Chapter 8

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I left Tony and his friend so that I could find the lady's room.

Before I entered, my wrist was grabbed and I was gently pulled into someone.

"Well, don't you look pretty." he complimented.
"Anders, you're starting to make my list, sweetheart." I stated.
"And what list is that?" he smiled.
"Men I fucking despise."
"Aww you hurt my feelings, angel."
"I'll hurt more than that if you don't let me go." I threatened.
"I want to talk to you." he argued.
"You can speak without a grip on my arm. Unhand me."
He let me go.
"Atta boy. What do you want?"
He chuckled. "I don't need to tell you that, do I? You already know what I want." His eyes examined my body.

"Aren't there other women here you can bother? I'm sure plenty of them are dying for you to stare at them like they were a T-bone steak on a platter."
"If I wanted them I'd be over there. I have my eye on something."
"Oh do you?" I mocked.
"That's right." He smirked.
"Well I have my eye on the lady's room, so if you'll excuse me-..." I turned around only for him to grab my hand again.
"Can I ask you a question first?"
I sighed and turned back to face him. "Be quick."
"Go on a date with me."
"I believe you said question not command."
"I did, didn't I? Go on a date with me."
"I do not want to." I stated.
He squinted at me, amused like he knew I was lying.  "Just this once. If it goes wrong then we can never speak again." he dealt.
I sighed and looked back at Tony. "If I say yes, you have to swear it also won't interfere with my work and you'll let me finally go to the restroom."
He snickered. "I swear."
I looked at him. "Fine." Then turned around to head back towards the restroom. This time uninterrupted.


I finished in the lady's room and walked back out to find Tony. I stood next to him as he spoke to yet another middle aged man that stared through my dress.

"Good evening. Claiborne, who is this?" the man asked as he closely examined me.

Just like them to ask the man on my arm who I am rather than me. I must be a stone statue up for sale in a museum.

"This is..."
I cut Tony off. "Sasha." I smiled.
"Beautiful name, Sasha. You're stunning, sweetheart." he stated.
"I know, he tells me every chance he can get." I smiled at Tony then kissed his cheek.

As I did, my eyes caught Anders. He was watching and sipping champagne.
I kissed Tony once again with my eyes still on his son.

Anders, instead of looking away, looked down my body in my dress. He made sure his intentions were obvious. His eyes looked back up at mine as his tongue licked the inside of his cheek.
He stood up straight and walked off.

"Lucky man you are, Claiborne."
"That is true, isn't it?" Tony agreed.
"I expect to see you tomorrow at the golf club."
"Yes, definitely. Excited to beat you yet again." Tony teased.
"Oh please, you always cheat, you bastard."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Tony chuckled.
His companion walked off.

"Golf club?" I asked and adjusted his tie.
"Yes, would you like to tag along?"
"Will there be mimosas?"
He snickered. "There can be anything you want."
"Hm. I suppose I could join you for a bit." I agreed.
"Thank you so much for your grace." I knew he said it sarcastically.
"I like helping those in need." I responded and he chuckled.

We walked off further.


I grew tired of the same middle aged grouch in a different font, ogling at me every time Tony stopped to have a conversation. Although it is my job, these men think that being very obvious about their intentions is what makes a woman's panties drenched. As if we too only think with the flesh between our legs.
My panties in fact shrivel up. If I don't leave, I just become hostile. That's an environment none of us want.

I began roaming around and exploring the place with my second glass of champagne in hand.

It was cute. Not the best place I've ever been in but certainly not the worst.

A hand slid down the middle to the small of my back.

I sighed as I turned to face him.

This wasn't the him that I thought it would be.

I expected Anders.
Second guess was Tony.
This was neither.

"Can I help you?" I asked rudely.
"Here alone, gorgeous?"
"Even if I was, please never think that you would even be considered an option worthy of my time. Did you just touch me and I don't know you?"
"Oh, she's snappy." he chuckled.
"Touch me again and I'll kick your ass then sue you for harassment." I threatened.
"You think you can sue me? I'm worth twenty million dollars."
I laughed.
He looked insulted.
I stood there surprised. "Is that all?" I asked.
"All of what?"
"All you're worth?..." I reiterated.

I have lines full of the richest men on the planet. CEO's. Entrepreneurs. Fashion designers. High shelf celebrities. Most of them begged me to even so much as give them a kiss. I may not be the richest woman on the planet but...I'm damn close to being the most powerful. Pretty privilege is real and I use it to my advantage. Sue me.

"I know you're trying to get under my skin. But I like a woman with some fire. Quit being a prude and let me see what you're hiding under that pretty dress, hm?" He pulled me to him. "Just look at you. You must've wanted someone to be curious. It's tighter than a squeeze. I wanna know what else on you is that tight." he smiled.
"Get the fuck OFF OF ME!" I shoved him away and now I was feeling violent.
"Lower your tone. We are in public." he said through gritted teeth.
"But you should've thought about that before you grabbed onto me, right?" I was beginning to pull out my earrings.

"Okay, let's break this up before you get too much of the wrong attention, yea?"
There's that voice.

I knew it was Anders that now wrapped his arm around my waist while I kept my eyes on the man in front of me.

"What's wrong, angel? Talk to me." He kissed my cheek then neck.

Usually, I'd shove him off too but I decided to play along in hopes it would get the creep to walk off.

"He keeps bothering me and groping my body." I pouted at Anders.
He looked at the man. "You touched my woman?"
"You're...Anders Claiborne...right?" he asked nervously.
"Yea, why? Does that turn you on?" Anders smirked.

Oh, so he's not just a slut to me? Okay. Lovely.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know she was your girlfriend. I wouldn't have done anything." the man panicked.
"So you admit that you did something?"
"W-Well, no-..."
Anders ignored him and looked back at me.

"You said he touched you, right?" he asked me. "That's what you told me?"
I nodded.
"So...he's trying to lie to me right now?" His eyes trailed from my eyes to my lips.
I nodded.
He sighed. "I don't like being lied to."
"I know."
He took a deep breath.

I could almost feel the gust of wind created when Anders's hand grabbed onto the man's face tightly.
He pulled him close.

"N-No! I'm sorry! I swear I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
"Shhhhh...shh shh shh shh's okay. I want us to take a walk." Anders let go of his face and pat his shoulder before pushing the man in front to walk them out. He turned to wink at me but I was mostly wondering what he was planning to do.

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