dressed."

I took his instructions and walked out of the kitchen.

"Keep them out! I'll be back!" I instructed as I walked up the stairs.
I could hear him laughing.


"I think I still have a lot of the certificates in a drawer in my desk."
"I don't believe that at all." I stated.
"Really? You think that little of me?" he laughed.
"'re just...I don't know."
"I'm serious. I've been thanked by like twelve charities for my generosity."
"Wow. This is unbelievable." he scoffed.
I laughed. "Okay, I believe you."
"No you don't." he whined.
"I do! I promise. You're a very wholesome, generous, man. A saint."
"Thank you." he smiled. "But I know you're being sarcastic because you still think, deep inside, that I'm a dick. Which is fair."
I scoffed. "Maybe a bit."

We'd been walking throughout a shopping center for a few hours now. Except today, we were shopping for Anders. Not me.

Well that's a lie.

I'd gotten a few things too.

But it was mostly for him.

"We should try here." I stated.
"How many dress shirts do you need me to have?"
"Well...I'm not sure. Try them on and we'll see."
"Baby..." he sighed.
"Please? I just want to try one more place and then we can go." I begged.
"You said that for the last two stores."
"And I mean it this time."
"Yea, you said that about the last store."
"Okay, but I really mean it this time. Please? They also have shoes. You need more dress shoes."
He just chuckled and opened the door for me.

I don't just enjoy shopping for myself. I also enjoy shopping for other people. And I've also had the pleasure of sitting in fitting rooms with him where he has stripped off shirt after shirt to try a different one on. And that almost made me as happy as this morning's cinnamon rolls.

The cinnamon rolls were really fucking good.

I walked inside and as I did, my phone rang.

The contact made me put my phone back in my purse. I'd rather choke than even say hello to that woman.

"What's the matter?" Anders noticed.
"Nothing. Just a phone call." I replied.
"Are you not going to answer it?" he asked.
"No. It was my sister."
"I see."

My phone rang again.

"Second time in less than five minutes? I think you might want to answer it." he stated.
I sighed and took it back out.

This time it was Casey.

"I'll answer it. You should start looking for clothes. Can you try for a light blue? Or a dark red. I think you'd look good in it and you shockingly don't own one." I instructed.
"I'll see what they have." he promised and began to walk away.
"And don't get any more black shirts you have enough, you corporate emo."
"You're so bossy." he sighed and I snickered.

He walked off as I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I greeted.
"Hey. Did Cameron call you?" she asked.
"Mhm, that's what the notification says."
"So you know?"
"Know what?"
"What about him? Is he okay?" I worried.
"No. She didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what, Casey?!" I panicked.

"...He's gone."

"Casey, that isn't funny. What happened?" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm being serious. I think you need to come back home. The funeral's being held soon."

Everything paused.

What am I supposed to feel? Sad? Anguish? Anger?
I don't feel anything.
Not as if I don't care.
But the news was so shocking that everything stopped. I had no thoughts. I stared at nothing. I'm not even sure if my heart was beating.

I slowly zoned back in and her words finally registered, that's when it hit me.

I felt like my entire world shattered.

The entire store was completely silent. I couldn't breathe. My legs gave out and I'd fallen onto the floor. Employees came to me and I couldn't hear a word they were saying.
Anders noticed and hurried over.
He crouched down and was asking me something but I still couldn't hear.
I just felt my tears running.

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