Chapter 72

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I sat in Anders' lap in the warm sudsy water of the granite tub.
Our lips could never leave each other's for more than a second while he slowly thrusted in and out.

I was feeling too good and couldn't focus on the kiss so I rested my head on his shoulder.
His hands held my hips and he bounced me up and down quicker.
I listened to his heavy breathing in my ear and his occasional pant of the word "Fuck...".

"Look at me." he instructed and gently pulled me up.
I had tears in my eyes from being close to my third climax.
He smiled. "Hi, angel."
I sniffed and blinked my tears away as he kept thrusting.
He wiped under my eye with his thumb.

I bounced my self on top of him as I edged closer.
"Yea, make yourself cum. Fuck yourself." he commanded.
I bounced faster.
"Fuck yes..." he moaned. "Stuff it all the way in, baby."
I slid it in deeper and moaned louder.
"You're okay. Keep going." he encouraged.
I continued with shaky breathing, my hands on his abdomen, and eager hips.

I reached close and moaned louder while struggling to keep going.
"Don't stop. Who told you to stop?" He grabbed my waist and began bouncing me on top of him as if I was a weightless object. He simultaneously began thrusting upwards.
I felt like he was in my stomach.
"Oh, fuck..." he panted.
I finished first and he kept going. Resorting in me crying out to him and pressing my hand to his stomach as my back arched.
"Fuck...fuck!" he grunted and finally finished inside.
He stayed in as he panted.

"Holy shit..." he said through heavy breaths.
I pressed my hand over my stomach.
"You okay?" he asked me.
I nodded.
He pulled me closer and kissed my cheek.

We looked in each other's eyes.
"Are you..." his head tilted in confusion. "Are you wearing...what is that? Mascara?"
I looked away from him.
He brought my face back with a gentle hand to my cheek. His thumb ran under my eyes.
"It was dripping."
That's embarrassing.

"Do you wear that to sleep?" he asked.
I didn't answer.
"I just...I had to get ready for bed so Tony wouldn't suspect anything but I also wanted to be...pretty when I came to see you." I admitted.
He chuckled and I hit his shoulder. "That's not funny!"
"You're right. It's not." he agreed.
I rolled my eyes.
"But I don't know how many times I need to tell you that you're beautiful for you to believe me." he stated.
I laid my head onto his shoulder.

"I think you're pretty when you're dressed up and covered in makeup. I think you're pretty when you're dressed down and in very little makeup. I think you're pretty when you wake up and have on no makeup at all. I thought you were pretty when you were depressed, no makeup, with your hair everywhere, only walking around the house in whichever one of my t-shirts you could find, underwear, and a pair of slippers."

He lifted me out of his lap and sat me on the edge of the tub.
I looked at him.
"I just think you're beautiful. 24/7, without a doubt in my mind, no matter how you present yourself to me. I wouldn't change a single damn thing about you."
I sniffed and he kissed my cheek before standing and stepping out of the tub.

He took my hand and helped me out then turned me around to stand in front of him facing the mirror.

We wrapped ourselves in our towels before his arms wrapped around my waist and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

I could see some specks of mascara under my eye and a bit of smudge around my eyelash line.
It made me giggle because I felt like I looked ridiculous but he didn't say anything about it.

"Look at how pretty you are." he stated.
I looked at him.
He laughed. "Don't look at me, look at you!"
"It's hard not to. You're very beautiful." I admitted.
"You're not supposed to steal my speech."
I laughed at him.
He kissed my neck. "Alright," he looked back at our reflections. "I guess we'll just have to be beautiful together."
"I guess so."
"You're definitely winning though. Shit."
I snickered. "It's not a competition!"
"That's just your humility talking."
"'s just not a competition." I shrugged. "But if it WAS...I think you'd win."
"That's a fucking lie and you know it is!" he laughed and walked into the closet.
"No, it's not!" I replied and followed behind him.

I threw off my towel and put my nightgown back on.

He put on a pair of underwear.

"Look." I took his hand and pulled him to the closet's mirror. "Look at your cheekbones. Your jawline. Your facial structure is so perfectly crafted that it kind of pisses me off." I said as we stood next to each other. I looked at his reflection but he looked at mine. "Look at your lips. I never know if I want to put my top ones on them or my lower ones."
He laughed.
"AND YOUR TEETH? Did you used to have braces?" I asked and looked at him physically next to me.
He looked at me. "No."
"So you're just perfect? Great."
He snickered.

"Fine if you want to talk about me, let's analyze you, shall we?" He sat on the ottoman in the middle of the closet then pulled me to sit on his thigh.
"Do we have to?" I groaned.
"Yes. Shut up."
I snickered.

"Wow, I don't even know where to start." he began. "Look at your eyes. They're captivating. I get lost in them when you speak to me."
He rested his head on my shoulder.
"Your lips. They are so fucking full and beautiful that I absolutely have to make out with you anytime I see you. It's protocol. It's a law. I can't just not kiss them, I think I'd start a war on accident."
I laughed at him.
"Your cheekbones..."

He froze and sat up.

"What?" I wondered.
He looked at me on his lap and I looked at him.
"Why aren't you a model?" he asked.
"Oh my god." I laughed.
"I'm very serious. This isn't a laughing matter. Do I need to contact some people?"
"No, you do not." I snickered.
He rested his cheek on my shoulder.
"Oh my god your skin is so beautiful and smooth." He rubbed up and down my arms as he kissed my shoulder and I thought his quick distraction and change of subject was funny. "And you always smell so good. I'm in a trance."
"Thank you." I giggled.

"Have you seen your smile?" he asked.
We looked at each other through the mirror again.
"Are you aware it lights up a room?"
I didn't respond.
"That your smile has been the reason I've smiled about 90% of the time you've lived with me?"

I looked back at him physically next to me.

He looked at me too.

We looked in each other's eyes.

"The other 10% was just because I find you to be very entertaining or it's because of the way you unknowingly look at me cutely."
I snickered.
"Do you know I've had a dream...and you were in it...and I don't remember what happened...I just know you smiled at me. You giggled. I did something you found funny and you giggled at me like you do on occasion. Like I told you one of the usual corny jokes I do when you seem not in the mood or I just feel like gifting myself with the curl of your lips and that cute noise you do that follows. It's adorable and I'm addicted to it."

"Well really I'm addicted to most of you." he mentioned.

"I'm addicted to waking up next to you in the morning. I'm addicted to watching you walk down my stairs after your long but always worth it routine when you get ready. I'm addicted to making you breakfast, lunch, dinner, and watching your face light up when it's something you think is good. Luckily, for me I haven't failed at that, yet."
I snickered.
"That too." he stated.

"I'm addicted to the way you speak. So much class and sass and...a little bit of demand that makes you sexy. I'm addicted to feeling your arms wrap around me especially after you've told me you missed me. Because I always miss you more and get goosebumps up and down my skin when you touch me once we meet again." he added. "I'm addicted to your lips being on mine. Or mine being on your skin. Not in a sexual way, just because you're so soft and beautiful that I can't help but want to kiss every inch of you I can."

I noticed our gaze in each other's eyes had gone on longer than I anticipated.

"Did you know that I'm addicted to you?" he asked me. I replied, "I found out recently."
We both smiled and he snickered a bit.

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