Chapter 44

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The funeral ended and everyone was bawling.
I could hardly stand to go watch him be buried.
I cried again and could feel how tired my eyes were of doing it.
My throat was tight.
My legs were weak.
I could hardly breathe.
I couldn't believe this was happening. And so suddenly.
I just felt like my heart was shredded to bits.

My aunts helped me up to watch the burial.

We traveled outside and even the sky was gray.

I kept my sunglasses on nevertheless even though I knew everyone could tell I'd cried.
I hated to show that weak part of me but my heart was aching.

The pastor gave his words.

But I mostly heard sniffling and sobbing.

I saw my sisters leaning on their husbands for consolation.
My aunt and grandmother both rubbed my back and told me everything would be okay but the words were angering me more than they calmed me because everything didn't feel like it would be okay.
Not even a little.

They began lowering my father's casket into the grave. I sobbed some more as this proved he was really gone.

Cameron hugged her sons and her husband, and Casey did the same with hers.
I stood there wishing I had that relationship. But instead I stood alone. Crying to myself. Wiping my own tears.

Everyone was huddling around and consoling one another.
"The reception and reading of the will is going to be held at the same place. I sent the directions to everyone if we could head over," Cameron sniffed. She was still wiping her tears and trying to dry her eyes.

Fake bitch.

Everyone began migrating towards the parking lot.

I dabbed my eyes under my sunglasses and turned to walk away.

I stopped walking.
His door closed and he stood there.

I could hardly breathe as I walked to him.

"I'm sorry I'm late, beautiful." Anders stated.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and his went around my waist as I cried.
"I'm so sorry." I felt him kiss my cheek while I held him tightly and bawled my eyes out.
"I know..." he rubbed my back.
"Thank you..." I cried.
"Nothing to thank me for." He kissed my head as he held me and I tried to gather myself.

"Candace." my grandmother called and I let go of Anders with a sniff and dab of my tears.
"Who is this?" she wondered as she looked at the specimen in front of her.
"Anders Claiborne." he greeted and held out his hand.
"Oh, wow." She took it. "Expensive name," she complimented.
He chuckled. "Thank you."
"Does this mean you'll have a ride to the Will reading?" she turned to me and asked.
"I think so." I agreed.
"Okay, lovebug." She looked back at Anders. "My goodness..." then walked off.

"So...your name is Candace?" he asked.
I looked at him and he had a smile on his face.


We sat in Anders' car on the way to the reception after I put in the directions.

"How did you know where to find me?" I wondered.
"You told me all of it was written in a newspaper. I had David look the paper up on the Internet and he found it."
"And you came all the way here just to see me today?" I asked and looked at him.
"You said you wanted me to be here. I'll admit I thought about going with you in the first place because I knew it would be hard for you but I didn't want to overstep. I waited for you to decide."
I took his hand and held it in mine.


We arrived at the reception and got out.

A lot of people were looking at Anders and I wasn't sure if it was because of how attractive he is or because of how they never expected me to bring a man around, but he held my hand as we walked inside.

My sisters, their husbands, and I all had to sit together at a table and I was already worried about how that would go.

I didn't feel like eating and just grabbed a glass of water before I pulled Anders over to the table.

"You aren't hungry?" he asked me.
"Not really, no."
"Did you eat breakfast?"
"Yes." I lied.
"Are you lying?"
I took a deep breath.
"I won't make you eat here but we're getting you food once we leave." he stated.
I just nodded in agreement.

"Candace." Cameron called.

"Wow, I don't get tired of that." Anders snickered.
I slapped his knee for him to be quiet.

"Don't speak to me, Cameron." I instructed.

She and her husband took a seat as well.

"Who is this man you have sitting at our table?" she asked.
"How much do I need to pay you to mind your business? I know you're struggling and need as much help as you can get." I replied.
"I'd rather not take prostitute money."
"The only money you have is allowance from your husband, it would be smart to not be choose-y."

"Are you two together?" she asked Anders.
"Yes." he answered.
I suppressed a smile.

Casey and her husband came and sat.

"You do know what she does for a living, correct?" she asked.
I stared at the table.
"I know what she did for a living, yes."
"And you chose to be with a concubine it some kink thing or..."

I laughed to myself.

"Alright." I sipped my water. "This is how you want to spend the day mourning our father then fine, I'll entertain you." I began.

She looked at me.

"Number one, each one of your three sons has a different father and the partner next to you is neither of them so which one of us is really the sex worker?" I asked.

Casey choked on her water.

Cameron's mouth parted to speak and I held my finger up to show I wasn't done.

"Number two," I grinned, "you had those three kids under the pretense that those three men would stay with you because all you had to offer was a grotesque personality and the organ between your thighs, but yet, where are they? The man next to you cheats on you like he's an Olympic gold medalist at it and you only stay because he's the only one of four tries that actually makes a really good living and has something to show for himself but I can't be in a room alone with him without him trying to strip me naked, is that why you hate me?" I asked.

She looked at him.
As much as I hate her, my sister is beautiful. She could've done better all four times.

"You're the eldest sister and somehow the most disappointing and worst off. You went to college but spent most of it getting drunk, failing your classes, and flirting with the football team. No one would know you went to a top university unless they asked. That being said, Casey's a doctor in both senses of the word with a PhD in psychology and a medical license. She travels the world going to different hospitals and helping children with uncommon and rare diseases find treatment and get the help they need and deserve. I have a master's degree and just because you don't agree with my profession didn't stop me from being in more private jets than you'll ever be, traveling to 37 different countries, making six figures before the age of 23, and knowing about half of the richest men in this country. He's one of them." I gestured to Anders.
He waved at her with a smile.
"No matter how many times you try to tear me apart over my job, it will not make me hate it or be embarrassed by it. I'm living a life of luxury without a care in the world other than the stress you give me."

"I'd expect you to be tired of this by now. You're 33 and the only source of entertainment you can find is tearing down your baby sister at your father's funeral. You are a worthless, maniacal, bitch that knew what she was doing by withholding my father's illness from me and you will rot in hell for it. The next time you cry yourself to sleep at night wondering why you're on your fourth husband, remember the words I gave you this evening, okay?" I finished and smiled kindly.

My grandmother came over.
"If you girls are ready, you can follow me to the reading of the will. It's going to be in the back room while everyone eats." she stated.

I got up to follow behind her first.

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