Chapter 50

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Another week had gone by and I was trying my hardest to lose my attachment to Anders.

After breakfast I'd leave the house without him and try to find something to do. We'd barely speak other than during a meal or right before bed. I was doing a great job at avoiding him with all my might.
'Great' might be a stretch.
I'd see him walk out of the shower and want to pounce and get him filthy again.

It was a difficult task to avoid him in his own home but I tried anyway.
Except now I was getting back from the store. I hated when I would have to get back earlier than I planned. I liked arriving back right before dinner.
But unfortunately I had no where else to go.

The car parked out front and I just continued to tell myself to keep trying. I'd been doing well enough so far. Surely it couldn't be too hard to avoid him throughout the afternoon.
I'd be completely capable. And even if I did possibly bump into him, I'd treat it like it was nothing and carry on my way. No hug, it was too likely to make me not want to let him go, no kiss, I'd try to drown myself in it, obviously no sex for even more obvious reasons. If he could get me in his bed, he'd struggle to get me out. The man's a god. I'd challenge his dominance if the opportunity presents itself and if it doesn't, even better, because it means I can lay in quiet and not worry about trying to push down my want for him.

I got out of the car and looked around.
His cars were here which meant so was he.
I took out my bags and walked to the front entrance.
I couldn't see him through the window of his front door but I could see the stairs clearly. I hoped I could dart in and go upstairs without being detected because he was more than likely in his office getting work done.

I took a deep breath then opened the door.

I walked in and received nothing. The minute I shut it behind me, David appeared.

"Ah, Candace, was it? Anders gave me your new name. He's waiting for you in his office." he stated.
" he?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"I actually have to go put these bags away so..."
I attempted to walk off but he caught me and began taking the bags out of my hands.
He succeeded and began walking towards the bedroom.
"Thank you...!" Jackass.

I took a deep breath and started my walk towards Anders' office.

The door was closed.

I did a little knock in hopes David made a mistake and Anders wasn't even in there.

I waited a few seconds and received nothing. So I turned to walk away but of course right as I did, the door opened and I was yanked inside.
It shut behind me and I was pressed against it before a pair of lips quickly met mine.

He had one hand pressed against the top of the door as the other held the side of my face while our lips locked.
Our tongues met and I was annoyed by how much I was enjoying it.
"Fuck..." he moaned and continued. Both of his hands held my face now and the kiss deepened. We could both hardly breathe but I loved it. I hated to love it but I did. I didn't need air. I needed him to pull me closer.
He did.
His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled it closer to him.
The kiss began to slow down and became sweeter shorter kisses before his hands held my waist and our lips parted.

"Where've you been? I missed you." he said lowly with eyes on my lips.
I hated when he tells me that. I don't need him to patronize or try to trick me into falling for him. I was doing that to myself already and was trying to stop.

I looked at his eyes and his looked back at mine.
I snapped out of my daze. "Um...Shopping."
He chuckled. "That's not a surprise. What'd you get?"
"Just a few pairs of shoes and purses. I think they'd look good with the dresses I bought yesterday..."
"I'm sure it'll all look perfect." He pulled me in closer and pressed kisses into my cheek.

It felt nice but I pushed him away anyway.

"What's wrong?" he asked sweetly.
"Um...Don't do that..."
"Alright...are you okay?"
I looked at the floor.

My thoughts told me to try and outdo him for my sake. Maybe make it a fun competition in hopes I'd start thinking of it like it was a game again rather than being attracted to him.

I couldn't do it.

Because while I didn't want to be interested, I also didn't want to treat it like it was a joke.

I sighed realizing I was too far gone.
Maybe this was why I only had older clients. They were much harder to actually grow attracted to.
I didn't want this.
I wanted money.
Money can't break your heart. No one fears money.
Love hurts. Hundred dollar bills don't.

But while I was still getting the money, I was getting something else too.

Avoiding him helped only slightly.

While I didn't have his charm and charisma trying to seduce me or his hands all over my body, he still occupied my mind.
I bought those dresses and my immediate thought wasn't whether or not I had shoes to match. It was whether or not he'd like it. Him specifically. Not just any man. Not any potential client. I wanted him to like it.
And I bought it in hopes he would.
I've never done that before.

I turned around and opened the door to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asked and followed behind me.

I tried ignoring him and walking up the stairs but my hand was grabbed once I got to the second step.

I turned and looked at him.

He stood with one foot on the first step and the other on the floor.

"What happened, baby? Did I do something wrong? Come on, talk to me." he insisted.
I just looked at him.

He showed genuine concern on his face.
He wasn't upset that I walked away from his potential fun time without any warning like other men have been. He genuinely wanted to know what he did wrong and if I was okay.

I couldn't handle this.
Please, stop looking at me with those eyes.
And holding me with those hands.
Or kissing me with those lips.
I need you to let me be.
To let me get over it.
I just needed him to stop being good to me. So that it would be easier for me to give him up when our transaction is over.

"Talk to me, it's okay. I won't do it again, just let me know what happened so I can prevent it." he continued.

God, I felt like crying.
I was so close to shedding real tears.
What is wrong with this man?

I agreed because he seemed like he wouldn't get me to fall for him. I wouldn't fall for some manwhore who thinks women are just sex toys for him to play with when he gets bored. But that's not even him.
He fucking fooled me.
I thought it would be so easy to get him wrapped around my finger.
I thought I'd excel at having both men of the family ready to crawl on their knees for me but I failed.

For the first time, I failed.

I walked back down the stairs to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
His arms went around me too.

"I don't know what's going on inside your head..." he snickered to himself and placed a gentle kiss on my head.

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