Chapter 22

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We were preparing to leave and Anders was making his rounds for goodbyes.

"Great job here, Colin Alexander." Anders stated.
"Thank you, Anders Michael. I tried my best."
"Yea, if you need anything. You know who to call."
"Yea." Colin nodded.
"Anyone but me."
Colin laughed. "Get out of here, you bastard!"
Anders snickered. "Alright, we'll talk soon enough."
"Yea, you owe me lunch."

The two went their separate ways and I followed behind Anders.

"Who's William Devereaux?" I asked him.
"Don't worry about it."
"Intriguing." I smiled to myself.
"No, it isn't."
"I can promise you that it is." I snickered.
He turned and looked at me.
"I've struck a nerve, haven't I?" I smiled. "Is he a work rival? Did he steal your ex girlfriend? Take a promotion? Sue you? Stop your business? Put a pin in your plans?"
"Stop your intruding."

He opened my door to our ride and I looked at him as I got in.
He slammed the door shut then walked to the other side to get in as well.


We'd made it back to Anders' home and he let me get ready for bed first while he went into his office.

I showered, dressed in a tight shirt and panties, brushed my teeth, then did my skin routine and hair.

Once I finished, I felt ready to go to sleep, but I felt even more curious. Intrusive even.
I decided to do a bit of investigating before bed. Just out of boredom and wonder.

I traveled downstairs to find Anders and see what he was up to.

I found him with his suit jacket and tie off, his sleeves rolled up his forearms, and his glasses on. He had one hand writing on a sheet of paper and the other hand holding his chin with the elbow bent on the table.

I walked towards his desk and he looked up at me.
"Yes?" he greeted.
"What're you doing?" I asked softly.
"Work." he answered dryly.
"What do you mean why?"
I walked around his desk towards him just so I could examine his work. "Because it's midnight and time for bed but you're typing."

Truly, I didn't mind if he came upstairs for bed or not. I just used it as an excuse to see what he does. He could sleep at his desk for all I care.

I stared at the papers.
These looked like they were business concerns made by his employees or some that he found himself. Along with potential adjustments to his company.
He was signing some sheets of paper and looking through emails.

"Do you work in an office building ever?" I wondered.
"I do. I just don't go often because I don't need to."

I sat on his desk in front of him and he rested his arms on my thighs as he looked up at me.

"I want to see it." I stated.
"My office?"
"Yes." I answered.
"Why?" he asked.
"Just out of curiosity. We don't do anything here anyway. Why don't you take me out of the house?" I offered sweetly.
"I'll think about it." He rolled his chair back and stood up.

I looked up at him now.

He took his glasses off and placed them onto his desk. He leaned down and positioned his hands on either side of my legs on the desk.

"Are you coming to bed now?" I asked him.
I looked at his strong forearm and gently rubbed it up and down. This man gives me the urge to be picked up and carried around like I was too good to touch the floor.
"Is that what you want?" he returned.
I looked back up at him with my hand still on his arm.
"I'm not against it."
"Hm. You've got me thinking about it."

He lowered himself closer to me and our lips slipped between one another's for a soft kiss.
His hand found the small of my back and pushed me closer to him.
I held the side of his face in my hand.
He pulled away to speak.

"Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow or eat here?" he asked.
"You'd cook for me again?"
"I'd love to."
I smiled before going back to his lips. He tried for a kiss but instead I gently bit his bottom lip and tugged at it. "Make me something." I instructed and my thumb slid over that same lip.
"I'll make you a mother if you try that again."

I couldn't help but laugh fondly.

He grabbed onto my face and brought it back to him to kiss me like he wanted to.

"Here's the plan..." he began and kissed me one more time. "You'll go to the office with me, maybe I'll show you around, you can see my desk, perhaps get fucked on it if you look me in my eye for too long..."
I smiled at him.

I thought my constant arousal of him was entertaining and it just made me more eager to toy with him.

"Then we come back, I'll make you lunch, we can reside by the pool like I know you love to do, and in the evening..." he kissed me one more time. "You can watch me make you dinner."
"Sounds awfully sweet of you." I smiled.
"Only because you think I'm an asshole."
"I know you're an asshole."

I got down off of his desk and began walking back towards his bedroom.
I felt a smack on my ass as I did.

"Are you coming?" I asked and kept walking.
"Only if you beg me."
I turned around and looked at him. "I guess that means you're not coming."
I watched him look away from me as he chuckled to himself.
"I'll be there before you close your eyes." he promised.

I turned back around and continued up the stairs.

My fingers ran up the staircase railing and I could feel how expensive the wood was.

I made it back to his bedroom and considered if I wanted to put on pajama shorts.

I decided no.

He was far too much fun to tease.

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