Chapter 26

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He thrusted in so deep that I felt it in my stomach. My eyelids were low and although I wanted to be laid down as I felt weak and hazy, he kept a firm grip on my face and kept me looking at him.

I'd gotten close twice and he refused to let me finish.

Revenge obsessed freak.

He picked me up and wrapped both of my legs around his waist. I laid over his shoulder while he pulled me down onto him repeatedly.
I jumped up and screamed lightly whenever he'd placed me under the freezing cold water.

"Wake up. You're not done yet." he stated.

He held me against the wall and was somehow able to thrust even deeper now.

I moaned loudly and just wanted to cum, but I wouldn't beg. I refused to.
I felt another easing up on me.
I whimpered frantically as my back arched and I looked to the ceiling.

He slowed down.
I was put back onto the floor and turned around to face the wall.
He slid back in with my ass pressed against him and I was on the verge of tears.

"I can't wait to see how pretty you look when you cry." His chin rested on my shoulder as he spoke into my ear.
His hands held my breasts and pinched my nipples while he thrusted hard.
The tears ran down my cheeks while my head fell back onto his shoulder.
"There it is. Is it too much? Is there too much bottling inside of you?" He kissed down my neck as his hands squeezed my chest and his thrusts slowed down.
"I wanna cu-..."
"No, that's not what you say." he interrupted me.
"Ask politely. Ask for permission and pray I grant it to you."
I sniffed as my breathing hitched and he sweetly kissed my cheek and jaw in contrast to his evil thrusts into my stomach. "Can I cum? Please...please..."
"No." he answered and kept going.
I cried out louder once he sped up.


We were outside of the shower and I was bent over his bathroom counter with one hand pressed against his mirror and his hand overlapping it while intertwining our fingers. His other hand held a grip on my hair, tugging me up and arching my back.
"You feel so fucking good, baby..." he said softly.
I stood on my toes just because I could barely handle it anymore and my legs felt weak. I would have slipped off of the counter had his thrusting hips not been the things that kept me up and in place.

He did two more hard thrusts before I came and he pulled out and did it as well.

I fell limply onto the counter.

"Look at that..." He smacked my ass roughly. Then again. And spread me apart so he could see what he caused. "She's so pretty even after I do what I want with her."
He slid two fingers over my clit then inside of me. I whined in overstimulation. He grabbed my face with the other hand to lift it to him.
He kissed me messily as my back arched with his fingers inside.

"I'll bring lunch upstairs to you. I want you to just rest and lay down, angel." He slipped his fingers out.
I nodded at him. I had no energy to argue.
"Good girl. I'll be back shortly."

He threw on underwear and sweatpants before cleaning me up then leaving the room.
I then crawled into the bed and collapsed.
I felt like taking a nap.

I laid there with my eyes closed as I waited.

I could hear his footsteps approaching the room.

He chuckled when he entered. "Would you like to nap first?"
I shook my head.
"Okay, if you say so."

He walked towards the bed and made me sit up.
He got in as well and sat behind me so I could be placed between his legs. I leaned back against his chest, head on his shoulder, with one leg on top of the other and both to the side.
He kissed my head and showed me what was on the lunch plate.
"I also brought you a glass of water. You need to hydrate." he stated.

I felt his hand rub my back as he grabbed a kabob and handed it to me.
"I'm sorry it took me a while. I had to reheat them. We were in the shower for a while." he explained.

I took a bite.
Even though they had to be reheated, this was still delicious. I didn't expect David to be that great of a chef. I mostly anticipated sandwiches.

I sat facing forward with my knees up and still leaned against him as I ate.
I'd continue eating like he wanted me to but still planned to take a nap afterwards.

Anders held the plate on his leg while his hands rubbed my stomach, waist, or thighs. He kissed over my upper body gently, whichever spot he could reach.

"Do you feel okay?" he asked me.
"Yea?" He took the plate and stick in my hand then placed it on his nightstand.

"Come on, lay down." he instructed.
I slid further down and laid my head on his chest. He flipped the blanket over me for warmth since I was very much still naked on top of him. I felt his hands gently caressing my back and his other took his phone to go through it. I closed my eyes as I comfortably laid there with the occasional kiss pressed onto my head.

He made me tired.
Then has the nerve to feed me? Even baby me afterwards? Like I'm some sub he needs to take care of and keep cozy. The audacity? The gumption? The unmitigated gall?

The roles should be reversed.
They should be.

I'm so comfortable.
I don't want to move.
I wanted to continue falling asleep here with his hand rubbing my back and the kisses on my forehead every few minutes.

I hate this man.
So much.

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